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GalMudug Starts Clean Up Campain in Galkacyo City

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Juje -


Firstly,After news like this.. one should find it with in them self to congratulate at the least rather then concern them selfs with green line/division and what not?



Secondly, Neither Ethiopia nor TFG recognizes GalMudug State. Not sure who needs who's recognition but kindly, would you avoid any misleading statements?


Its a Future State part of a Federal Somalia in the future when a National government comes about.

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Who is misleading who - when one claims to be part of a future government that is not even on paper yet.

Yes I very much agree with you that Gal-Mudug does not need the recognition of the current TFG - but for this TFG to exist as a federal government and function as one it needs regional administrative bodies as its base - which of course Gal-Mudug is one of them.

Hence the reliance might be greater one than the other, but by all means one cannot dismiss the other and vice versa. Therefore, Datoore, how ever much you detest the structure and ethics of this TFG it is an entity internationally recognized as a 'national' government of Somalia. Thus you cannot have an regional government within Somalia and claim that you have nothing to do with the TFG. Unless of course you are seceding like S/land.

TFG is not the final solution and of course it will come to an end. I will rather have Gal-Mudug being part of the machinery of change rather than standing outside until the change happens and claim to be part of that new structure when it is formed - which might be to late.

Galbeyte the new strategy of war in Somalia is not 'ana lan-dheer ah iyo ana ka mooryan iyo gandheri badan'- it is the art of diplomacy and tact. I hope we dont loose out saxiib.

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Brother . You’re by passing my argument. Why over sophisticate the matter?


The TFG charter was drafted and broken by the TFG several times e.g. appointment of Gheedi when the charter clearly stated the Prime minister had to come from the house of parliament. Only to realize the second time around that the world is watching they passed a notion through parliament to get one from outside. Their argument against GMS is: “after 2004, NO Regional Admin can be formed with out TFG permission and supervision” these are the words of Hussein Caydiid when he was with the TFG.


Ethiopian TFG does not recognize GMS and GMS which is designed to fit a federal charter has no other choice but to mirror this frosty attitude.

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A simple question for you Gabeyte, why are you using Gal-Mudug as a tool against the TFG? Why do you want to hamper the stability and secure environment you regions needs in order to develop.

TFG is already crumbling in its own without your help but the institutions will remain, now do you want to be part of them or do you want to devise your own?

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You shouldn't believe every fictional tale you hear.


The 90s are over. The time where you'd here this and that half.


I hope that gives you a better understanding of galkacyo

Galkacyu is one city. Wonderfull pics. ;)

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Juje I'm not using anything as a tool.


GMS has their political agenda rolling and im just a passionate supporter who's got his facts straight.


TFG is what it is and to most its a Stain thats will follow the civil War in the dark side of History books.

What else might i be using as a tool? history book?



General Duke.. yes they are indeed smile.gif

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I believe no matter how bad or distasteful this TFG might be for some, the fact is that it is a "good START" and that we can pick it up from there wherever it left off so that our pursuit of peace and stability in our vigorously fragmented land, called Somalia is still kept alive.


Nice pics ditore.

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Very good news indeed, I also hear that the Vice President and Finance Minister are going to the Middle East to sign an agreement where the Port of Hobyo will be rebuilt

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You are making it sound like as if it is like a Kremlin State sxb, ama in a Gal-Mudug la mid tahey sidi gabar cunug wa*cal ah urkiisa qadey.

Stop making it hush-hush and be open about the whole issue Dattore - Gal/Mudug is up and running and on the rise, there is nothing stopping it now Illahey Idinkiis .

Be proud Galbeyte.

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Im Proud sxb. I just hate to be the one who shoots them in the foot.


Somali waligeed ma kala daadan laheen, haduu nin walba shaqadiisa qabsan lahaa sidii looga rabayna uga soo bixi lahaa... laakin waxaad mooda in la yiri waligiinba iska daba shaqeeya.


Juje.. hows the unconstructive criticism of yours getting on. Got any answers yet..?

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lool Datoore my bad I should have waited for the official press release.


Saxiib when are you going back to help the regional administration

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Originally posted by Dr.Galbeyte:

unconstructive criticism of yours

Sad to note that, and am taken back by this harsh and perplexed observation - while all the time I thought we were exchanging ideas - amazing how this screens can mislead you.

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