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Laasqoray Port: A Failed Project ???

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Originally posted by Thankful:

quote:Originally posted by NASSIR:

I knew Piracy was the killer (though excuse given by donors) of our development>>

This is why you argument is flawed Nassir, you are blaming only piracy for being the "killer of your development." Yet the article you produce from horn relief specifically says this as another reason why they cannot continue the project! You only highlight a portion of the article but not the very next paragraph....unbelievable!


Furthermore, the increased kidnapping of internationals in Sanaag region and Somalia in general will not allow us to send international staff, including engineers and contractors, to Laas Qoray.
Therefore, because of the increased piracy activities, the kidnapping of internationals in Somalia and the insecure environment in our project location especially for our international engineers and other staff working on the jetty plus the
general insecurity in Laas Qoray
and Somalia

So although Piracy is mentioned as a reason, the fact that Laasqoray has constant kidnappings and other insecurity, professionals and experts cannot be sent there according to your link.


In Gaalkayo they have doctors that are taking care of the sick, why? Because they have worked hard on security, they dont find excuses and blame others.
Spot on.

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"...however, a number of impediments
in particular,
the worsening piracy situation on the Gulf of Aden and the rest of Somalia, are making our fundraising for further essential funds more challenging as donors see investing in Laas Qoray and the jetty as partial support of pirates."


From the Press Release by Degan Ali

Mr. Thankful, an avid reader does not disappoint others, but let me point out again the main reason why this essential project has failed. The bold-highlighted "In particular" above, is the key phrase that you should have paid close attention. It separates the wheat from the chaff or the core info from supplemantary ones.

The organization had already done an environmental feasibility study on security and other factors. The feasibility results were positive. These studies were carried out long before the rise of piracy in Puntland and its cascading effect on the whole northern Somalia. The clues given in this press release is that the donors have reneged on their pledges, that investing in Laas Qoray means to them helping pirates in the region. Far from it, if they were genuine about their promisory assistance, the conditions that create piracy would have been reversed and more jobs and opportunities for the communities in Sanaag and Sool Regions would have been a reality by today.


The Insecurity index ratio of Galk'ayo is too high and borders on a war zone. For you to compare it to the peaceful town of Laas Qoray only proves your disingenuity. Again, Piracy has been the main excuse given by the so called Western donors of Somalia. My belief is that the old management of HR& D led by Fatima had lost an earlier opportunity when special interest businesses approached it and offered their investment. The new management is even worse and there is growing sentiment by the public that it does not serve the best interest of the community.

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Originally posted by Som@li:

^Agree, Something fishy about that statement.

I think that is an honest statement. We should have established Maakhir State long ago. You can't implement developmental projects when your region is disputed by two hostile, clan-inspired, self-declared states. There has to be some Power in the region. Gen. Ilka-jir has failed his people.

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Originally posted by NASSIR:


The Insecurity index ratio of Galk'ayo is too high and borders on a war zone. For you to compare it to the peaceful town of Laas Qoray only proves your disingenuity. Again, Piracy has been the main excuse given by the so called Western donors of Somalia.

Nassir, the article you posted from Horn Relief does not back up your claim that Laasqoray is a peaceful city. It's not my personal opinion, but your article. It specifically says that the engineers and other staff cannot be sent to Sanaag because of insecurity! Again that is what you posted. It says specifically the "general insecurity in Laasqoray."


Furthermore, the increased kidnapping of internationals in Sanaag region and Somalia in general will not allow us to send international staff, including engineers and contractors, to Laas Qoray. Therefore, because of the increased piracy activities, the kidnapping of internationals in Somalia and the insecure environment in our project location especially for our international engineers and other staff working on the jetty plus the general insecurity in Laas Qoray

Second, you are said piracy is the killer, but that is not true! Because, with or without piracy, the situation on land is too dangerous according to your report! If people are being kidnapped in Laasqoray then how can you send experts there to over see this project?


Like I just said, forget about what is going on in in the sea, the horn relief article does not support your claim that Laasoray is safe enough to invest!

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Badhan:-Mudaharaad baa ka socda Looga Xunyahay iibinta Qalabka Laasqoray


Magaalada Badhan ee Gobolka Sanaag ayaa saaka laga xidhay goobihii Ganacsiga iyo Waxbarashada waxana loo Banaan Baxay sidii dadku ay Shucuurtooda uga Muujin lahaayeen sida ay uga xun Yihiin Warka sheegaya in Horn Relief ay Beecinayso Qalabkii Dekeda Laasqoray.


