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Doing the Right Thing in Somalia

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Do you think a suitable person exists in Somali politics? Personally, I don't know enough about Somalia to pick a person. But since you do, think of one suitable person in Somalia/diaspora. this is your task for the week. he he.



Though I do think the presidency is pretty pointless without a political situation between the Somali clans and warring groups; and if Ethiopia/Kenya picking the guy with bribes in some backrooms.

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Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

Are you sure those you mentioned are good people or that they are not in that position yet so that you cannot tell what they really are ?


Waar everybody is running for that bloody kursi and once they get there they are not those you knew ...... you would see them cheering for the xabashis sxb.

The wretchedness of cynicsm!! And when it climbs tiny minds it just confuses it. Saaxib, running for Kursi is not the problem. What you do with it, is the issue. Those I mentioned have the pedigree and the potential. Whether they will deliver is an issue we are not in a position to judge now. What we know is that they make better presidents than Riyaale and Faysal Cali Waraabe.

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That's quite unfair from a logical point. Sometimes you make sense, other times you're consumed by 'ficil'.


Rayaale and Warabe are able to keep their part of the peninsula in peace while maintaining law & order - something that the rest of the Somali population cries out for. You can have issue with their stands and policies but they definitely cannot be put in the same league as those you've mentioned who have very little to show for decades in the game. Most of them have been tested and failed in their brief tenures of position and power.


Could we at least agree that's fair without resorting to emotionalism?!


P.S. Weren't you advocating for Waraabe in a previous post? How much you admired him? Then you bash him the next day as lower than.... Your inconsistencies in 'mabda' are quite glaring!

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I admired Faysal Cali Waraabe for his honesty and for being forthright about issues. He does not mince his words, and I like him. Does that mean I like his political vision? NO. hence, no inconsistency.


Maintaince of law and order is the product of several factors. I think itis quite parochial you ascride it to individual's performance. In economics, there is what they call "the without [policy] theorem". It is one way of using models to predict what some of the economic parameters would have been in the absence of some policies.


It is hypothetical, I know, but if Riyaale was not the head of Somaliland or Silaanyo was not in the opposition, I reckon Somaliland would have been either better, worse or the same depending on several other factors. I know SL well enough to know that stability has come from the strength of the clan leaders and elements of dherence to law and order by the public largely owing to British rule. Riyaale or no riyaale, SL would have stood where it is, if not better. I beleive better.


On the other hand, collective failure of a community cannot be blamed on individual leaders, whose leadership has not been tested in an atmosphere which allows them to implement their policies. That is why I refuse to see Riyale's leadership better than that of Ahmed Ismail Samatar, so to speak.

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Hence, your point is:the real problem in the South (former Italian Somaliland)is communal failure not elite/leadership failure.


So political leadership in Somaliland is irrelevant and it's only due to strong clan elders and a traditional adherence to the law learned from a British colonial heritage that maintains the Somaliland boat.


Did I properly understand your point?

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^^ I don't think HE understands his own point, never mind about you getting it, saaxib. :D



Though I find the whole topic pointless, I could not help joining in just so I can mock your faulty logic. :D


If you say the Somaliland leaders do not matter because other factors always come into play (which I incidentally agree with), why are you then making a big deal about your chosen candidates? Surely they too will not matter and only the other factors will make them or break them! ;)


Warya, UP YOUR GAME ban ku edhi. You have been debating with the kids of this site for too long you seem to have lost your good sense.

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Of late, some are finding it trendy to run after general statements which are directed at specific issues and bashing it for not including what perhaps, if tried, will fill many pages. I was making the point that goog political leadership is just one factor (I am not admitting it exists in Somaliland) among many others that contribute to law and order. Now, it is unfair for Mintid Farayar to ask me a question and when he gets an answer multiply it by -1 and gets the other side of it. The root causes for the instability in Southern Somalia is not what we were discussing. So it is disingenious to catagorize my answer like that.


In case you will like to know what I think of the situation in the South regardless, I think it is both what you said, and largely distructive external interference which has been missing in Somaliland. The cause-effect relatiosnhip could be tricky but that is diverse subject.


