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Thank you, President Dahir Rayale

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Thank you, President Dahir Rayale



ON JUNE 23, two militiamen, armed with a decrepit battlewagon, crossed the unofficial border between two rival Somali sub-states: the semi-autonomous State of Puntland, in northeastern Somalia, and the self-declared “Republic of Somaliland,†which the international community recognizes only as northwest Somalia. The two militiamen immediately surrendered and requested political asylum from the Puntland administration, claiming that if they returned to the Somaliland side of the border, they would be accused of “national treason†and sentenced accordingly. The two asylum-seekers were treated like honorable guests and allowed to stay in Puntland, even though the Puntland government did not make any official statement with regard to the future of these men.


The next day, June the 24th, Ahmed Yassin, the hawkish vice president of Somaliland, issued a direct threat, demanding that Puntland immediately return the escaped militiamen and battlewagon or face unspecified “military action†from Somaliland militias. Somaliland’s ailing defense minister issued a similar threat to Puntland on the same day of the militiamen’s intrepid escape.


During this entire time, the Puntland leadership declined to officially reply to Somaliland’s words of war. But it turns out that they didn’t need to. After all, Somaliland president Dahir Rayale spoke for Puntland – and for all logical minds – when he coolly dismissed the entire episode. “Bigger things happen around the world everyday,†President Rayale told reporters in Hargeisa, the Somaliland capital, on July 3rd.


Thank you, President Rayale, for your levelheaded response to critics who want to spark a destructive war in erstwhile peaceful northern Somalia (Somaliland and Puntland regions). There is absolutely no need for militaristic use of language, especially coming from top leaders like VP Yassin. It’s truly worrying to see an official in charge of an entire population speak of war in such easy terms. More than 100 souls perished during a one-day battle in October 2004 between Puntland and Somaliland militias. Since then, the two sides have achieved limited cooperation, and even exchanged prisoners of war in December 2005.


The Puntland administration has every right to either accept or deny asylum to the two militiamen who voluntarily left their barracks in Somaliland and surrendered themselves to Puntland authorities. It is part of Somali culture to welcome your guests into your home and to treat them with due respect and hospitality.


The bigger question the pro-Somaliland camp should ask themselves is this: Why did those two men escape and thereby betray everything Somaliland stands for?


Garowe Online Editorial Board

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