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Xasan Dahir, Inda Cade the takeover...

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Where are these so called Islamic courts? They have sidelined Mr Sharif Ahmed and have given the top post to Xasan Dahir Aaways, also Yusuf Inda Cade has been promoted from occupaying thug to a, you gussed it a 'Shiekh'

Somalia: Islamic courts union declares the formation of new council

Sat. June 24, 2006 11:27 pm.


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Mohamed Abdi Farah


(SomaliNet) The union of Islamic courts in Mogadishu has declared on Saturday a new council named


‘Somali Supreme Islamic Courts Council’ (SSICC) with 88 members including intellectuals, educationists, religious men and traditional elders.


The announcement was made today made in a meeting by Islamic courts officials in Ramadan hotel in north Mogadishu.


The SSICC nominated two committees like the consultation committee and executive committee.


Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, one of the key founders of Islamic courts who is now away in central Somalia, was nominated for the chairman of the consultation committee and his deputies are Sheikh Omar Iman Abukar and Sheikh Abdulahi Afrah Asparo.


Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, the current leader of Islamic courts was named for the chairman of the executive committee, while his deputy was nominated for Yusuf Mohamed Siad known as ‘Indha-ade’ who is the ruler of lower Shabelle region and the second deputy is Sheikh Abdukadir Ali Omar who is right now the deputy of Islamic courts union.


The notice of the new council came two days after delegations from Islamic courts and transitional federal government signed a preliminary peace deal in the Sudanese capital of Khartoum.


News Category: Somalia


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hey bro :D:D


Indhocade adiguu kaa warqabay inaa sugeysid, so as the news has it that he is not the third...



Wararkii ugu danbeeyey

Somaliweyn -Muqdisho-Somalia-24/06/06


Gole Cusub Oo Yeesheen Maxkamadaha Islaamiga Oo Muqdisho Looga Dhawaaqay


Golaha Shuurada Maxkamadaha Islaamiga Soomaaliyeed ayaa looga dhawaaqay waxaa shir ka dhacay Hotel-ka Ramadaan , Golaha ayaa ka kooban 88 xubnood waxaana Guddoomiye Golaha looga dhigay Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aweys.


Golahan ayaa ku xigeenka 1-aad looga dhigay Sheekh Cumar Iimaam Abubakar, Gudoomiye K/X 2-aad Sheekh C/llaahi Afrax (Asparo) halka Xoghayaha Golaha Shuurada ee Maxkamadaha Islaamiga Soomaaliyeed laga dhigay Sheekh Maxamuud Sheekh Ibraahim Suuleey.


Golaha fulinta ee Maxkamadaha Islaamiga Soomaaliyeed ayaa waxaa Gudoomiye looga dhigay Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed, Gudoomiye k/xigeen 1-aad Sheekh Yuusuf Max'ed Siyaad (Indho Cadde), Gudoomiye K/xigeenka 2-aad Sheekh C/qaadir Cali Cumar.


Sida ku cad nuqulka ka soo baxay kulanka ay yeesheen 88 xubnood ee loogu dhawaaqay Golahan Shuurada oo ay yeeshaan Maxkadaha Islaamiga ee Muqdisho ayaa waxay bedelaysaa magacii hore ee Midowga Maxkadaha Islaamiga . Guddoomiyaha Shuurada ee la magacaabay Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aweys ayaa xiligan ku maqan gobolada dhexe , waxayna ku dhawaaqidda golahan ku soo beegmaysaa xili ay heshiis hordhac ah ku gaareen dalka Suudaan magaaladiisa Khartoum dowladda federaalka iyo Maxkadaha Islaamiga ee Muqdisho kala wareegay awoodda caasimadda qabqablayaashii dagaalka.