The amphibian has a better question. To which my answer is: yes, those I mentioned will not deliver the soultion by themselves. I am saying if the environemnt is ripe, which comes if external influence is ended, they have a better chance of bringing law and order and development to the South. I am not naive though; and I know this is not easy. But we were not debating practicalities; we were debating beliefs and assertions.

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^^ You let him off so easily? :D



I am going to let you off too. But know that I will not accept anymore of this rubbish. UP YOUR GAME or I will be waiting for you, warya.


All your routes are blocked, xagaad o baxsan?



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Dowladda Federaalka iyo Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta oo dhamaadka bishan Dowlad-Midnimo-Qaran ku dhisaya Jibouti


Axad, January 11, 2009(HOL): Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya iyo Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta Soomaaliya garabka Jibouti ayaa waxay ku heshiiyeen in ay doorasho dowlad loo dhan yahay ay ku qabtaan 20 ilaa 26 bishan Dalka Jibouti, waa sida lagu xusay war murtiyeed ka soo baxay Xarunta Midowga Afrika ee Magaalada Addis Ababa.


Warkan ayaa waxaa laga soo saaray kadib shir ay Xarunta Midowga Afrika ee Magaalada Addis Ababa ay ku yeesheen Mas’uuliyiin ka socday Dalalka Ciidamada ay ka joogaan Soomaaliya iyo kuwa u diraya, dhinacyada Soomaalida, Qaramada Midoobay iyo Itoobiya oo madax ka ah Urur Goboleedka IGAD.


Shirkaas ayaa waxaa dib loogu eegay xaaladda siyaaso iyo ammaan ee dalka Soomaaliya, waxaana sidoo kale hoosta loo xariiqay dadaallada socda ee ku aadan soo qaabeynta Baarlamaan loo dhan yahay oo loo sameeyo Soomaaliya, kaasi oo isna soo dooran doona madaxda dalka Soomaaliya, iyadoo markaasna la dhaqangelinayo heshiiskii ay Jibouti ku gaareen Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya iyo Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta Soomaaliya garabka Jibouti.


Shirka ayaa sidoo kale looga hadlay in la kordhiyo Ciidamada Amisom ee ku sugan Soomaaliya, isla markaana lagu biiriyo Ciidamo kale oo ka socda Dalal ka tirsan Midowga Afrika, kuwaasi oo haatan laga filayo Dalalka Ghana, Nigeria, Burkina Faso iyo kuwo kale, iyadoo ka hor inta aan ciidamadaas loo dirin Soomaaliyana ay todobaadka soo socda soo gaari doonaan Geeska Afrika Wafdi ka socda Qaramada Midoobay.


Dowladda Uganda ayaa waxay ahayd dowladdii ugu horeysay oo Ciidamo u dirta Soomaaliya, iyadoo dowladdii labaadna ay noqotay Dowladda Burundi, waxaana labadaas dal ka jooga Soomaaliya Ciidamo gaaraya 3,200 oo Askari.


Soo qaabeynta Dowladda cusub ee Soomaaliya loo dhisayo oo baarlamaankeeda uu ka kooban yahay 550 Mudane ayaa waxay ku soo beegantay iyadoo dhawaan uu xilka madaxweynenimada iska casilay madaxweynihii hore ee Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed, kaasi oo la rumeysan yahay in uu is-casilay kadib markii ay soo food-saareen culeysyo caalami ah.


Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online

Mogadishu, Somalia

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Sheekh Shariif oo ka digey Madaxweyne DF ee cusub




Gudoomiyaha Isbahaysiga ARS-Jabuuti Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed ayaa uga digay DF inay doortaan Madaxweyne cusub, isagoo go'aankaas ku tilmaamay mid burburin kara heshiiskii Jabuuti.


Sheekh Shariif, wuxuu sheegay in isaga uu qabo in la dhaqangeliyo heshiiskii Jabuuti lana dhiso xukuumad sal-balaaran oo loo dhan yahay, wuxuuna sheegay in madaxweynayaashii horay loo doortay aysan waxba soo kordhin.


"Dhankeena waan dhameystirnay xubnihii Barlamaanka ee nalooga baahnaa, waxaana diyaar u nahay in si wadajir ah loo shaqeeyo, lana xushmeeyo heshiiskii lagu gaaray dalka Jabuuti" ayuu yiri Sheekh Shariif oo la hadlay warbaahinta.