Warka ayaa sheegaya sidoo kale in Odayaasha Gobolka iyo Heer degmo ay wadaan Abaabulo xoogan oo arinkaasi lagu Joojinayo waxana ay Fariimo Dhanka Media- ah u dirayaan Hay’adda Horn Relief.


Dhanka kale Magaalada Laasqoray ee Dekeda laga dhisi lahaa ayaa iyana laga wadaa Mudaharaad balaadhan oo kaasi la mid ah.


Guud ahaan Dadka Reer Hayland iyo Sanaag ee Qurbaha iyo Dalka ayaa si xun uga dhii dhiyay masiibada ka soo Yeedhay Maamulka Hay’adda Horn Relief oo sheegay inay Suuqa ugu Jiraan Qalabkii Dekeda.

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Dadweynaha ku dhaqan Magaalooyinka kala ah Badhan, Dhahar iyo Laasqoray ayaa aragtiyo kala duwan ka bixiyay sida ay u arkaan in la iibiyo qalabkii Marsada Laasqoray dib loogu dhisi lahaa ee ay lacagtiisa inta badan Soo Urur Sheen Jaaliyadaha Dibada eer Reer Maakhir.


Warbaahinta Caalamiga ee Laasqoray.Net ayaa Khadka Telephone-ka kula xidhiidhay Magaalooyin ka tirsan Gobolada Sanaag iyo Haylaan oo ayaamahan dambe ka jiray dhaq dhaqaaq ku aadan sida ay uga xun yihiin iibinta qalabkii dib loogu dhisi lahaa Dekada Magaaladda Laasqoray oo uu maalmahan dambe ka socday ololaha dib loogu gadayo Gudaha Magaaladda Boosaaso. dadkan oo shucuurtoodu kor u kacsanayd ayaa noo sheegay hadii ay suuragasho in qalabkaas la iibiyo in ay ka dhalan doonto cawaaqib xumo mustaqbalka dhow saameyn ku yeelata Deegaanka.


Qeybaha kala duwan ee dad weynaha ku dhaqan Gobolada Sanaag iyo Haylaan oo ay u horeeyaan Odaayasha ayaa Warbaahinta Laasqoray.Net u Sheegay in dadkii ka qeyb qaatay dhaqalaaha dib loogu dhisayo Dekada Magaaladda Laasqoray Meelay joogaanba ay Gudi iska Soo Dhex Saaraan Kuwaas oo La Xisaabtan La Sameya hawl wadeenada hay'adda Horn Relief.


Sidoo kale Odayaasha Magaaladda Badhan ee Gobolka Sanaag ayaa ugu baaqay Bulsho Weynta Reer Maakhir ee Qurbaha ku nool ee qeybta libaax ka qaatay sidii markale dib looga hir galin lahaa Dekada Magaaadda Laasqoray in ay ku baraarugaan in xoolahoodi dad gaara ay ku takri faleen islamarkana loo baahan yahay in Gudi Xaqiiqo raadis ah u soo diraan Gudaha Dalka si ay uga hor tagaan qalabka Dekada ee Suuqa Lagu baayacayo.


Qaar Kamida Dad Weynaha Ku dhaqan Magaaladda Dhahar ee Xaruunta Gobolka Haylaan ayaa Warbaahinta Laasqoray.NET u Sheegay in ay aad uga xumaadeen markii ay dhagoohada kusoo dhacday fariin xambaaran murugo iyo naxdin oo ku aadan iibinta qalabka Laasqoray Waxayna sheegeen inay uga baaqayaan hawladaneeda Horn Relief in ay arinkas dib uga noqdaan


Dhanka kale Dad Weynaha ku dhaqan Magaalooyinka Dhahar,Badhan, Laasqoray, Hadaaftimo iyo Xingalool ayaa diyaarinaya Isu soobax lagaga soo horjeedo iibinta qalabka Dekada Laasqoray waxaana laga yaaba in uu dhaco maalmaha fooda inagu soo haya.




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Originally posted by Beer-Gaal:

^^and you wanna make us beleive Barahlay is more peaceful than Laasqoray?

Adeer again dont get angry for no reason, Baraxlay district, is not even part of the issue here, nor is it part of Puntland State. If you are talking about Galkacyo there is no comparison, since its the second largest city in all of Puntland and a city which two of the toughest and most well armed communities in all of Somalia reside together.


Now faduma Jibril did well, and should not be attacked in any way for her effort.

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I can understand you blaming Puntland for the piracy-related insecurities, but why are you blaming SL as well when the report says;


We have also listed a number of achievements which we feel we should share with you and these include:

  • Written support for constructing a jetty from the Somaliland and Puntland Government;

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