Yuusuf Indha Cadde Oo Iska Casilay Xilkii Loo Doortay


Sheekh Yuusuf Maxamed Siyaad (Indha Cadde) oo ah Guddoomiyaha maamulka Sh/hoose isla markaana loogu doortay shir balaaran oo ka dhacay Hotelka Ramadaan ee magaalada Muqdisho Guddoomiye ku xigeenka 1-aad ee Guddiga fulinta Golaha Maxkadaha Islaamiga ee Soomaaliya ayaa xilkaas loo doortay iska casilay isagoo sheegay inuu xilkaasi ka tanaasulay waxaa xilkaasi buuxiyay oo loo magacaabay sida somaliweyn soo gaartay Guddoomiyaha Maxkamadda Dayniile oo ah xiligan G/Xigeenka labaad ee Guddiga fulinta.

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'Radical' heads Somalia militia


Sheikh Aweys used to head an Islamic armed group

A prominent Somali cleric who is on the US list of terror suspects has been named as head of an Islamist militia that controls the capital, Mogadishu.

Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys is now chairman of the Council of the Islamic Courts. He replaces Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, a more moderate figure.


The militia was formed to counter Mogadishu's warlords and two weeks ago wrested control from them.


Sheikh Aweys used to head a group which the US said was linked to al-Qaeda.


He was chosen as the new chairman of the Council of the Islamic Courts - an umbrella body until now known as the Union of Islamic Courts - at a meeting in Mogadishu on Saturday.


Terror link?


The network of 11 Islamic courts has been set in recent years in Mogadishu, funded by businessmen in an attempt to restore law and order.



The Islamists are the first group to control Mogadishu in 15 years

The courts' stated goal is to restore a system of Sharia law and put an end to impunity and fighting.


An interim government based in Baidoa, 200km (125 miles) north of the capital, Mogadishu, has been largely ineffective.


Sharif Sheikh Ahmed had said the militia did not want to impose a Taliban-style Islamic state on Somalia.


But some Islamic courts officials have said they would only support a government based on Islam.


Sheikh Aweys previously headed a Somali Islamist armed group, al-Itihaad al-Islamiya, which the US said had links with al-Qaeda.


A Somali link has been assumed in al-Qaeda-linked attacks in East Africa - including the 1998 bombings of US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania and the 2002 attacks on Israeli tourists in Kenya.

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Duke, warkaan alleged-terrorka waxba ceeb qofka uma keeneysoin the eyes of somalis, focus on other issues like the clan takeover and stolen properties, these are far more potent and effective in damaging one's character and appeals to many when it comes to somalis. Qof muslinaa tahaye warkaan ka bax gaalada kasoo fulay.


PS: Focus on the clan. And btw, check the above link.

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Somali Islamists name US wanted cleric to top post

Web posted at: 6/25/2006 7:44:28

Source ::: REUTERS

mogadishu • Somali Islamists yesterday named a firebrand cleric wanted by the United States for alleged links to the Al Qaeda network as the head of their new “parliamentâ€.


Officials said Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys had been chosen to lead the Council of Islamic Courts (CIC) which will serve as a parliament for regions under the courts’ control.


The appointment came as the Islamic courts shore up their control of Magadishu and outlying towns following the dramatic victory of their militia fighters over a US-backed warlord alliance here earlier this month.


He has been designated a “terrorist†by the US and is subject to US sanctions for alleged ties to Al-Qaeda.


His suspected terror links were a key reason Washington backed the Alliance for the Restoration of Peace and Counter-Terrorism (ARPCT), which was formed in February by warlords.

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Duke, warkaan terrorka waxba ceeb qofka uma keeneyso, focus on other issues like the clan takeover and stolen properties, these are far more potent and effective in damaging one's character and appeals to many when it comes to somalis. Qof muslinaa tahaye warkaan ka bax gaalada kasoo fulay.


PS: Focus on the clan lol. And btw, check the above link

I hope you wont get angry again and become over sensative. I am not too fond of that type of behaviour. As for the issue at hand. Now no one can hide that the like of Inda Cdae, Goobale, Seeraar, Cirfo, Dhuxulow and all their many gangsters and thugs are a part and parcel of these clan courts... Thus the many excuses to define this group as anything other than a clan millitia is false. The hype that this presents a new dawn in Somalia is a tad bit over blown and how can one say it wishful.


