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PM Geedi to meet Secretery Rice??... The Senegal

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Ra’iisal Wasaare Geeddi oo ka qeybgalaya Shir ka dhacaya Caasimadda Dakar ee dalka Senegal


Nuuradin Macalin Mukhtaar (Dinow)

Xafiiska Midnimo ee Jowhar, Soomaaliya


Magaalada Dakar ee xarunta waddanka Senegal ayaa la sheegaya in madax fara badan ay ku sugan yihiin halkaas, si ay uga qayb galaan shir dhex maraya waddamada qaaradda Afrika qaarkood iyo Maraykanka shirweynahaas oo ku saabsan dhaqaalaha qaaradda Afrika.


Shirweynaha magaalada Dakar ayaa mas’uuliyiinta ka qayb geleysa waxaa ka mid ah xoghayaha arrimaha dibadda Maraykanka, Condoleezza Rice iyo ra’iisal wasaraha Soomaaliya, Cali Maxmed Geeddi iyo Wafdi ka kooban Labada Gole ee Soomaaliya.


Prof. Cali Maxamed Geeddi oo magaalada Dakar gaarey habeenimadii Salaasaddii ayaa ka mid ah madaxda marti qaadka ka heshay madaxweynaha dalka Senegal, Cabdalla Wade. ;)


Ms. Rice waxaa lagu wadaa ka hor intaanay u ambabixin magaalada Khartuum ee dalka Sudan inay ka qayb gasho shirka dhaqaalaha Africa.


Booqashada Rice ee Africa waxaa lagu tilmaamay kii ugu horeeyay ee ay Africa ku tagto tan iyo markii ay qabatay jagada xoghayenimada arrimaha dibadda ee dalka Marakanka.


Inta ay ku sugan tahay dalka Senegal waxa ay diirada saari doontaa dadaallada Maraykanka ee lagu hormarinayo xiriirada ganacsiga ee uu la wadaago wadamada soo koraya iyo sidii wadamadaasi loogu soo dabaali lahaa dimoqraadiyada.


Nuuradin Macalin Mukhtaar (Dinow)

Xafiiska Midnimo ee Jowhar, Soomaaliya

Midnimo Information Center

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I know it takes alot for you to comfront the truth, but I belive thats enough copy and paste to get the message across.. The PM of Somalia, flew from Jowhar to Tripoli Libya, to Dakar Senegal. Talk about shuttle diplomacy... :D

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Somalia is not one of the 37 eligible countries that are invited to the AGOA forum. Just-in news item: Secretary Rice's speech to the 2005 AGOA forum.


Somewhat related info: to see where Somalia is at in the economic activities that's taking place in the east Africa in relation to the import market, check this summary table out. Then contrast with the Ethiopians. These are pdf files just in case you don't have the acrobat reader.

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^^Now let me ask you this Pinocchio, cause I dont want you to be making excuses later on..just like the incident where the President landed in Jowhar...Oh no! he landed in Djibouti cause of light problems. I want you to be sure that you stick with your stories that you quote from 'your' reliable sources that Geedi actually went/is/going to Dakar, forget about meeting Rice, just that he is/was/will be present in Dakar. Just tell me are you sure..

I dare you Pinocchio

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^^^ Bashi thanks for the ifo brother..

Juma, my dear lad, who am I to predict what will happen tommorrow? As for today, Geedi is in Dakar as invited by the head of that nation.


The question is why does this, trip bother you so much? :D

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Thought it was a good thing that our prime minister is being invited by other heads of states and possibly meeting Secretary Rice. Do i sense your opposed to the this new goverment being recognised.

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Ghedi, The Somali Prime minister is rumored to have fallen in love with Condoleezza Rice, the American Secretary of State and the two were supposed to venture into a secret romantic escapade while in sojourn in Dakar, the Senegalese capital. The two officials, one from the poorest country and failed state of the horn of Africa, Somalia and the other from the only world super power and richest nation on earth, United States of America, met in an invitation to a house party at Dakar thrown by the president of Senegal, Mr. Abdulaye Wade.


This brief rendezvous provided a perfect opportunity to Ghedi and Condi in order to take a break from their respective exasperating schedule. The two were planning to break away from the chaos of politics and diplomacy for a relaxing and romantic evening. But the lovers' plans were foiled when their first cozy interlude of the weekend was disrupted by the appearance of a stunning Senegalese Model, courtesy of the Senegalese government. Ghedi was disappointed with the disruptive hospitality of his Senegalese hosts. Nevertheless, he abanodoned Dr. Rice and left with the Senegalese call-girl.


Ghedi, the new Somali PM, an African gigolo and womanizer, after ten months of grand adventures, touring around the globe in search of handouts, was successful to secure seven million American dollars from the eccentric leader of Libya, Colonel Qaddafi. The Somali PM is notorious to throw away the donated riches to the poor country of Somalia on sumptuous orgy parties. His recent Paris vacation has shown how openhanded and extravagant the playboy Prime Minister is.


With her reputation forever tarnished by this African indiscretion, Condoleezza Rice is now resigned to forget the whole incident and will embark on her planned visit to Sudan.But the tittle-tattle spinners are predicting that John Garang, the newly appointed Sudanese VP, a rebel who had known the pleasures of African American women while he was a student in Iowa, will try to seduce the US Secretary of State and will definitely make sure to rub out the Somali PM’s peeved affair from her mind.


Dr. Rice said that Ghedi, the Somali Prime minister seemed very sensitive and high-minded man. and she said that she didn’t expect him to run off with the Senegalese Model. Condi confessed that she finds herself falling head over heals in love with corrupt influential African men.

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