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Ismael Umar Gulleh congradulates Somali President on NRC

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Garoowe: Madaxweynaha Jabuuti oo ugu hambalyeeyay Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya dadaalka uu ugu jiro dib u heshiisiinta dalka

29. July 2007


Garoowe(AllPuntland)- Madaxweynaha dowladda Federaalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya Md. Cabdullaahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa dhambaal hambalyo ah ka helay dhigiisa dalka Jabuuti Md. Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle.


Dhambaalkan oo ahaa mid taageero ah oo Madaxweynaha Jabuuti Md. Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle uu ugu hambaleyaynayey Madaxweyne Yuusuf dadaalka dib u heshiisiineed ee dowladda Federaalka ugu jirto sidii wada hadal wax walba loogu dhameyn lahaa.


“Anigo ku hadlaya magaca Jamhuuriyadda Jabbuuti iyo kan shacabka waxaan ugu hambalyeynayaa Madaxweynaha dowladda Federaalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya Md. Cabdullaahi Yuusuf Axmeddadaalka dib u heshiisiin ee dowladdiisu ay u gashay sidii beelaha Soomaaliyeed u gaari lahaayeen heshiis buuxa” ayaa lagu yiri dhambaalkaasi .


Dhambaalkan ayaa sidoo kale lagu magacaabay ergay cusub oo dowladda Jabuuti wakiil uga ah shirka dib u heshiisiinta kaasoo lagu magacaabo Yuusuf Cumar uuna wakiil buuxa ka yahay dowladda Jabuuti.


Dhambaalkan ayaa ku soo aaday xili dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya iyo Jamhuuriyada Jabuuti xiriirka ka dhaxeeya uusan aheyn mid wanaagsan, walow haatan ay soo ifbaxayaan xiriiro iyo isu soo dhowaansho labada dowladood.


Cali Muxiyaddiin Cali

AllPuntland, Muqdisho

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What ever Mr Gulleh is alleged to have done he is the President of Djibouti. An ally of the defeated groups led by A/Qasin. Thus the change of tone from this fellow towards Somalia is an important indicator of the sizable change that has taken place.

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What is a wonder is not the change in Somalia but your continuos change .


Duke :

Topic: Djibouti : Ismael Guelleh an alleged drug trafficker, arms dealer?

To you he was a drug dealer few weeks ago and now you are proud of his support.


And a wiseman in that same thread said to you :

Qudhac :

i hope you should have the foresight to realise there will always be tommorow so dont make enemy out of the whole world

He couldnt have been more right - considering the fact of your 'alalas' today.


Topic: Djibouti : Ismael Guelleh an alleged drug trafficker, arms dealer???????


So tell me sxb, what are the odds on you 'one' day prasing Hassan Dahir Aweys - I wanna place my wager now.

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What ever Mr Gulleh is alleged to have done he is the President of Djibouti. An ally of the defeated groups led by A/Qasin. Thus the change of tone from this fellow towards Somalia is an important indicator of the sizable change that has taken place.

What ever Ismael Umar Gulleh is, he has changed his tune from the days of out right hostility and when he harboured the clan courts and propped up A/Qasin.


08_clip_image003.jpgThose days :D:D

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We are talking about what you said two weeks ago, and not your obsession with A/qassim

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^^^Oh my, pardon but I am not the topic adeer.

The President of Djibouti with all the allegation against him and his recent past actions has come to his senses. Now thats a notable topic.


As for A/Qasin he is a light weight, who brought the house down on himself.

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Dowlada Djabuti oo aad moodo iney issagga hartey siyaasadeedii gacan bidixeynta




Madaxweynaha dowladda Federaalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya Md. Cabdullaahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa dhambaal hambalyo ah ka helay dhigiisa dalka Jabuuti Md. Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle.

Dhambaalkan oo ahaa mid taageero ah oo Madaxweynaha Jabuuti Md. Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle uu ugu hambaleyaynayey Madaxweyne Yuusuf dadaalka dib u heshiisiineed ee dowladda Federaalka ugu jirto sidii wada hadal wax walba loogu dhameyn lahaa.


“Anigo ku hadlaya magaca Jamhuuriyadda Jabbuuti iyo kan shacabka waxaan ugu hambalyeynayaa Madaxweynaha dowladda Federaalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya Md. Cabdullaahi Yuusuf Axmed dadaalka dib u heshiisiin ee dowladdiisu ay u gashay sidii beelaha Soomaaliyeed u gaari lahaayeen heshiis buuxa” ayaa lagu yiri dhambaalkaasi .


Dhambaalkan ayaa sidoo kale lagu magacaabay ergay cusub oo dowladda Jabuuti wakiil uga ah shirka dib u heshiisiinta kaasoo lagu magacaabo Yuusuf Cumar uuna wakiil buuxa ka yahay dowladda Jabuuti.


Dhambaalkan ayaa ku soo aaday xili dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya iyo Jamhuuriyada Jabuuti xiriirka ka dhaxeeya uusan aheyn mid wanaagsan, walow haatan ay soo ifbaxayaan xiriiro iyo isu soo dhowaansho labada dowladood.


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“Anigo ku hadlaya magaca Jamhuuriyadda Jabbuuti iyo kan shacabka waxaan ugu hambalyeynayaa Madaxweynaha dowladda Federaalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya Md. Cabdullaahi Yuusuf Axmed dadaalka dib u heshiisiin ee dowladdiisu ay u gashay sidii beelaha Soomaaliyeed u gaari lahaayeen heshiis buuxa”
ayaa lagu yiri dhambaalkaasi .

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Mida kowaad - adiga iyo Garowe online isku maskax ayaad tihiin, qalbigaa ka bugtaan.

The question here is you not Geele sxb. Less than two weeks ago you were claming that he is scandaleuos - now all of a sudden he is a great supporter who has seen the light. So tell me what has happened to the scandal case , is it out of the window or it does not matter ?

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Mida kowaad - adiga iyo Garowe online isku maskax ayaad tihiin, qalbigaa ka bugtaan.

First of all stop with the insults, its against the rules. Its against the rules of the site, so becareful ;)


Less than two weeks ago you were claming that he is scandaleuos - now all of a sudden he is a great supporter who has seen the light. So tell me what has happened to the scandal case , is it out of the window or it does not matter ?

Again, I never claimed anything, it was a French newspaper which was splashed all over the world media and translated into various languages from Somali to Afar.


If he is found guilty or not matters not the least to me. What I want is better relations between the two nations of Somalia and Djibouti and for Mr Gulleh not to give a safe haven to the defeated groups. Kapish ;)

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Qalbigaad ka buugtaan ma cayba? Go back and read the rules..

Mida kale sxb...the French papers did not print it on SOL and smirked..we all know who was back to my origial question ..what are the odds on you praising Hassan Dahir Aweys?

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^^Adeer stop with the insults adeer, its a second time dont complain later.


Also one needs to go back and read the dictionary with the aim of finding out the word praise, even irony gets you lost.


Anyhow another stone is taken off our shoes. Ismael Umar Gulleh has coem to his senses, thats great. Though we know who will think thats praise.. loool.

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