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Why are they meeting in th dark?

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It is not about Zenawi ,, this is what America is doning and zenawi is just as you said an Afican opportunists who can't see the future and only taking projects funded by the US ,,,,,


You only know when you go to Ethiopia ,,,,

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Originally posted by Tahliil:

MM Aqiyaar:


Time will indisputably decide about the fate of the current turmoil in the Horn but I think Zenawi is as a brainless like the rest of those African despots....and from all his thuggish achievements and criminality one could only gather that he, without an external hand, surely will unseat himself. This is the preview of shocking political things to come…


East Africa specially Ethiopia and Somalia are not as vital to OUR interest as one may assume wrongly...Zenawi is no more than an African dictator who found a unique opportunity to truly flex his muscle and expand his control through the horn but who is horribly failing himself coz he isn’t smart enough to exploit these unprecedented times wisely.. I gave him another 18 to 28 months before he flees into asylum in Zimbabwe…

I was not referring to his dictatorial policies or his regime's immediate downfall. Waxaan qirtay had to do with the way uu u fahmay Soomaali psyche and mentality, and the way uu hal hal ugu qabtay those so-called puppet leaders of Soomaalida, been iyo wax kale ha ahaadeen. For that, I've to admit.



He's been going to Addis for years, what's up with the protests these days?

Flying to his master's den, first of all, is getting quite frequent. Secondly, of all wixii ka dhacay Xamar, xasuuqii and bililiqadii, the least he could have done is stay away from there. He did not only stay away, but is smiling and enjoying to be in his master's aqal in every few weeks.


That is disgusting.

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For one political aspect, Ciise's troops do not currently occupy Soomaaliya.


Secondly, he does not endlessly meddle Soomaali affairs, since mid '90s to now. First time we've heard Ciise of Eritareeya soo faragishto arrimaha Soomaaliya was last year, and only Sanaawi oo ku dhex xaaraayo arkay dalkeena. Also warlords hub iskuma dhiibi jirin, to betray and xasuuq Soomaali people.


Thirdly, his nation does not occupy Soomaali Galbeed.


Fourth, he does not xasuuq the people of Soomaali Galbeed and Soomaaliya now.


Fifth and most importantly, Ciise may have a political interest to counter-attack Sanaawi's policies in Geeska Afrika and that is expected and does not contradict Soomaaliya historical politics regarding our avowed political enemy -- the Xabashis. In fact, our interests and the Eritareeyan one parallel in a vis-to-vis to Xabashi's. So the Eritareyaan president does not certainly have a grand design claiming Soomaali lands, like Soomaali Galbeed; nor wanting Soomaaliya perpetually be in non-state status; nor does he want and favour to dismember the Soomaali state.


Sixth ... I think you've got me now.

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You explained .....


But still i don't see why laba gaal loo kala xigsanayo oo weliba isku mad-hab ah (orthodox) oo weliba habrowadaag ah.


I mean everyone has an interest in Somalia and without that interest qofna ku soo eegi maayo. Eritrea xuduud lama laha somalia hadii ay taasi jir lahaydna maanta sheeekadu si kele ayay ahaan lahayd.


Hadii maanta ay labada gaal heshiiyaan ,,, i'm sure in qoladaas Asmara banaanka loo soo tuurayo.


waxaan la yaabanahay: is it must to have someone si aad wadanka u maamusho ?? ,,, maxay dadka soomaalidu dalkooda wax ugu qabsan la' yihiin iyadoo aanay xabashi ama eriterian aanay dabada ku wadan ,,,,,,,,,,,

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:

Secondly, of all wixii ka dhacay Xamar, xasuuqii and bililiqadii, the least he could have done is stay away from there. He did not only stay away, but is smiling and enjoying to be in his master's aqal in every few weeks. That is disgusting.


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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:


He's been going to Addis for years, what's up with the protests these days?

Flying to his master's den, first of all, is getting quite frequent. Secondly, of all wixii ka dhacay Xamar, xasuuqii and bililiqadii, the least he could have done is stay away from there. He did not only stay away, but is smiling and enjoying to be in his master's aqal in every few weeks.


That is disgusting.
I agree to a certain extent. The frequent trips might be because Meles thinks Riyaale's days are numbered because the Somaliland election date is fast approaching. Riyaale's policies have been one-dimensional to most analysts. No cards up his sleeve.

The only excuse given by his admin is there were elements in Xamar that backed the killers of aid workers and other foiled attacks on Somaliland. He does not even hide his support for the Ethio action let alone stay away from them. He stance - however immoral - has always been "nothing to do with us .....". This is somewhat expected since most of us Somalilanders encouraged this stance when the Ethios were creating the the TFG in Mbagathi and therefore hard for opponents to criticise. Criticise I will. It's also about time to remind the likes of you, who supported the creation of warlord-government, how wrong you were.


As for Meles, well, he just continued where Mengistu left off. He knows that he is a product of Somali interference,doesn't he? He knows his cousin Afewerki is a product of Somali interference. He's weaker and more vulnerable than Mengistu but there's no-one (Somali that is) taking advantage of it, that's all. But for how long?

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