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Batles rage in SOOL. Somaliland Prisoners held in Las Ano

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It depends on your defenition of attacked.


If you mean that the Somaliland Forces launched an attacked on the local millitias then you are wrong.


Somaliland forces have been near Lascanood for a long time now,

They sometimes patrol upto 15KM or less from Lscanood proper to intice the Puntlanders to attack, to provoke them.


This is because in the open ground we rule,in Lascanood you have the advantage and any attack would be foolish and inhuman by any standards.


In either case it is the people of eastern Sool

who will suffer , not Toghdeerians or people of bari.


We need to wait for more informations but this

looks like a Puntland attack.

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it is really sad and pathetic that humans lives are being lost for boundaries set by colonial masters.


and about talking pics,and terrorising the prisons,Puntlanders should treat the POW according to islamic law or Geneva Convention.


listen to thE interview with one of the prisons. radiolascaanod

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Invading Somaliland forces sustain heavy casualties

- Friday, October 29, 2004 at 22:14


Garowe, 29.10.04 (AllPuntland) – Puntland’s Minister of Information, Abdirazaq Yasin Abdulle Geesood called today’s attack by militias loyal to the self-declared republic of Somaliland unfortunate and misguided.


Speaking of the deadly clashes that had erupted early on Friday morning, around 9:00am local time, near Adhicadeye, some 35 miles to the northwest of Lascanod, Mr Geesood described the nature of what he called unpredicted cowardly attack, initiated by Somaliland militia.


“We were attacked from three separate fronts. We increased our defence as we learnt about the attack, smashed the invading forces defence taking over their original posts, and pushed them by 7 miles deep toward Yagori towards Aynaba†noted the Minister.


“So far, we have lost 3 soldiers with one tank sustaining damage. We have taken 24 prisoners of war destroying a number of their technicals. The prisoners are now being held in Lascanod with one of them being treated at Lascanod general hospital†he added.


Mr Geesood reiterated that Puntland forces had been attacked while in their bases, and had to defend themselves.


Speaking of his government’s position on the conflict, Mr Geesood notes that neither Puntland’s troops nor its administration are in no shape or form interested in engaging in a meaningless war that could only jeopardise the peace in the region. It is however unfortunate that the Riyale administration in Hargeisa does not see it that way.

Our reporter in the Lascanod notes the situation to be highly tense and volatile as further clashes are said to be imminent. Ordinary civilians in Lascanod and other cities in Sool region are blaming the Hargeisa administration for the attack.


Reports reaching our news desk confirm that 24 prisoners whose identities, names and clans, had been confirmed are held in Lascanod with the injured being treated in Lascanod general hospital.


It was late in September that the two sides last clashed near Adhicadeye with each side blaming the other. Local people however are of the belief that it is Somaliland that has initiated both attacks.


The dispute is over the regions of Sool, Sanag and Ayn which both Puntland State and the self-declared republic of Somaliland claim.



AllPuntland News Desk

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Ciidamada maamulka Riyaale maxay kala kulmee Ciidanka Puntland ?


{LAASCAANOOD}Hadaba Saaka 8:00 subaxnimo ayey ahayd markii ay weerarka ay soo qaadeen Maleeshiyada Daahir Riyaale kaas oo socday ilaa iyo galabnimadii hadaba maxaa dhacay oo qasaare ah oo soo kala Gaadhay labada Ciidan ee iyagu dagaalku dhex maray deegaanka ADhi cadeeye


Kadib markii laysu adeegsaday qoryaha waaweyn ee ay ka mid yihiin Tiknikada Noocyadeeda kala duwan oo ay is dhaafsanayeen labada dhinac ayaa waxaa dhacday in markii danbe Ciidamada Puntland qaar ka mid ah oo uu wato Cornayl. Cawil Dhiig sokeeye uu ku guluf ku jiidhay Ciidamada ka amar qaata Somaliland halkaasna uu kaga soo qabtay ciidan maxaabiis oo dhan 24 nin oo midi Dhaawac yahay.


Isala markaana waxa ciidamadaa Riyaale la caydhsanayey ilaa iyo Magaalada Adhicadeeye kadib waxay Dhufays ka soo dhigteen ciidankii riyaale magaalada taas oo markaa u saamixi weyday ciidanka Puntland inay Duqeeyaan magaalada waxayna dib ugu soo laabteen goobohoodii hore .


