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Pirates: US wants to fight them inside Somalia + more ships captured

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Dawlada Maraykanka “waa in burcad badeeda lagula dagaalamaa gudaha Soomaaliya”

Mohomed Yemeni


Horseed Media




Dublumaasiyiin ku sugan magaalada New York ee xarunta qaramada midoobay ayaa maalinimadii arbacada ahayd sheegay in dawlada Maraykanka ay doonayso in ay qaramada midoobay hor dhigto qaraar ay ku doonayso in ciidamada ilaalada u jooga xeebaha Soomaaliya ay burcad badeeda kula dagaalami karaan dhulka berriga ah ee Soomaaliya




Arintan ayay dad badan u arkaan inay tahay qorshe lagu doonayo in ciidamo loogu soo diro dalka Soomaaliya, isla markaana mar labaad dib loo eego hanaankii ciidamo caalami ah loogu diri lahaa Soomaaliya




Wefdiga dawlada Maraykanka u fadhiya golaha amaanka ee qaramada midoobay ayaa diyaariyay qorshahahan si asbuuca soo socda loo hordhigo golaha amaanka




Kulankaas waxaa goob joog ka noqonaya Condoleezza Rice xoog haya arimaha dibada ee Maraykanka




Mrs: Condoleezza Rice ayaa golaha amaanka kala hadli doonta arimo badan oo ka taagan qaarada Africa iyo bariga dhexe




Dublumaasiyiintu waxa ay sheegayaan In kulankaas ay kasoo qayb gelayaan xooghayaha arimaha dibada ee Rushka Sergio Lavrove iyo xooghaya arimaha dibada ee dalka Ingiriiska Dived Melepan halkaas oo ay maalinimada Talaadada ah kaga qayb gelayaan kulan lagaga hadlayo arimaha Soomaaliya




Ku xigeenka safiirka Maraykanka u fadhiya golaha loo dhanyahay ayaa ka gaabsaday inuu tafaasiil ka bixiyo qorshaha dawlada Maraykanku ay ku doonayso inay ciidamo ugu soo dirto dalka Soomaaliya laakiinse waxa uu rajo ka muujiyay in qaraarku uu meel marayo




Waxana uu intaas ku daray in ay jirto taageero ku saabsan sidii loo ciribtiri lahaa burcad badeeda xeebaha Soomaaliya ku sugan




Wolf ku xigeenka Safiirka maraykanka ee golaha amaanka ayaa sheegay in qorshahan uu diirada saarayo burcada xeebaha Soomaaliya laakiinse hadii dawlada Soomaalidu ay ogaalato in gudaha Soomaaliya lagaga daba yimaado waan samaynaynaa ayuu hadalkiisa ku daray Mr: Wolf.




Waxaan wali faafaahin laga bixin waxa ay ka tarjumayso ogolaanshaha dawlada Soomaalida laakiinse dawlad goboleedka Puntland ayaa soo dhowayay ciidamda ku sugan xeebeheeda inay la dagaalamaan bur badeeda ayna hub iyo tababar siiyaan ciidamadeeda ilaalada xeebaha




Dalka Soomaaliya ayaa fawdo lugaha kula jiray ko dhowaad 18 sano, inta badan gobolada koonfurta Soomaaliyana waxaa wali ka socda dagaalo u dhexeeya kooxo Islaamiyiin ah iyo ciidamada dawlada KMG ah oo taageero ka helaya ciidamada Ethiopia




Waxaana magaalada Muqdisho gaaray Shiikh shariif sheikh Axmed gudoomiya isbahaysiga dib u xoraynta Soomaaliya garabka Jabuuti, arintaas oo loo arko inay tahay isbedel wayn oo ku yimi aragtidii isbahaysiga




(HR Media)

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Burcadbadeed Afduubatay doonyo Yemen leedahay

Horseed Media




Burcadbadeedkan waxaa gacanta ku dhigay ciidamada Puntland.


Burcadbadeed Soomaali ah ayaa waxaa ay afduubteen labo doonyood oo kalluumeysato Yemeniyiin ah ay leeyihiin, sida ay xaqiijisay wakaaladda wararka ee dalka Yemen ee SABA.

