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What Happened in Awdal

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Ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah oo aad u hubeysan ayaa soo galay waqooyiga Soomaaliya G. Awdal


(Saylac) ilaa 750 askari oo katirsan ciidanka Itoobiya ayaa soo galey deegaanka Xariira ee Gobolka Awdal, ciidankaan ayaa la cadeeyey iney ku raad jiraan ciidankii la sheegey iney ONLF ka tirsanyihiin ee ka soo degey meel u dhaxeysa Saylac iyo Lughayo.


Dadka deegaanka degmada Xariira ayaa sheegey iney ka cabsi qabaan in dagaal culus meesha ku dhexmaro ciidamada Itoobiya iyo kuwa kasoo degey xeebaha waqooyiga Soomaaliya ee la sheegayo iney kayimaadeen Eritaria kana tirsan yihiin Jabhada ONLF.


Maamulak Soomaaliland ilaa hada wax hadala kama bixin ciidankaan Itoobiyaanka ah ee Soo galey Gobolka Awdal oo lasheegey iney u yimaadeen iney la dagaalamaan ciidanka lasheegey iney kasoo degaan deegaankaan.


Ciidamada kasoo degey deegaankaan ayaa la cadeeyey iney yihiin ugu yaraan labo boqol ilaa sadix boqol oo Soomaali ah, loona badinayo iney yihiin jabhada ONLF oo lagusoo tababarey wadanka Eritaria.

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Meel u dhaxeysa Lughaya iyo Saylac oo ciidan kasoo degey xeebta lagu arkey..faahfaahin


HargeysA( Sida ay cadeeyeen dad degan gobolka Awdal waxaa saaka lagu arkey meel u dhaxeysa Saylac iyo Lughayo ciidan kasoo dagey xeebta, Ciidankaan ayaa waxaa meesha ka qaadey baabuur, waxeyna goobtii uga tageen hub iyo waraaqo,Ciidankaan ayaa waxaa la sheegey in ay hada kusugan yihiin dhulka u dhexeeya Itoobiya iyo waqooyiga Soomaaliya ee gobolka awda. warar waxaa jira sheegaya in ay jiraan ciidan ka tirsan xukuumada Soomaaliland in ay hada ku baxeen goobaha lagu sheegey ciidankaan.


Cilmi Rooble Fure oo shir kaa jaraai´d ku qabtey hargeysa maanta ayaa yiri ” Doonidaan waxey sidey ciidan badan waxaana goobtii ka qaadey sadix baabuur,waxey meesha uga tageen oo aan u maleyneynaa iney qaadi waayeen hubkaan aad sawirka ku aragtaan iyo qaar kale, waxaan u badineynaa iney yihiin Jabhada ONL, waxaan heynaa laba nin oo ka tirsan ciidankaan”


Waxeyna ciidankaan lagu qiyaasayaa ilaa labo boqol oo askari. meel layiraahdo Cabdulqaadir ayey baabuurtii uga dageen kadibna hubkey qaadan kareen ayey qaateen waxeyna ulugeeyeen dhinaca Itoobiya.


Waxey goobtii ay baabuurta uga dageen uga tageen hub ay qaadi waayeen iyo waraaqo cadeynaya iney kayimaadeen Eretaria, waxaana ay nimankaan kasoo degeen xeebta habeynimadii jamcada lakiin ilaa xiligaas waxey si qarsoodi ah ugu dhuumanayeen meel xeebta u dhow oo aykusugayeen baabuurtii qaadi laheyd oo maanta u timid


Ilaa hada lama hayo cadeyn sheegeysa in ciidankaan ay ka tirsan yihiin ONL, warar kale oo waxaa jira sheegaya in ciidankaan ay kamid yihiin firxadkii ciidamadii galgala ku dagaalamayey. balse wax cadeynaya iyana majiraan ilaa hada.


Kala soco wixii kasoo kordha warkaan

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Anyhow adeer I think the Awdalites need to be given their rights.


Its abusrd to blame the ONLF for whats a local problem...



Ahahaha. Funny as hell.

I like how the Superpowers of the North east and west entertain the world.

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Originally posted by NASSIR:

quote:Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Anyhow adeer I think the Awdalites need to be given their rights.


Its abusrd to blame the ONLF for whats a local problem...



Ahahaha. Funny as hell.

I like how the Superpowers of the North east and west entertain the world.


You got there. Funny as hell indeed.

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Originally posted by Taleexi:

War ONLF baa xitaa San Diego ila joogta... by all accounts this has the imprints of local hands.

They are here as well, in far east. :D

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Actually this happened in the far north east of Ogadeeniya ,, it was just for dhoolo tus yar...


Now they are in Ayshaca. Reports from Djbouti tells us. :D

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Somaliland: Eritrean Trained ONLF Rebels Surrounded


HARGEISA (Somalilandpress) — The top General of Somaliland armed forces, Gen. Elmi Robleh Furr, and the National Police Chief, Commissioner Nouh Ismail Taani held a press conference today in Hargeisa, in which they showcased different types of weapon, military training manuals, and sum of cash that they said it was captured from a militia group that entered the country from Northwestern shores, near the seaport towns of Ziyla and Lughaya. The two official estimated the numbers of the militia close to 250 men. General Elmi Robel Furr said that the Somaliland armed forces are surrounding the militia in Maar-maar Mountains in Awdal Region.


Although, it is not independently confirmed but the Somaliland secret and armed services believe the men are part of the Ogadan National Liberation Front. The ONLF has been engaged in brutal war against the Ethiopian government since 1984. The ONLF and the Ethiopia government have been accused of committing human right violation in the Eastern part of the country, which inhabited by Somali majority. The ONLF has been fighting to liberate Ogadan Region (Eastern part of Ethiopia) also to join the Somalia.