Waxa kaloo saaka laga qabsaday taliskii ay la haayeen ciidamada Somaliland oo uu yaalay taarkii iyo raashinkii iyo agab kala duwan waxaa kaloo laga qabsaday qoryo nooca yaryar ee loo yaqaan AK ha kuwaas oo ay la kala yaacayeen rag farabadan oo iyagu dhinac socday ciidanka hase ahaatee aan markaa sidan qoryo


Dhinaca kalena waxaa dagaalkan saaka looga gubay ciidamada maamulka la baxay somaliland laba Baabuur oo noocoodu yahay Zug iyo gaadhi Shiilke ah hase ahaatee uma suurto gelin ciidamada puntland inay gacanta ku dhigaan sababtoo ah gurmad u yimi ciidanka riyaale ayaan u suurto gelin inay Qabsadaan labadaa baabuur ee laga gubay


Mar aan isku dayey inaan buur fuulo si aan sawiro uga qaado baabuurtaa la gubay waxaa ciidamada israsaaseynayey noo suurto gelin waayeen inaan sawiro ka qaado meesha labada baabuur taalay waxaana halkan aad ku arkaysaan xabadii madaafiicda ee agtayda ku dahacysay


Waxaan iyana aan arkayey Meyd kaas oo ahaa qaar ka tirsan ciidanka somaliland oo la laayay hase ahaatee iima suurtoobin inaan sawir ka qaado maadaaba oo aan Soomanaa oo aan is idhi ma banaana meyd in la sawiro hase ahaatee ilaa iyo todoba meyd ah ayaan arkay.


Waxaa iyana ay ii xaqiijiyeen dhinacooda Ciidamada Puntland inay marayso dhimashadu afar askari halka dhaawucuna uu yahay sadex iyo toban.Isla markaana waxaa isagu saaka jiida hore yimi taliyihii hore ee daraawiishta Carays oo ugu baaqay ciidamadii kala duwanaa ee joogay jiida inay ka hortagaan wax kasta oo wax u dhimaya Midnimada soomaaliya.


Si kastaba hanoqotee waxaa iyagu maanta ku guuldaraystay dagaalkii ay soo qaadeen ciidamada somaliland taas uu ku dhacay habqan iyo kala firxad waxaana iminka jirta inay isku urursanayaan adhicadeeye meel u dhow halka ciidamada puntland ay iyaguna isku urursanayaan goobahoodii hore iyadoo dhinaca kalena la sheegayo in ciidamo ka soo baxeen magaalooyinka Boosaaso Iyo Gaalkacayo


Maqribkii markii aan ka soo laabtay jiida oo aan ka soo raacay Carays iyo saraakiil kalena waxaan nimi Cusbitaalka oo ay yaalaan dhaawac isugu jira labada dhinac oo lagu daawaynayo halkaas oo uu taliyuhu waa Cadheyse uu ku boo qanayey dhaawac oo dhamaantoodu fudud yahay marka laga reeb nin ka mida dhaawac ciidamada somaliland oo la yidhaahdo Siciid Maxamed Maxamud oo Dhaqaatiirtu ay sheegeen in gacan uu ka dhaawac yahay ay tahay Goyn


Ugu danbayntii waxaan la ogayn hanka Hargeysa ee xadka iyo Midnimada Puntland ee Soomaaliya halkay ku danbayn hase ahaatee waxaa ay Shacabka deegaanadan SSC ay u diyaar garoobeen inuu qofwalbaaba halkiisa uu ugu diyaar garoobo difaaca ciidiisa oo uu ka hortago waxa ay ugu yeedheen indho la'aanta hargeysa.


Maxamed Gaaxnuug Jiida Adhi cadeeye Widhwidh online

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Smith according to the report puntland was the agressor so i don't think S'land has derailed the british support. in fact i think that P'land now lost a point in the eyes of the brits

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well smith if you know your history about the fall of the khilafah you would know that the brits don't really care about unity or the somalanders. The just want a division so that the country remains unstable. So ues they are supporting somaliland. I do agree with Somaliland for staying away as it is not in their benifit the same is the ****** for not seeking to join somalia especially after meles ammended the constitution allowing any state to leave the federation. The spotlight is on the Col. Totally, because if he can stablize italosomali and remain neutral to the neighbouring states, only when Somalia get a good economic status would the international community really accept it, and that goes into saying that i fair how these guys will sell of the resources to the quickest buyer.

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Yusuf, I thank you for your comment brother. Howeverlets clarify a few points. There is no such thing as Italian/British Somaliland that ended with the unification of the Somali republic.


Now this federal formula works for the interest ov everyone wether they are in Hargaysa or Hobyo.

Hargaysa control is waning, as for not taking part in the peace conference over 40 members of the parliment are from the North Weast i.e. areas west of SOOL, SANAG & CAYN.


Remember that the first President of Somaliland the late Abdirahman Tuur defected to Mogadishu when he thought things would change. What would happen when things do change? Forget SOOL, how long will Borama and Awdal stay quite?

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The rains now preventing these two sides from fighting is perhaps a signal to keep the peace during this holy month.

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