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Lies and Clannish PH.D Holders

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When Academics Queue To Propagate Falsehood & Hypocrisy



Friday June 3, 2005


Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) said in a well known Hadith ' those

who lie, gossip, cheat and polarise people are not part of my Ummah'. Nowadays, Somali men who introduce themselves as scholars and PH.D holders have taken the unusual road of siding with the most unreliable and questionable warlord while at the same time condemning ferociously other imagined or perceived bad warlords.


In the Somali world of clan worship and unwavering self-righteousness, so-called educated men commit murder and social dislocation with impunity by using their poisoned pens. These supposedly learned men employ methods riddled with deceit, double standards, hypocrisy and falsehood mongering in order to reinforce the political and social position of their chosen warlord.


Many unsuspecting ordinary Somalis may think that those Somali men who carry the titles of PH.D and who publicly publish their ideas on the world wide web know everything and are mature enough to advocate for what is socially right and refrain from indulging in and nourishing the doomed philosophy of clannish-ness, partisan politics and parading outright lies as the ultimate truths, but unfortunately, these supposedly learned men seem to be a practising real politicians who don't care about the well being of the majority of the Somali people but all they are interested in is to strengthen the political and social position of their chosen warlord or warlords. In other words, they fight for clan domination and supremacy.


Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) said in one of his important Hadiths ' treat people as you would like to be treated'. If you infringe on the rights of others and expect people to treat you nicely, you must be an ***** !


In the last 45 years, we all know what has happened in Somalia - the massive corruptions, maladministration, nepotism, national assets looting, mass murders, unashamed clan rule and so on. During the last 15 years of Somalia's history, major Somali clans employed all feasible machinations to destroy each other once and for all. In 1992-95, it was particular Somali clans who conspired with foreign states to deploy thousands of troops in southern Somalia with the aim of humiliating and wiping out certain Somali clans but God had other plans. Similarly, many Somalis believe that the current head of the legally questionable Transinational Federal Government of Somalia pursues the same objectives- that is to forcibly seize power with the military help of Ethiopia and other African states who have been bought.


Since the declaration of the foreign engineered Somali Transinational Government on October 10, 2004, it was crystal clear that the man selected for the top post is not interested in restoring Somalia's statehood, national reconciliation and implementing the national constitution but he has other plans which may or may not work. But one thing is certain that poor Somalia will go back to another cycle of civil war and destruction if Col. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed makes his seat or base in either Jowhar or Biadoa. Col. Abdullahi Yusuf's childish abuse of the Chairman of the Somali parliament, his mockery of the agreed charter, his fierce attacks against the majority of the Somali MPs who did not support him with his misguided policies, is an indication that he is not interested in peace making, nation building or Somalia's unity but he has other pre-determined plans which are undoubtedly against the interests of Somalia.


In sum, academics who defend and support a political position which is totally indefensible have brought bad image to knowledge and scholarly presentation. Let us all work for the betterment, fraternity, equality and social cohesion of Somalia without spreading corruption, clan sentiments and defending wrong policies which will serve no purpose except social dislocation and ever increasing clan rivalry and conflicts. If Col. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed and Ali Mohamed Ghedi, are interested in peace, national government and reconciliation, they must go to Mogadishu straight away without fear of foul play because I am sure the members of the Transinational Government and Mogadishu citizens will welcome them with open armies and wet flowers. They just must ignore the prophets of doom whether foreign or local and dare to fly in to Mogadishu !! After all, Gen. Mohamed Hersi Morgan is having a good time in Mogadishu !!



Hassan S. Shirwa

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Originally posted by OLOL:

Many unsuspecting ordinary Somalis may think that those Somali men who carry the titles of PH.D and who publicly publish their ideas on the world wide web know everything and are mature enough to advocate for what is socially right and refrain from indulging in and nourishing the doomed philosophy of clannish-ness, partisan politics and parading outright lies as the ultimate truths, but unfortunately, these supposedly learned men seem to be a practising real politicians who don't care about the well being of the majority of the Somali people but all they are interested in is to strengthen the political and social position of their chosen warlord or warlords.

A PhD degree is merely a degree in a specialized field. What good is it? It could help one find a job, if there's a job. If there's no job, it becomes insignificant. It could get you a high paying job depending on your origin, race, color, religion and etc. For instance, there are Asians with PhD degree employed in the West, who are paid significantly less than their local counterparts.


Degrees evolve. A prized degree can/could become insignificant over a number of years. That's why people adapt by earning a new degree that's employable.


PhD degrees used to be much hyped by some (especially in the Third World) in the past, but is no longer. A PhD holder isn't necessarily a higly intelligent individual. A PhD holder can only be good in his field of specialization, if the field is productive and can earn him/her good salary.


In short, a PhD degree is nothing to boast about; it should at best make its holder humble. Besides, for Muslims, a PhD degree that doesn't serve the interests of Islam and Muslims, is useless.

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Assalamu calaykum


PhD degrees used to be much hyped by some (especially in the Third World) in the past, but is no longer. A PhD holder isn't necessarily a higly intelligent individual. A PhD holder can only be good in his field of specialization, if the field is productive and can earn him/her good salary. [/QB]

Hadaad, afkaaga caano/wan lagu shub!


Unfortunately, so called somali intellectuals(some of them PHD holders and others with a graduate degree but who love the title of Dr) don't confine their reasoning to their fields of specialisations.


Simply put,bro, our PHD holders and their shadows (pseudointellectuals)use their academic background to create and promote a tribal discourse.


In sweden, I have yet to see a PHD-holder using the title Dr. I once wrote an E-mail to my supervisor who I adressed as Dr....... and in his reply he stated that he doesn't like to be flattered. In the same country, you would find somalis who might feel insulted if you don't adress them as Dr or Drs.

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