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Suldaan Saciid, Garaad Saleebaan and Coronel Canshuur of Puntland arrive in Erigavo

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dont worry the reason he posted this nonsense, he still has nightmares about the lions of ceerigabo, raggii xiniinyo muujiyay, ragga sanaag ku dul kaaja.


nin baa yidhi...




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Qudhac, or maybe he had nightmares of the pictures i posted of the somaliland flags flying high and proud in erigavo capital of sanaag lol.

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

Someone thinks Damala-xagare is in Erigavo ,,,

Malaha tulaada Damala-Xagarre bu ku qaldamaya ini tahay magaalo madaxda gobolka sanaag ee somaliland.

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Damale Xagare is a town in Western Sanaag, respectively south west of Ceerigaabo. These pictures were taken during the departure of the Suldaan. This is to disprove your cheap “bariga Sanaag claim”. Unlike minority secessionist, Makhir country is over 400 Kilometers from Shimbiraale to Bosaaso, therefore because of this mass land, majority of Makhiri sub-clans have never even heard of your secessionist enclave.


Jacaylbaro, adeer it was the decision of the mighty for me to be laandheere (puntlander), and for you to be a small fish in a small pond. Your claim that Suldaan Saciid’s sub-clan is not running Ceerigaabo is ridiculous. Even members in your own administration in the city are Makhiri’s including General Muuse Jaamac Dalaf who personally owns over 15 technicals is your military chief. If your clan runs the city, then how come i own more technicals and hold more ranks than you in your own administration. Hargaisa understand that Ceerigaabo is War-san-gali country, thats why they never pour in any projects in the city. Have you ever heard of Riyaale visiting Ceerigaabo? Who runs the economic sector? who runs Golis? Telecom Puntland? Ilo Taango? Logistics from Bosaaso? I am your life supply line. I am the stakeholder in Bosaso. Who owns the only hospital in town (Shifo)? who runs Dayaxa? Iftin? the NGO's including Horn Relief, which is the largest local organization in Somalia.


Suldaan Saciid owns a palace in Ceerigaabo and rests there majority of the times. His father and grandfather both owned palaces in the city and have governed it for years. Coronel Canshuur’s cousin is the police chief of the city. Aside from politics, these are kinsmen who cooperate and never fire bullets at each other.

You minority secessionist are so desperate, you only elude and mislead each other. I don’t need photos to prove that the Suldaan of one of the most powerful Somali clans arriving in his hometown.

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Xudeedi, whatever rocks your boat but at the end of the day the capital of erigavo is fully under somaliland and it's uncontested, no amount of Tuna delusional talks will change the reality on the ground.

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Originally posted by Sacad *Ducaale:

Thankul, whatever the case puntland and somaliland are two places not 1 as you like to potray it.

It is one place, 'Somalia'. To be a country you must have recognition, there are drug cartels and fake nations all over the world that control territory and have a leadership in place. But all that means nothing with out being formally recongized by the international community! Something your enclave has been unable to get from even 1 single country in the world.


The world recognizes 1 Somalia! Look at the pics with Gordon Brown and Sharif, or Obama and Jangeli. Even before that Abdullahi Yusuf in

China and Germany etc etc....


You cannot be a nation without other countries recognizing you!

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Thankful, somalia doesn't exist in reality sxb maybe on the map but there is no real somalia government that controls the 4km of xamar let alone the country they might have recognition but they surely are not a real government who can govern it's country, if a government can't govern it's borders or country, nor have any proper army rather then some freelancer police who fight each other daily in xamar haada wa kuwii government isku sheega lool and they are powerless and not able to defend the land they claim to govern, so again we are not the same country, why would somebody be happy being lowered to a bar with a pirate state, sxb the difference between somaliland and puntland is , somaliland is confident in it's decision to break-away, while puntland are reduced to running after the pockets of sheikh shariff also known as sheikh dalxis.

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Dhuujiye, somaliland doesn't claim to be part of somalia that is why it's always mentioned as a break away state in many websites, so it's clear they don't consider themselfs as part of somalia, and they are confident in their decision to break away there is no going back.

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Sacad Ducaale, see Karzai in Afghanistan controls nothing and is dependent on on Nato Forces, however regardless of what you control, what makes a country is recognition. Because like I said criminal organizations can control a territory and take taxes, warlords do it all the time, they can even put uniforms on their guys, print their own currency. All that doesn't mean you are a country! Recognition and only recognition determines who are countries and who are fakes!


Sharif may have nothing but with recognition he is the offical leader of Mogadishu, Bosasso and Hargeysa!

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