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Sanaag: New Police and Millatary Bases (Significant Policy Change in the New Admin)

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Sanaag:Tan iyo intii la Unkay Ciidamada Sanaag ayaa waxay ahaayeen kuwa iska Kala Yaacsan oo Habacsanaan ay ku Jirto, Hase Yeeshee dhawaan ayaa TAliyaha Booliska Gobolka Coll C/xakaiin MAxamed Liibaan Dabaq waxa uu qaaday Talaabooyin aan la Ilaawin Karin.


Taliyaha ayaa isaga oo warbaahinta Kaashanaya waxa uu Hawlgalo Balaadhan ku qaaday Buuraha Xeebta Kulaalaya ee Sanaag isaga oo Budhcada Hoygeedii Ugu galay


Taliye Dabaq ayaa Ilaa 12- Budhcad Badeed ah iyo qalabkoodii Gacanta ku soo dhigaya isaga oo Bosaaso u soo dhaadhiciyay,waxana uu sheegay isaga oo warbaahinta la hadlay in Gobolka uu ka Sifaynayo waxa Loo Yaqaan SHufta Badeeda.


Taliye Dabaq ayaa La sheegay inay Madaxwayne Faroole dhanka Telefoonka kuwada hadleen isaga oo Taliyahaasi lagu Amaanay Wax aadka u Fiican ee uu qabtay, Madaxwayne Faroole oo dhankiisa dagaal isna kula Jir Budhcada ayaa Sanaag Ciidamadeeda Amaaanay.


Waa Markii Ugu horaysay oo Ciidamo intaasi leg ay Sanaag ka Fuliyaan Hawlgal Budhcada Lagu Joojinayo, iyaga oo waliba Saldhigo, ka Furtay Ceelaayo, Dur Duri,Laasqoray, iyo dhamaan Meelaha ay ka duulaan Budhcadaasi.





Waxaan dhamaanteen Xasuusanaa in dhawaan 3-Markab Lagu soo Aduubay duleedka Laasqoray Halka Lagu Magcaabo Gacan 15-Km u Jirta Laasqorayda Taariikhiga ah, kuwaasi oo Khal Khal Galiyay Amaankii Gobolka.


Budhcadaasi ayaa xitaa Suura Galisay in Warashadii la xidho, Laasqoray ka dib Amaanka shaqaalaha Ajaanibka ah oo loo Baqay, sidoo kale sida aan xog ku helayno Dhismihii Dekeda Laasqoray ayaa isna Istaagay ka dib Saamaynta Budhcada deegaanka.... Hase Ahaatee Haatan Ayaa muudaa in Gobolka Loo Tafa Xaytay.


Dhahar Radio

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Puntlands new administration have allocated budgets for intitutional development. Over 5 millatary and police stations have been created through the efforts of the president and his interior minister (Ilka Jiir). A taxation system was created in major cities to ensure that police and civil servant salaries are paid. Makhiri intelectual in the diaspora have welcomed the policy change of the new administration and have showed up in numerous numbers in the Puntland Diaspora Conference in Minnesota. These action and the many more put in paper signal progress as Faroole's administration fulfill there promises.

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Ceerigaabo enjoys peace since the early 1990's peace accord. Because of historical dis-trust both Somaliland and Makhiri Puntlanders have millitary bases with-in 20 killometers. Ceerigaavo has never been occupied and remains a progressive city that has demonstrated clan and political tollerance. Both Makhiri Puntlanders and Somaliland Alligned Clans pray side by side during Ciid Prayer.



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mudug, sool, sanaag, and cayn are the regions that live in security volatile areas and to hear more security measures taken in those regions is a positive step and excellent to see faroole fullfilling his promises.

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