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What Happened in Awdal

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Spreading Rumors to seek Ethiopian Favors

MONDAY, 13 SEPTEMBER 2010 20:06 ****** ONLINE


Reports reaching the ****** Online Service desk from both within ****** and inside the self styled fiefdom in North Western Somalia confirm that there are no ****** National Liberation Army (ONLA) units that are surrounded by neither Woyane militias nor militias from the self-styled Somali fiefdom in the North West Somalia province (Somaliland). The reporters also confirm that there are no ONLA units that are deployed outside the ****** borders at the time of going to press.



When inquired what the possible motives could be for the self styled Somali fiefdom in North Western Somalia to spread news of the presence of ONLA units within its territory, our senior reporters all agreed that there is politics and Ethiopian favor-seeking motives behind the spread of this rumor. They have indicated that this news follows recent, unfavorable events where the Woyane regime in Addis Ababa did not provide the welcome mat this new regime was looking for.


Since many within the Woyane militia hierarchy have openly accused the new regime in the self styled fiefdom in the North West of having sympathy for ‘ONLF’, the reporters believe that this type of rumor is meant to show the Woyane regime how ‘determined’ this new regime is in controlling its borders so that the ONLF does not use the region as a transit point.

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Duke, duke o duke my dear boy you have a way of making me laugh with your crazy talk as always. You envy Somaliland in it's political path, economic path, social path and it's repeutation around the world. While in your neck of the woods their killings, Refugess smuggling, no public vote, no political parties no development that I smile for joy of your envious lol. like you always do you dream of imaginary reality void from reality. The people that region are not in uprising unlike in pirateland where you got people from that region with guns fighting your weak government. So please dear boy stop wishing for Somaliland to be basket case like buntland lol

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^^^Adeer take it easy, and give us an update on whats happening in Awdal mountains. How on Earth did 200 well armed men land, and just walk around the place, is there no admin? :D

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Originally posted by Suldaanka:

quote:The weakness in the new government is that they couldn't get that information before it is happening ,,, they came to know this after they landed in the coast and they almost reached their destiny. They should reform the intelligence and do it better next time.

One thing the Udub government did a really superb job about was the security of the country. UDUB was no-nonsense about the security of the country.


Instead of fixing the wrongs and correcting mishaps, President Ahmed Siilaanyo recently disbanded the informal regional security council - the apparatus which acted as the ears and arms of the government in the country side and beyond.


Now, that Somaliland is shaken and is in danger of becoming a 'monsters' path' (wado halaq mareen)... hence Kulmiye Party need to beef up their security credentials.
Good post..



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^^^lol. :D i thought Siilanyu was strong on security, oh my bad he was an SNM comander and not a real soldier. :D


Anyhow whats the latest news, or was this fake story to appease the Ethiopians?

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Anyhow whats the latest news, or was this fake story to appease the Ethiopians?

Maybe ;)



You should know this tactic very well dukey. What's going in Gagala currently?

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Ciidamo Tiradooda Lagu Qiyaasay 700 oo Askari Oo Kasoo Degay Xeebta Saylac Ayaa Iminka Ku Sugan Buuralayda Waqooyiga Soomaaliya


Hargeysa(SP): Wararka naga soo gaadhaya caasimada labaad ee Soomaaliya ee Magaalo Madaxda Gobolka Waqooyi Galbeed Ee Magaalda Hargeysa ayaa waxay tibaaxyaan in ciidamo gaadhaya 700 oo askari oo aan la garanayn haybtooda oo la sheegay inay tababaro ku soo qaateen dalkaasi Eratariya ay kasoo degeen xeeba Saylac.


Wararka ayaa waxay intaasi ku darayaan in ciidamadaas oo ay doonyaha xawaaraha dheer ku socdaa ay sideen ay ku daadiyeen xeebta Saylac maalmihii lasoo dhaafay, islamar'ahaantaana wararka duurxulka ahi ay sheegayaan in ciidamadaasi ay yihiin ciidamo ka tirsan xarakatul mujaahidiin Al-shabaab,


halka wararkalena ay tibaaxayaan inay ka tirsan yihiin jabhada ONLF ee ka dagaalanta gobolada Soomaalida ee Ethiopia, iminkana ay ciidamadaasi ku sugan yihiin buuralayda u dhaxaysa Soomaaliya, Jabouti iyo Ethiopia.

Dhinaca kale ciidamo ka tirsan maamulkaasi waqooyiga soomaaliya ee ka aramiya magaalada Hargeysa ayaa waxaa la sheegayaa inay jiidaasi gaadheen, inkasta oo aanay jirin ilamaa iyo hada warar sugan oo sheegay in waxa dagaalo ahi ay ka dheceen jiidaasi.

Sidoo kale ciidaman lagu soo waramayo inay kazoo degeen xeebtaasi saylac ayaa waxaa lagu soo waramayaa inay yihiin ciidamo xoogan oo ku hubaysan hubka darandooriga u dhaca iyo gantaalaha garabka laga tuuro.


Waxii warara ee ku saabsan amuurataasi kala soco wararkayaga danbe ee Sanaagpost

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News Im getting from a few sources.


- 600-900 fighters entered between Saylac and Lughaye.


-Transported in 14 civillian trucks belonging to prominent Borama people.



-Somaliland knew of these troops but decided not to act, they are however conducting damage control in relations to there alliance with the Ethiopians.

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Nothing major is happening you haters. Onlf came through and Somaliland army is smoothly handling it lol. It's funny when we say things are under control people like don't believe it but concerning galgala it's ok and they got it under control. A pure example of hater as always lol

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