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General Duke

PM Geedi meets with veterans of Somali army.

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^^^The emotive argument aside, the TFG is standing up and its now recruiting the old veterans, if they have a complaint they would show it. Thus you can say what ever , the veterans will be forgiven for not defending the people.


The time for governance is here.

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Yeah yeah yeah duuga, I hear you loud and clear, you are proud of bieng an Ethiopian stooge and a proud supporter of warlords.


Frankly, I understand that very well, you are repeating the same nonsense over and over again and it is starting to get reasonably boring and annoying.


It is one thing to claim to be the government but it is a whole new thing to run a government. The TFWarlords can’t run a decent functioning government.


Overlooking the falsity of the TFG will not help.


Forgive them for what? What crimes have they committed?


Protecting? They couldn’t even protect themselves, how are they supposed to protect others.

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