My argument is you can not claim to fight an enemy such as Ethiopia while at the same time keeping a sizable chunk of the population under your heel.


Xoogsade, with all due respect, these courts are no different to the warlord alliances, as far as they condone the actions of thier own home grown beard growing warlords...

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Waxaa iga qoslinaayo Soomaalida qaarkeed dad naxo ma ahan wallahi. Mareykan isagaaba u heysta in warkiisa la xaaleynaayo. Somalidii Muqdisho degganeedna iyo walaalaha kalee kasoo qeyb galay shirka waxay doorteen Sheekh Uweys.




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Somali Militia Head Tied to Bin Laden

Group Running Capital Chooses Leader on Post-9/11 U.S. List


By Salad Duhul

Associated Press

Sunday, June 25, 2006; Page A19


MOGADISHU, Somalia, June 24 -- An Islamic fundamentalist who is listed by the State Department as a suspected al-Qaeda collaborator was named Saturday as the new leader of a Muslim militia that has seized control of Somalia's capital.


The militia, which changed its name Saturday from the Islamic Courts Union to the Conservative Council of Islamic Courts, said in a statement it had appointed Hassan Dahir Aweys as its new leader. The Bush administration said Aweys was an associate of Osama bin Laden in the early 1990s.


The Islamic militia seized control of the capital, Mogadishu, and much of southern Somalia from an alliance of secular warlords this month. Aweys's appointment makes it unlikely that the increasingly powerful militia will govern using the moderate brand of Islam practiced by most Somalis.


Aweys appeared on a list of people and organizations accused of having ties to terrorism that the United States released after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. A conservative Somali group called al-Itihaad al-Islaami, and its founder, Aweys, were featured for their alleged links to bin Laden while the al-Qaeda leader was living in Sudan in the early 1990s.


Aweys, a cleric believed to be in his sixties, has said in past interviews that al-Itihaad no longer exists and that he has no ties to al-Qaida.


In recent years, he helped establish the Islamic Courts Union militia and continues to be one of the group's most influential and fundamentalist leaders, strenuously advocating a strict Islamic government to end 15 years of anarchy.


In 1991, warlords drove out dictator Mohamed Siad Barre and turned on each other, rendering Somalia a patchwork of rival fiefdoms.


Aweys, who went into hiding after the Sept. 11 attacks and reemerged in August 2005, has condemned the new U.N.-backed transitional government in Somalia. That largely powerless government is based in Baidoa, 90 miles northwest of Mogadishu, because the capital is so violent. It has taken control of only a small portion of the nation of 7 million.


Aweys replaces Sharif Ahmed, who had softened his rhetoric calling for strict Islamic law and agreed this week to recognize the interim government.


Separately, the Islamic militia said earlier Saturday it was investigating the killing of an award-winning Swedish journalist, who was fatally shot while covering a demonstration in Mogadishu. Somalia has no police force, and the militia said it had assembled a team of 10 former police and military officers to investigate the killing of Martin Adler.


Adler, 47, was shot once in the back Friday by an unidentified gunman who disappeared as demonstrators fled in panic, witnesses said.


The International Committee of the Red Cross was flying his body out of Mogadishu.


The shooting was an embarrassment for the militia group, which has pledged to pacify Mogadishu.


The Swedish news agency TT described Adler -- a cameraman, photographer and reporter -- as one of the country's most successful video journalists. He had covered some 20 conflicts and other stories in dozens of nations.


According to the agency, Adler said his work required "keeping up with world affairs and always having a bag packed."


"You can die anywhere at any time," Adler said in a January 2005 interview with Amnesty Press. "But you can eliminate 90 percent of the risks" through careful preparation and keeping a cool head.

