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Suldaan Saciid, Garaad Saleebaan and Coronel Canshuur of Puntland arrive in Erigavo

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Thankful, don't include us in your somaliweyn dreams, his the leader of bosaso and xamar, not hargeysa, he can't not step a foot in somaliland otherwise mandheera awaits him, while puntland takes orders from the sheikh dalxis, so you either be happy with daxlis being your official leader who dedicates if garoowe can sign oils deals and if they will give big shares to TFG in return iwm or either you grow a pair and declare yourself as a independent state from TFG or continue running after sheikh shariffs pockets.

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Originally posted by Thankful:

Sacad Ducaale, see Karzai in Afghanistan controls nothing and is dependent on on Nato Forces, however regardless of what you control, what makes a country is recognition.

What is that recognition worth when you don't even have GOVERNMENT, when the gov can not provide the most basic needs to its citizens? When the people don't even recognize the government, what recognition? lol. Somlia doesn't even exist.

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Thankful, i forgot to add atleast Karzai controls the capital and some other fewer towns, unlike sheikh dalxis which doesn't control mogadishu nor any other towns.

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What's going on here. Friends of the seperatist camp have now ganged up on one young, informative and articulate fellow. And he singlehandedly came up with unassailable claim and supporting evidence as to what framework the ownership and administration of Erigavo is based on. If the recent skirmish in the city is any guide to the outside world, no entity is either uniform in its capacity nor has it any monopoly on the day to day affairs of the city. The so called district governor is just a clan figurehead confined to his sub-clan's domain of influence and he has no power to the same effect of the former mayors who had commanded popular support from every clan while, in his official capacity, was able to oversee the deliberations of the Council and the civil service of the administrative beauracracy when Somalia had a functioning, central government. Unless we like to lull the uninformed Diaspora into a false sense of security abt a state that does not exist, this is the reality on the ground.

I would rather not enter in this redundant topic that always seems to delight and interest the secessionists time and again.


Btw, DamallaHagare and environs are very strategic since that is a traditional stronghold of one of the major sub-clans of Erigavo and it had been, on a number of ocassions, where the SNM miltia got humiliating defeats (prior to the ceasefire and subsequent agreements.) So the Sultans' visit of the town, in addition to his prestige and peace-making role, is very important but only the uninformed folks from Haud and environs know less of that. Let them wallow in their wild dreams.

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Nassir, no amount of damallxagarre talk will safe you we both know who is the king makers in the beautiful land of Erigavo.


Golaha Deegaanka Erigavo wa 21, 18 wa Ismail Haji Nuur's peeps and the other three is the minorities that says alot about who runs Erigavo and has it on lock.

Afarta Koonee ee magaalada Ceerigaabo, miyiga iyo tuulooyikaa iyo wadooyinkaa magaaladaa soo galaa waxa degaan daadka Muj. Haji Ismaiil Nuur. Doorashadii wakiilada Afar Xildhibaan baa magaalada iyo degaankaa ku xeeran lagaa soo doorto afartuubuu waxay ahayeen Muj Haji Ismail Nuur's peeps once again and the musharax of golaha deeganka Erigavo 2010 is also from Haji Ismail nuurs peeps, so expect this domination to continue for the next million years. ;)

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Sacad, if that claim gives you a much-needed ego-boosting confidence, so be it. When the SNM conquered the Awdal region, it was mainly reer Damallahagare that put them into an irreversible retreat. A resident from Erigavo is greatly familiar with this past history and wouldn't in fact utter such words on their face. Thanks to Somalia's fluid politics, clan is not a major factor at this time in Erigavo as those same sub-clan of Erigavo/Carmale maintain and run the city's post-anarchic administration.

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The SNM conquered the sanaag region more then they conquered awdal trust me, besides what is that picture you posted suppose to be proof i don't get your point, a picture of three man, 1 white, black, somali in parliament building in nairobi - kenya like those exiled garaads in garowe, and what anarchic adminstration are you talking about, Erigavo has a stable somaliland adminstration and it's happy that way.

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Nassir, Here is the difference between the SNM in Awdal & Sanaag, the SNM in awdal captured the capital of awdal borama and held it for 1 day and with negotations from the elders and some awdalian SNM members they withdrawed but they didn't leave seylac they kept controlling it, while the SNM took over the capital of sanaag completely- permanent, it's not my fault that the SNM were too good in the warfare.

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Xudeedi is doing a fine job, all by himslef here. No need to gang up on the poor secessionist who are claiming other peoples land.


A great topic and it's wonderful to see one of Somalia's greatest noble house in action.


Well done, Xudeedi keep ip the good job.

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Erigavo aint no Las Anod my friends.There is no dispute in this city it's 100% under the authority of Somaliland and the local pro Somaliland clans. End of discussion. Just because couple of old yahoos showed up in distant village, took pictures under some tree and claim to be Erigavo lol Everyone knows the landscape of Erigavo thus you cannot fool anyone but your desperate folk.

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General Duke, nobody is really ganging up on him do you remember the previous thread it was me against 5 tunas and i slapped them all with the reality on the ground that is when they got emotional and posting some pictures of some suldaan in the badiyo claiming to be in erigavo lol sad walle. :D

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Xudeedi is doing a fine job, all by himslef here. No need to gang up on the poor secessionist who are claiming other peoples land.


A great topic and it's wonderful to see one of Somalia's greatest noble house in action.


Well done, Xudeedi keep ip the good job.

defeated boy


dont worry about sanaag, we kinda getting bored of waiting when is pirateland gana do something about your las anod whipping you still getting prepared after all these years :D:D:D

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To Nassir and Duke: These secessionists are very simple. They are guided by emotions and inferior perspectives.


I'll keep hammering them with more facts and you can keep anticipating more outcry from poor secessionists.

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Originally posted by Xudeedi:

They are guided by emotions and inferior perspectives.


:D:D:D I know YOU haven't type that man. What? You?

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