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Either EU or US will be evicted from horn - The Chinese have arrived

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First of all this is khat, coffee..etc gathering talk. Some real life Nomads in North East and Northwest (not in Sland) have seen enough Chinese now to talk about them.


My bet is EU will be kicked out very soon from this area. The british are sharing Kenya with US. Djibuti is now more US than France, Ethiopia is battle ground as ever and now between Chinese and US. Sudan is on the Chinese column.


Somalia Just started and is already heated up.

EU is with ICU (weither they like it or not, since US has now completely shifted to Baydhoa)China is with TFG.

US just jumped on board the TFG train and has not seated yet, hanging on the rails and surveying for the seat.


Who do the nomads here think will be evicted first? (not survivor game, but close).

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Your conspiracy theoricies are beyond disbelief.


You are fomenting a major proxy war in Somalia so the whole country could be damaged beyond repair. I don't know why EU would support the Islamic Courts. That idea is flawed simply it is like saying the EU will support the Insurgents in Iraq against U.S and British troops.

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Originally posted by Caamir:

Your conspiracy theoricies are beyond disbelief.


You are fomenting a major proxy war in Somalia so the whole country could be damaged beyond repair. I don't know why EU would support the Islamic Courts. That idea is flawed simply it is like saying the EU will support the Insurgents in Iraq against U.S and British troops.


Please accuse or blame me for anything else, but ill will should be out of the list. I don't have any bad wish to anyone.

What I posted is my read of the diplomatic scrummble I see happening. EU is trying to rescue something through Djibuti. You can see that from miles, because EU working through Kenya has hit a wall and has come to a dead end. EU is financing the upgrade to the railroad djibuti-ethiopia and after some long very long negotiations, suddenly it was signed yesterday and the EU representative was there talking as usual about EU wishes.


China is in. There is no doubt about it. From Khartoum to Bassaso it will be connected. The chinese are new, they have very different culture that suits the nomad (free minded) very well.Yemen will also prefer them to counter balance US.


US of course will not go away. If there is a federal government for all united somalia, the US might even move with its luggage to somalia. Somalia has everything all the powers need. Natural resources, ports (both east and also the suez channel), Its in a corner without other countries looking whats coming and going. US would love to go back to Somalia just like the few years of the Ziad Barre regime days.

N.B. In ethiopia the US became friend to current government only at the last moment. US always believed Addis Ababa is the only one that can govern ethiopia. It is doing the same in Somalia. US thought Mugadishu is the only one that can rule Somalia. Now US is in a mad dash to Baydhoa.


But Somalia is not enough to all three. One has to go. Nobody can stop the chinese from coming in, which means one of the old folks has to be evicted. I say EU should be evicted and EU is the weakest.

what do you say?

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