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Waxaa iga qoslinaayo Soomaalida qaarkeed dad naxo ma ahan wallahi. Mareykan isagaaba u heysta in warkiisa la xaaleynaayo. Somalidii Muqdisho degganeedna iyo walaalaha kalee kasoo qeyb galay shirka waxay doorteen Sheekh Uweys.




Xoogsade, who elected Xasan Dahir, and how was it done. You seem to know so why do you not share. As for the Somali brothers you mention who were they? They also elected Inda cade so they must have had the interest of the muslim people of Somalia huh. You do make me laugh...

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Gole leh Qaab Dhismo Dowladeed oo lagu bedelay Midowgii Maxaakiimta Islaamka


Shiikh Xasan Daahir Aweys - Guddoomiyaha Golaha Maxaakiimta Soomaaliya




Sabti, June 24, 2006(HOL): Gole lagu magacaabay Golaha Maxaakiimta Soomaaliya ayaa caawa looga dhowaaqay hotelka Ramadaan ee Magaalada Muqdisho, halkaas oo uu ka socday shir aan loo kala kicin oo saacado badan qaatay, waxaana Madax looga dhigay golahaas Shiikh Xasan Daahir Aweys.


Golahan wuxuu leeyahay qaab dhismeed dowladeed oo u shaqeyn doona sida Dowlad gaar u taagan, iyadoo uu leeyahay guddi fulin oo uu Guddoomiye ka yahay Guddoomiyihii Midowga Maxaakiimta Islaamka Shiikh Shariif Shiikh Axmed, halka ku xigeen-na looga dhigay Shiikh Yuusuf Maxamed Siyaad (Indho-cadde), wuxuuna guddigan qaban doonaa howlaha Golaha, taasi oo ka dhigan in uu guddigan u shaqeynayo sida qaab Xukuumadeed.


Golahan ayaa la sheegay inay xubnihiisa garayaan 88 xubnood, kuwaasi oo iyagana u shaqeyn doona qaab Baarlamaan, sida uu caawa HOL u sheegay mid ka mid ah ka qeybgalayaashii dhismaha Golahaas oo ay ku jiraan xubno ka soo jeeda qaar ka mid ah Gobollada Soomaaliya. Dhismaha Golahan ayaa wuxuu ku soo beegmayaa laba maalin kadib heshiiskii Dowladda Federaalka iyo Midowga Maxaakiimta Islaamka ku dhexmaray Magaalada Khartoum ee dalka Suudaan, inkastoo aan la ogeyn in is-bedelkan uu wax u dhimi doono heshiiskaas iyo in kale.


Xubin kale oo ka tirsan ka qeybgalayaasha shirka oo codsaday in aan la sheegin magaciisa ayaa ku waramay in golahan uu noqon doono mid ay ku kulansan yihiin dhamaan qeybihii ka qeybqaatay Kacdoonkii Shacabka ee Muqdisho ka dhacay dhawaan, iyadoo marka la dhameystiro dhismaha Golahan ay meesha ka bixi doonaan magacyadii hore oo ay ka mid ahaayeen Midowga Maxaakiimta Islaamka, Golaha Kacdoonka, Golaha Midnimada iyo Badbaadada, Dalladda Culumaa'udiinka iyo kuwo kale oo ay ku kala jireen xubnaha lagu soo uruuriyay Golahan, sidoo kalena uu goluhu mas'uul ka noqon doono dhamaan arrimaha Siyaasadda, Amniga iyo Bulshada ee deegaanada ay dhawaan gacanta ku dhigeen maleeshiyooyinka Dalladdii Midowga Maxaakiimta Islaamka.


Maalinta berri ah ayaa la filayaa in ay soo baxdo faah faahin dheeri ah iyo dhamaan xubnaha ku jira golahan oo ay warar hordhac ah sheegayaan in ay ka mid yihiin siyaasiyiin hore oo qaarkood ka tirsanaa Dowladdii Carta lagu soo dhisay ee TNG-da iyo xubno kale oo aqoonyahanno ah.


Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis) Hiiraan Online

Mogadishu, Somalia

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Duke, adiga waxaa fiicnaan leheed in Xamar xoog laguugu geeyo mar si aa usoo aragtid in qabiil kasto joogo.


I will let you know if I get all the details but now I don't have it all. All I heard is that it wasn't one clan or two clans invited but many.


According to the news stories, the name includes "Soomaaliyeed" which is quite different from "reer hebel". Even if there was no presence of members from other somali clans, surely the organization is aimed to appeal to all islamic oriented somalis.


You are free to criticize saxib. You have the right to speak out against what you see as wrong and corrupt. It is just that aiming your criticism at a whole clan is difficult to understand. It is confusing.

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Xoogsade, either you have amnesia or you ignore many things which I have written before.


Mogadishu is not anew place to me, and its politics I know as much as any other place in Somalia.


My criticisam is towards those who keep placing onsticles in the place of the people. Yesteday they used the warlords, under Sharif Xasan and today they use the warlord under Sharif Ahmed. Theyir aim is to rule, to legitimise their illegaly gotten gains. Theirs is not about Islam, or clan but about naked power.


That is what I appose, Inda Cade's actions are not good for any clan least of all his own.

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Xasan Daahir Aweys oo la wareegey taladii maxkamadaha


Muqdisho - 25.June.2006 Ninka Maraykanka ugu jira liiska argagixisada, Xasan Daahir Aweys ayaa galabnimadii shalay loo magacaabay madaxa malleyshiyada

maxaakiimta magaalada Muqdisho.


Kulan balaaran oo galabnimdii shalay lagu qabtey Hotel Ramadan ee magaalada Muqdisho ayaa lagaga dhawaaqay golaha Maxaakiimta Islaamiga Soomaaliyeed, golahaas oo beddelaya Midowgii Maxkamadaha Muqdisho, waxana la dhisay guddiyo hoosaadyo uu golahaasi yeelanayo.


Xasan Daahir Aweys ayaa iminka guddoomiye u ah golahaas, waxana uu beddelayaa Shiikh Shariif Shiikh Axmed oo horay u ahaa guddoomiyaha Midowga Maxkamadaha magaalada Muqdisho.


Dallad ay ku midaysan yihiin ilaa iyo 11 maxkamdood ayaa ka jirey magaalada Muqdisho dhawrkii sano ee la soo dhaafay kuwaas oo ay maal gelinayeen ganacsato iyo wadaado si loo soo celiyo nidaamkii iyo kala dambayntii magaalada Muqdisho.


Xasan Daahir ayaa horay u hoggamin jirey koox hubaysan oo lagu magacaabi jirey al-Itixaad, kuwaas oo uu Maraykanku sheegay in ay xiriir la leeyihiin Al-Qaacida.


Sidoo kale, Soomaalida qaarkeed ayaa waxaa lagu lifaaqaa in ay ku lug lahaayeen weerarradii sannadkii 1998 lagu qaaday safaaradaha Maraykanka ee magaalooyinka Nairobi iyo Dar el Salaam, iyo weerarro sannadkii 2002 lagu qaaday dalxiisayaal Israel u dhashay gudaha waddanka Kenya.


Si kastaba ha ahaatee, golaha lagaga dhawaaqay magaalada Muqdisho ayaa ka kooban 88 xubnood, waxana magacaabista Xasan Daahir Aweys ay calaamad su'aal saaraysaa sida ay u wada shaqaynayaan dawladda federaalka Soomaaliya, beesha caalamka iyo golaha lagaga dhawaaqay magaalada Muqdisho.


Axmed Aar

SBC Muqdisho

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^^^lol. tell that to the ignorant son. Xasan Dahir has been beaten a few times before,the TFG is much stronger today than any time before..


The question is howlong will the occupation of IndaCade last.How long will the lack of government in south Somalia last.Insha Allah nt long..

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