Gudoomiyaha Isbahaysigu wuxuu sheegay sheegay inuu ka digayo in la dhabarjabiyo heshiiskii Jabuuti, hadii uu burburana ay mas'uuliyad dhabarka u ridan doonto TFG.


Xoghayaha wafaafinta ARS-Jabuuti Saleebaan Colaad Rooble oo isaguna shir jaraa'id ku qabtay Muqdisho ayaa cambaareeyay go'aankii Sheekh Aadan Madoobe ee ahaa in doorashada Madaxweynaha Somalia ay ka dhacayso Baydhabo.


"Beesha caalamka waxaan ku wargelinaynaa in xageena aysan ka jirin wax xayiraad ah, lana taageero qodobadii heshiiskii Jabuuti, inagoo aqoonsan go'aankii beesha caalamka ee ahaa in la isugu geeyo DF iyo ARS dalka Jabuuti, laguna dooto hogaan cusub" ayuu yiri Saleebaan Colaad Rooble.


Sidoo kale Colaad, wuxuu sheegay in baarlamaanka iyo Aadan Madoobe uu ka codsanayo inay taageeraan dadaalada ay wado beesha caalamka, isla markaana aan laga dhinac furin ajande kale oo dhaawici kara heshiiskii Jabuuti.


Mar la weydiiyay Saleebaan sababta ay uga qaybgeli la'yihiin doorashada ka dhacaysa Baydhabo, ayaa sheegay in heshiiskii Jabuuti uusan dhigay in ARS ay xildhibaano geeyso Baydhabo, balse uu qorshuhu ahaa in la isugu tago Jabuuti.


"Gogoshu waxay taalaa Jabuuti, waxaana qorsheysan in halkaas ay DF iyo ARS isugu tagaan, ayna doortaan hogaanka baarlamaanka iyo kan dalka" ayuu yiri Saleebaan Colaad.


Hadalka Sheekh Shariif iyo Saleebaan Colaad ayaa kusoo begmaya iyadoo Sheekh Aadan Madoobe uu kaga dhawaaqay Baydhabo in doorashada Madaxweynuhu ay dhacayso bishan, isla markaana uu magacaabay gudi doorasho.

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Would it not make more sense to scrap the TFG and create an administration in the south similar to puntland and somaliland, where are all the clans in the south are represented.


How many of these so called transitional central governments are we gonna experiment with before we realize this approach is not working.

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Somali Political Rivals Agree on Path to Presidential Elections



By Vernon Wessels


Somalia’s transitional government and a rival Islamist group agreed to start the process that will lead to presidential elections this month.


“The Transitional Federal Government and the Alliance for the Re-Liberation of Somalia have agreed to hold the elections for the president,” the African Union said in a statement today after a meeting in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa. The process leading to a poll will take place in Djibouti from Jan. 20 to Jan. 26.


Efforts are also under way to form an expanded parliament, which would elect the president and other state-officers, according to the AU, whose officials met representatives from the United Nations, Burundi, Uganda, Somalia and Ethiopia to review security after the withdrawal of Ethiopian troops.


U.S.-backed Ethiopian soldiers invaded Somalia in December 2006, ousting the Islamic Courts Union, an Islamist alliance that had briefly controlled much of the country. Its attempt to reinstall the UN-backed transitional government in the capital, Mogadishu, was met with an insurgency by Islamist and clan-based militias.


Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, president of the transitional government, resigned on Dec. 29 following a power struggle with Prime Minister Nur Hassan Hussein.


The international community needs to “redouble” efforts to support peace-keeping soldiers and aid the political progress, the AU said. The 10,000-strong joint security forces “particularly” need “full logistical support,” it added.


There had been a “significant threat reduction” in Somalia, especially in Mogadishu, the organization said. The meeting will again convene on Jan. 17 to include more international partners, the AU said, without giving further details.

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Originally posted by Qalbi-Adeyg:

Would it not make more sense to scrap the TFG and create an administration in the south similar to puntland and somaliland, where are all the clans in the south are represented.


How many of these so called transitional central governments are we gonna experiment with before we realize this approach is not working.

You would say that when your uncle was there sxb ,,,,, :D

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