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Shariff Sakin getting it from all sides, larceny, warlordism and diminshing power

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Somalia:Shariff Sakiin accused of larceny national money and reviving of warlords


MOGADISHU 10 Setember 2009 Waagacusub Media.


The Minister for Finance in the Somali Federal Government Shariff Hassan Sheikh Adan (Shariff Sakiin) has been condemned of the misusing the Somali national funds, and as well condemned of revitalizing the former Somali warlords who have been creating instability in Somali since the collapse of the last effective central government in Somalia.


Officials from the Ministry of Finance, interior Affairs and the newly established Ministry of Money, have jointly told, that


Shariff Sakiin is committed on programs to oust the current president of Somalia Sheikh Shariff Sheikh Ahmed from power.


The officials have also added that Shariff Sakiin has given out huge amount of money to Mohammed Qanyare Afrah and Mohammed Omar Habbeb (Mohammed Dhere) well-known Somali warlords, who have been organizing autonomy state which know seems to become have aborted.


There is business which is booming between Mohammed Qanyare and, Shariff Hassan, the Shariff has come into the political platform after he was financially backed by the veteran warlord Mohammed Qanyare.


The Somali President Sheikh Shariff Sheikh Ahmed and his Prime Minister have bisected the Ministry of finance from another Ministry called the Ministry of pecuniary whose head Minister is Engineer Yarisow who is in the same tribal line with the President Sheikh Shariff.


Engineer Yarisow, has in a brilliant manner un-feathered the Ministry of Finance.


The Minister for finance used to be called Shariff (Sakiin) which means Blade while some people call him now Shariff Hassan.


BY:Dahir Abdulle Alasow m


Xildhibaanda Baarlamanka Soomaliya oo wasaaradda Maaliyadda ku eedeeyay lunsasho Mushaaraadkii ciidamada dowladda




Shir balaaran oo ay maanta ku yeesheen Magaalada Muqdisho qaar ka mid ah xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka soomaaliya ayay eedeyn balaran u jeediyeen wasaaradda Maaliyadda Dowladda KMG ah Soomaaliya.


Xildhibaanada ayaa wasaaradda Maaliyada ku eedeeyay inay lunsadeen Mushaaraadkii la siin lahaa Ciidamada Dowladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya, waxayna sheegeen in wasiirka Maaliyadda ay jeebkiisa ku jirto lacagihii Dowladda.


Mid ka mid ah xilidhibaanadii kulankaasi ka qaybgalay oo lagu magacaabo Xildhibaan Max’ed Caateeye Fariid ayaa saxaafadda u sheegay in wasiirka lacagta Mushaaraadka Ciidamada ee uu jeebka ku haysto ayaa keentay in ay maanta ciidamadaasi weeraraan xarunta madaxtooyada ee Villa Soomaaliya.


“Waa mid mudan in laga xumaado in Ciidamada Dowladda oo gadood ah ay rasaas ju furaan Guriga R/wasaaraha iyo Kan Madaxweynaha, iyadoo ciidamadasi ay tabanaayaan Mushaaraadkooda oo aan weli helin” ayuu yiri Xildhibaan Max’ed Caateeye Fariid oo sheegay in Dowladda looga baahan yahay inay arrintaasi wax ka qabato.


Dhanka kale Xildhibaanda Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa ku baaqay in la sameeyo ciidamadii Qaranka Soomaaliyeed, islamarkaana Ciidamada sida ugu dhaqsiyaha badan loo siiyaa xuquuqdooda ee ay lahaayeen.


Somaliweyn Media Center “SMC”

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