SABA ayaa sheegtay in warkaasi ay kasoo xigatay ilaalada xeebaha dalka Yemen oo sidoo kale sheegay in ugu yaraan 7 ka tirsan Kalluumeysatada ay ka baxsadeen burcadbadeeda markii uu afduubku dhacayay.

Labada doonyood ee la afduubtay waxaa la socda 22 kalluumeysato ah.


Bishan horraanteed burcadbadeed Soomaali ah ayaa waxay sii daayeen markab ganacsi oo ka diiwaangashan dalka Yemen oo ay ka dalbadeen in la siiyo $2m oo madaxfurasho ah.


Hase yeeshee saraakiisha dalka Yemen ayaa waxay sheegeen in burcadbadeedu ay sii daayeen markabkaasi iyagoo aan la siinin madaxfurashadii ay dalbadeen.

Waxaana dadaalka lagu sii daayay markabkaasi ka qeybqaatay odayaasha deegaanka iyo saraakiisha maamulka Puntland.

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$200 mill. That must be great for Bugland...


Seriously, I think this time they mean business. Better let your uncles know that the Yankees are coming to get them and yeah, stealing and kidnapping is morally wrong.

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^^^The $150 million in tax collected by the Pirates is good for everyone.


Adeer those that have been dumping, toxic waste and illegal fishing of our beloved coast have found an enemy in the Pirates.

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The more the international community says they will fight against the pirates, the more they strike and take more ships, nimanka waxaad moodaba inay maxaaba naloola hadlay usamaynayaan. Today alone, they have capatured 6 ships... 3 from Yemen. Yementi Balaayaa haysata, only last week their Abmassidor to Somalia was in Puntland to release a Yemeni ship taken by the pirates, which luckily was finally released. It happened again, Yaaaab!

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Nimankan pirates ah dhib uun bay dadka ku soo wadaan walahi. Shacab masaakiib ah aa ku le'anaysa dhibka ku soo socota. Alla, if these pirates know the consequence of their actions...Allow sahal

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As long as Somalia is unstable, the so-called international community will never stop OUR pirates. Only a strong national government that has the support of the people can put an end to these, free-for-all coast guards.


dhulQarnayn :cool:

Republic Of California

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Dhul, I agree with you on the notion that only Somali government can stop this piracy crisis. But remember one thing, international community (in this case foreign navies) do not want to stop, but simply to halt it. And the actions they are going to take will harm innocent by standers more than it will hurt skinny pirates. When the Yankees say that they will fight them(pirates)inland, what do you think they gonna do? They are going to hit places that they suspect of being piracy heaven. Places like Eyl,Hobyo, Xarardheere, Xaafuun and such. And innocent civilian will die as well distraction of properties.

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Gheelle.T, I don't think America or any of the western countries can strike Somalia purely because of the pirate actions, they can fight with them in the sea waters if they wish and also possibly on the ground by the invitation of the Somali authorities. Remembers the pirates will be treated as crimal gangs similar to armed robbery and not as terrorists. They never killed a single life, their motive is money and their excuse is to save guard the Somali sea.

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Emp, didn't the French kill and captured Somali pirates in their on land? Common man, all they need is a UN resolution that will allow them fight pirates. They already have one that allows any navy to fight Somali piracy in the sea.

Somalia waa halaq mareen camu qof kastaa waxuu rabo ka sameeya.

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^Was there any innocent hurt, no... I said it earlier, any selective attack similar to that can happen but do not expect a raid on a city in Somalia in which innocents would get hurt and considered as collateral damage. The French tracked down the pirates 4-wheel drive, closely monitored them for sometime and attacked.

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^ You making it sound like they care about pirates or innocent civilians. If a resolution is to be passed at UN that allows them(foreign armies)to fight pirates on land, they will raid town and villages they suspect as pirate hide outs. There is nothing that will stop them my friend. If those guys the French tracked them down were inside a town, the French would have done the same regardless of who else would have gotten on the crossfire.

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