Somaliland Chief Police, Commissioner Nouh Taani told the press the following:


A group of armed men entered Somaliland from Bulle-Cade, which is inhabitant area between towns of Ziyla and Lughaya in the North West of the country. Our information confirms that they entered the country on 10th of September. We estimated their numbers between 250-300 men. Three large trucks were waiting for them. The group was transported in the trucks, pretending to be carrying shipments of salt. The trucks were able to pass through security checkpoint, because they were familiar to the Somaliland police in that rout in Jidh.”


Chief of Police added that:


Somaliland security services received news of abandoned artillery and ammunition found outside of Abdulqadir town near the Ethiopian borders. The army and police were able to act quickly and trace men to Maar-maar Mountains. These are some of things we found, it include bazookas, chemical materials, cash (in Eritrean currency, Nakfa), communication equipments, and military training manuals in Somali and Amarhi.


He added,


“the group of men were trying to cross to the Ethiopia near Abdoulqadir town, however, they are surrounded in Maarm-maar and Libaxalaye mountains, which are on the Western borders of Ethiopia and Somaliland. The Ethiopia army received this information early. They were able to prevent the group from crossing into Ethiopia. We are working closely with the Ethiopian army. So the militia now is in the “No-man Zone” between Ethiopia and Somaliland, they are surrounded from both sides. And these are the some of the weapons we captured from them.


The General of armed forces, Gen. Elmi Robleh Furr said, “this not the first time that Somaliland police captured individuals illegally entering Ethiopia through Somaliland. But this is the first time we have confronted this large number of militants, who are fully armed.”


The General added that Somaliland coast is long and vast, and Somaliland armed services and Navy cannot patrol it 100%. We have limited resources.


“In previous raids, we captured smuggled goods, gasoline, electronic and untaxed products; we have also captured weapons and illegal materials. We will continue our efforts to secure our borders, but as it now, we are under resourced.”


Somaliland army sent reinforcement to Abdulqadir town to captured the armed men. The General confirmed that all the evidences point to ONFL.


The two officials discounted public speculations that the armed men are part of local Somaliland militia from Awdal Regions. The newly elected Somaliland government is unpopular in Awdal Province. There were number of protests in the region after President Mohamed Ahmed Mohamoud ‘Silanyo’ announced his cabinet. Local leaders in the region were unhappy with the representation they received in the cabinet.


The Ethiopian and Somaliland government have close military and security cooperation. In previous incidents the Somaliland government handed over members of ONFL and Islamists activities wanted by the Ethiopian government. In 2008 Human Rights Watch accused the Ethiopian soldiers of committing war crimes and crimes against humanity during a counterinsurgency campaign in its Eastern Somali region. In May of this year, the Ethiopian government entered Somaliland borders to crush SSC militia and other Islamist militia.


The SSC (Sool, Saanag and Cyan) is fighting Sin ool and Snaag Regions against the Somaliland government. They are backed by pro-Somalia elements and other militants in the region such as ONLF. Ethiopia has accused groups like the ONLF, al-Shabab and SSC to be proxy for Eritrea, the regional and historic enemy of Ethiopia.


Many analysts have accused both countries to play a proxy war in Somalia. Eritrea supports number of anti-Ethiopian militant group like ONLF and al Shabab, whereas the Ethiopian government supports the weak Transitional Federal Government in Mogadishu. Both government have openly supported opposing political sides inside Somalia. The two countries have a long history of border dispute.

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Jacaylbaro, sxb read the local news from Awdal there is difference story the one that you have in Hargeisa.


Ma runbaa ma riyaa ma ruwaayad Siilaanyo bilaabaa???


Ciidamo hubaysan oo kasoo dagay Lughaya agteeda oo buuraha galay yada oo dowlad dhisani ogayn ayaa waxay tahay wax lala yaabo. Waxase ka horaysa siday u suura gashay marka horaba inay ka yimaadaan Ereteriya dhib yaraana ugasoo degaan Lughaya agteeda yaga oo soo maray ciidamada bada ee reer galbeedka ee ilaaliya bada cas ee budhcad badeedku ka buuxdo. Halkay soo mareen talow?


Ciidamada bada ee faransiiska, jarmalka, Maraykanka, jabuuti iyo waliba ku daroo kuwa Somaaliland ee ku andacoonaya wakhti walba inay qabtaan budhcad badeedka ee bada cas ku xeeran halkay kasoo mareen?


In lagu qiyaaso 250 ilaa 300 oo ciidan ah oo hubaysan sitana hub wixii u dambeeyay oo baasuuko ugu yaryahay ayaa kasoo raacay sadex baabuur Lughaya agteeda ma suuro gal baa? Sadex boqol oo hubaysan intee baabuur baa qaadi karta???


Ciidanka Somaliland ee dagan xeebtu siday u ogaan waayaan sadex boqol oo nin oo hubaysan???


Ma qorshe horle oo ku salaysan argagixisnimo oo loogu talo galay Awdal iyo Salalbaa???


Ma qorshe horle oo lagu fasakhayo ciidanka ina xudhuunbaa???


Ma qorshe lagusoo wareejinayo ciidanka Somaliland ee bariga lagasoo rarayaa??


Su'aalo badan baa ka furan arinta ciidankaa hubaysan ee kasoo dagay Lughaya ee akhristow maxay kula tahay?


Macal cune muuqan doone ee bal akhristow ra'yigaaga soo sheeg???


Iskusoo wada xoori;


Ma runbaa? Ma riyaa? Ma ruwaayad Siilaanyo iyo Gaboose inoo jilayaanbaa???

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