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Maakhiris To Withdraw Support from TFG ?

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Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte:


Originally posted by AYOUB:

Cadami (the current Somaliland Defence Minister) is from

Yes, but Mujaahid, Cadami is not from
the clan
you have in mind. Thankful is still correct by arguing that no one from the main Maakhir clan holds any "significant" position in Somaliland.
:DBeeldaje LST was that a harmless Faroolean Slip or a lame attempt at divide and rule? :D What clan did I have mind, more importantly what "not main" clan did YOU have in mind?


Thankful was suggesting no one from Sanaag is allowed to contest for the top jobs in SL and I was refuting that. If Cadami’s clan (which according to you) isn’t “the main” one in Eastern Sanaag, then Thankful’s weak argument becomes even more redundant. If the man from ( your words) “not the main” clan can why not the Ilkajiirs?

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Originally posted by Thankful:

Let’s get it straight the only two opposition parties were led by Silanyo and Faysal Ali Warabe who are both from the dominant group and come from the triangle, they ran in 2010 and they ran in the previous selection in 2005.

You're conveniently forgetting the President during both elections was from another "dominant clan" and another "triangle" of Somaliland. So is the current VP. Selective memory at its best.



Originally posted by Thankful:

people to cast (in a small area), but the leaders they get to choose from do not represent the whole state!

Small area? My favourite story about Somaliland’s impressive elections was this one. An anti-Somaliland website complaining about people defying Pirateland’s militias and politicians to cast their vote. There might not be someone from “their clan” contesting the elections, but; the citizens of Eastern Sanaag’s patriotism and historical duty made sure they never missed this opportunity.


As for you; I’ve taken Ngonge’s advice and already told you I’ve given up. Your chances of political enlightment lie with the Guru’s return from Makkah safely. Well let’s hope his prayers are answered, Ameen dheh! :D




Originally posted by NGONGE:

(I have just realised that my drive to seduce Nassir was all wrong. Kabeerahom Al Ladi Calamahom Al Sixir ileen waa Hunguri).

Ma haddaad ogaatay? Hungry has been batting for the right team all along. smile.gif

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Originally posted by AYOUB:

divide and rule?

lool@divide and rule. I believe good man Siilaanyo had nailed that practice already with the appointment of Cadami as Defense Minister. :D


Mujaahid, what I meant was to accentuate the concept of “umbrella clan” rather than a sub-clan. Had I employed the phrase "Iljojiir's sub-clan", my commentary may have came off as if Ilkojiir and Cadami are of the same ancestry but are of different sub-clans. Cadami and Iljojiir don’t share main clan lineage. Shacabku waa isku deegaan, balse qabaa’iladu way kala duwan yihiin.


NGONGE, clan is everything. :D:D

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Nassir, I am not in a position to contest the basis of your grievance, but if you will air it you should do so bringing forward the advocacy for your cause, as Hunguri has done honorably, rather than taking every opportunity to attack Farmaajo's background for his own independent judgment. It became redundantly petty after the first couple responses.

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Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf:

^^ they have the defence minister in somaliland,what do they have in the tfg nothing.

And currently they are at war with the piratenland. so thats not even an option.

Ayoub that is quite sad!!! I mean, I won't completely blame you because Xaaji started this "fib". But for you to go along with it knowing that Cadami was a dishonest example and you presented him differently. You know what I meant when I said "people of Sanaag (and you know who I am talking about." The community Ilka-Jiir belongs to, who have never been represented. Remember this whole article is about the so called Maakhir's.


Like anyone, I might make mistakes but I don't purposely use examples that are untrue.


Finally, I am happy you have given up.


I would like to say this in final. This all starts when JB or Xaaji refer to Puntland as a clan state. You see when you guys say pirateland or refer me as a pirate. I have never responded to it by insulting back. Because, I am not offended and I think it is quite childish. More importantly I truly believe (even if my fellow Puntlanders don’t), that Piracy was used as a political tool. Puntland has a big coastline and although attacks occurred all over, there was really one major base. I think this is because a very small portion of leaders allowed a base to set up in their communities when they could have done something about it. You enclave of NW Somalia - just like the Islamic Courts Union was able to do when they were in power – was not allow pirates to operate! So when you insult Puntland about it, fine I’ll give you that one!


The point I am getting at is this, when you or your fellow secessionist refer to Puntland as a clan enclave like I have seen on many threads, I must respond to that comment. Because, of the fact that you are probably even worse culprits of one clan domination. I provided evidence of this! You selections were clear examples of this!!! Sure Riyaale was the President, and before that he held the position of vice president against the dominant group until the then president passed away. However during Riyaale’s reign as president his vice president was from the dominant group and the only two opposition leaders he had to run against in both selections were also. Sure you let people vote in certain area’s but no one from Sool or Sanaag, (I don’t use tribes because of the rules) has ran during these so called elections!


Yet JB is saying that because people from Maakhir were not represented among the TFG ministers they should join NW Somalia!!! Where they have never even ran for the top job?? Come on!


So you can insult us on certain stuff, but not on things you are just as guilty of!!!

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^^^Typical power hungry Somali. How will having the "top job" benefit the Maakhiris as whole anyways?


Weren't you saying in another thread, the only reason why the Vice Preisident was selected was to tour in Awdal and that the President couldn't come there? You will be saying the same thing if next elections the people elect a leader from East Sanaag. Who are you trying to kid homie?



And by the way, SL had an election. The people came out to vote for their leader. Something your people do not know nothing about yet.


Your arguments are the most basic of them all..

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Originally posted by Gabbal:

Nassir, I am not in a position to contest the basis of your grievance, but if you will air it you should do so bringing forward the advocacy for your cause, as Hunguri has done honorably, rather than taking every opportunity to attack Farmaajo's background for his own independent judgment. It became redundantly petty after the first couple responses.

Gabbal, Farmajo has already demonstrated his incompetence to RECONCILE and BUILD this war-wearied nation and its interim government, respectively. He seems to have already capitalized on the fragility of the TFG by attempting to alienate or rather marginalize important stakeholders without whom the power of its legitimacy is at last drained.


PUNTLAND has already joined the chorus of the growing opposion base and with this fastely shrinking legitimacy, one wonders what progress can Farmaajo make within this short period left for his term. Remember, while finishing Sharmaake's term, his government is already on the brink of collapse, to the dismay of the International Community.

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When I lived in Mogadishu we were called “Jews” because of our hunger for education. Therefore we were the brains of the former Somali administration. President Siad Barre was not fond of Awdal’s either having referred to us as “Indians”.



Where are Reer Awdal on SOL? Aawey Xiddigo iyo Castro. We need ekisbalaneeshin.

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