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CEELBARDAALE- the cowards in cowardland have spoken

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Reading an article posted in gabiley website, you could see clearly the deep hatred and subtle use of words to insult and fabricate tales against a particular community that live in gabiley.


As you all remember after a sub-clan fougth and the loss of lives occured. A section of those warring subclan have set up a road block to kill and slaugther innocent travelers.

We all remember that this act entered in the annals of "gunimo".


Yet again the same people who set up the road bloc and haboring those murderers.

While the big marfash (somaliland) which the so called president(marfash manager)is chasing the so ullisive "ictaraf" which will never happen.

However international body and africa union need to entertain while they are under khat allucination.

And telling them to come next year (every year) in order to consider whether a marfash could be recognised as a country or not.


These same people had the gut while the murderers are among them. to publish the following article.




ceelbardaale waxaa la sameeyay horaantii kontomaadkii waxana horseed u ahaa ilaahay raali haka noqdo sheekhii caalimka ahaa sheekh muxumed raage, abuuri taankii ceelbardaale wuxu beri ka ahaa oo aan marnaba lagu tirin karin mid ku salaysnaa qaab qabiileed ama dawladeed ama si gaar ah ugu adeegato cid gaar ahi sida ay markasta kuwa isku daya inay been ka sheegaan taariikhda ceelbardaale



Sheekha oo bud dhig u ahaa mashruuca ceelbardaale wuxu yimid wakhti la odhan karo waa loogu baahi badnaa waayo waxa jirtay baahi diineed oo ka jirtay meel badan oo ka mid ah gobolada somaliland gaar ahaan galbeedka shishe waxanu hilfaha u laabay oo uu la dagaalamay dhaqamo caqabad ku ahaa diinta islaamka sida sixirka iyo faalka oo aad looga isticmaalo jiray Boorama iyo hareereheeda taasi waxay keentay inay cadaawad u qaadaan rag ku shaqaysan jiray sixirka iyo faalka oo isaga dhigi jiray dadka mashaikh wax dabiibta waxanay dhinaca saareen qabiilkii ayka soo jeedeen .



Haddaba , waxaa nasiib darro ah in la ilaawey xukunkii iyo fulintii ceelbardaale ee ay 7 June 2009 oo soo saareen hormoodkii golaha guurtida qaranka somaliland . masuuliyadaasi may ahayn mid loo wada sinaa balse waa mid u taalay xukuumada madxweyne Rayaale, dad badan waxay illaa hadda isweydinayaan tolow madaxweynaha Ma ka illawshiyaa? Miyuu ka badheedhay oo wuxuuna ogolayn beesha loo xukumay? Ma wuxuu ka kaga dhabeeyey guurtida colbaanu nahay?



Waxaan kusoo gunanadayaa , Madaxweyne mararbadan ayaa lagaala hadlay arimaha xaalaha ceerbardaale oo aad adigu dhab ahaan aad tahay masuulka kowaad ee leh fulinta xaqsoorkii ay hore u gaadheen goleheena guurtidu .



Wabillahi tawfiq



Cabdirasaaq Sh Cali Askar


Hargeisa, 4418174


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this guy sounds like a sad winy old lady, booooh hooo hooo !


loool, come on man, god made us men, for a reason. Djibouti Somali, saxib we know you aint Djiboutian, you are what they refer to in Djibouti as "way ku dashayn lakin umay dalayn". you know what i mean. Stop all these tearful posts. The only this your should apoligise for is the sorry state of your mind.


looool, borama is a nice town, the people of borama are somalilanders. I love that town when i went i absolutley loved it, the people are wonderful, the atmosphere is great, great tea and food.



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