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eNuri's Fifth Year Serving Nomads @ SOL!

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Today is the 21st of October 2006, a Milestone for eNuri and Company for serving Nomads for 5 years. I joined Somaliaonline October 21st 2001, as a voice from the wilderness, using Somalioanline as medium to reach Somali expatriates all over the world.


Therefore, I thank all of you for reading my posts and sharing your views on issues that interest you. So, for this occasion, I would like to share with you all some of the topics in my jotter that may die before seeing the light if I dont post them here today, let me know which titles would interest you to read:



1. Democracy and Islam, are they compatible?

2. Good Infidels, Bad Muslims, Why The West Has Not Won The War On Terror Yet!

3. Oil And Religion an explossive Mixture.

4. A Tipping Point For Islam, or A Taming Plan Of Satan?

5. Modern vs Old, Is Old only bad when Islam is involved?

6. The Convertible Hijaab, A sign Of Personality Disorder

7. Open Source Democracy, A Free Upgrade To Islam

8. Failed States Of The Mind

9. Intelligent Bombs, Dumb Politicians

10. Israel Can Win The Peace, A different Strategy Of Benevolence.

11. Hurricane Bush, Tracking The Disaster Course.

12. Anti Truth Deficiency Syndrome Spreading in the West!

13. Defeated Nations and Their Resistance

14. UIC and TFG National Plan Contest!

15. The Smart Donkey, We absorb Problems, we provide solutions

16. Halaal Foods, Halaal Drinks, Halaal Love, Now Welcome Halaal Government The UIC

17. Islam is Part of Our Life, We Are Part Of Our Government, there4 the Need For an Islamic Government.

18. Yes To Power Of Reason, No To Power Of Fear

19. Hell, 250 km Away.

20. From Conceptual Drawing To Finished Product, Our Journey To Paradise

21. Jihad, All You wanted to know but were afraid to ask .





The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts. Think only on those things that are in line with your principles and can bear the full light of day. The content of your character is your choice. Day by Day, what you choose, what you think, and what you do is who you become. Your integrity is your destiny......It is the LIGHT that guides your way!



Herclitus, Greek Philosopher

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October 21st is also famous day :D . Happy Aniversary, and maasha'Allah, What informative articles they all sound interesting. However, I would love to read these below articles. Agains jazakallah



1. Democracy and Islam, are they compatible?


6. The Convertible Hijaab, A sign Of Personality Disorder


19. Hell, 250 km Away.


20. From Conceptual Drawing To Finished Product, Our Journey To Paradise

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Happy anniversary bro.5 yrs is quite alot,jazakAllah.The following are the titles i would like to read.,


2. Good Infidels, Bad Muslims, Why The West Has Not Won The War On Terror Yet!


13. Defeated Nations and Their Resistance


21. Jihad, All You wanted to know but were afraid to ask .

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S/cal Nur, Eid mubarak all.I'd chose the posts number 1 and 17.



PS: are not anniversaries kuffar traditions that we are encouraged to challenge, especially when they are based on their own calendars?

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Djib- Somali bro.


Celebrating Anniversaries as an imitation of a non-Muslim culture is forbidden under auspices of the Sharia, The Book Iqtidaa ul Siraatul Mustaqeem, Mukhaalafatu Asxaabul Jaxiim, by Ibn Qayim Al Jawzia ( Raacidda Dariiqa Toosan, Waa in La khilaafo Kuwa Naarta Ehel U Noqday Camalkooda dartiisa) has provided detailed treatise on that issue, It should clarify for you the ambiguity.


On the other hand, the measurement of 12 months as a year ( Gregorian) in our case as a metric for a period and a milestone to remind me and my audience of the quantity of time devoted for the internet activism, does not constitute a frowned upon tradition in the Sharia




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Thank you for devoting your time to enlighten us.

I would like to read these two


6. The Convertible Hijaab, A sign Of Personality Disorder


19. Hell, 250 km Away

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Brother Nur, I would like to make a request.


'101 ways to have your duca accepted.' Now thats a topic I would like to read about not that I object to any of your topics. smile.gif

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I composed a piece in Af Somali Titled " Ducada Ha Ka Daalina" but I guess Nomads in the Diaspora would like it in English.



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