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Just-In news wire from the century old reputable wargeyska Maxaa la Yiri!

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Maxaa la yiri reporters have been overwhelmed by the sheer number of events on the ground zero and the leading newsmakers whom we have spoken to in order to confirm and substantiate the news. As a practical reasons, we neither have the time nor the space to talk about the events in detail on this great SOL site. However, in the spirit of informing the public about the ins and outs of their homeland, our producers have put revealing snippets together a la newswire format.


1. On ground Zero: President Abdullahi have made clear to us that he has no intention to initiate a new civil war. He made no secret that his nascent and divided government need all the tools available to it in order to survive. He has a duty, he insisted, to move on and do what he can.


Our reporters pressed the president very hard to explain how he intends to avoid from the traps lay ahead cleverly thrwon all over by the strong men in Mogadishu. With smile he said and we qoute him "Bring them on". He condescendling lectured our man in Jowhar Mr. Shabeel Lagde about power, government, resolve, and leadership. At one point, he qouted a nomad known for his manly man resolve and decisiveness. Mr. Shabell Lagde qouted the great fighter words as being "Gardaro is yeel yeel yaan ninkii gudanni diidaaye...".


The old and tired man reasoned that he is in a receptive and loyal city and he has the means to defend his TFG if the need be. The goal, he said, is to reinstitute Somali state and the likes of Mogadishu lords and their wishy washy, willy nilly stand will not slow him down a bit for they have not taken into account the interest of the people. He reminded our reporter that he had compromised already twice.


2. Mogadishu faction of the TFG have been busy in taking part of meetings. The agenda and ad hoc at that have been many but the overarching issue was how to inflate the Jowhar factions air baloon that's been rising to new heights by the day.


Minister Caato made a verbal threat but another Minister Mr. Ceydiid showed resolve by making the point tha villa Baidhabo will be the home of the folks whose destruction has been asked to take part. Minister Yalaxow had a difficult time in rallying the troops of his clan. The tribal chief and subclans allied with the Jowhar make the point that if Mogadishu comes under attack that they will take a firm stand in its defence. However, they dismissed any move to harm their brethern in Jowhar.


The nascent media have been instrumental in beating the drums of war. The well documented reports indicate that there were unfounded call to take arms against non-existing cavalary. They pulled one great stunt and that is the UN agencies staff have been evacuated due to the esclating rhetoric within the TFG.


3. Northwest's nascent democracy has taken an other important leap. The districts seats can be openly contested in an open and democratic way. A precedent in the Somali lands since the overthrow of late sixties elected government. The only setback is the two main platforms run by the contestens are institutionalized but rundown clannism and successful secession effort.


The point of contention has been ignored for the time being. The overlapping borders of the two autonomous regions of that corner of Somalia has not so far become an issue. Some of the cheerleading media loyal to the cause secessionists are championing reported that the Mr. Siilaanyo, one of the hopefulls has managed to visit 17 towns in one day. The math doesn't add up. But the point is to convey that the towns that fall in the grey area where the borders overlap have been receptive to this candidate and by extention he will be the one that will bring the glory to Hargeisa.


4. Down under in the South where manly men conquered the weaklings (some would put it differently and call them victims) - manly men who intend to enjoy the fruits of their hard won labor are reconfiguring their strategy. There are mino differences between the big boys and lil complication introduced to the equation by the godfather of the alliance.


Morgan desperate for position and way back to the most resourcefull region of all Somali regions with complete infrastructure made a big gamble by alligning himself to Mogadishu lords. With no leverage of his own, Morgan is hoping that the Abdiqasim's words will be kept a la manly men style and hopefully he will be given the lion's share he so fearcifully had fought for over a decade. As of today, that is not happening even though the rumors say otherwise.


5. Camp operation "Smart Move" in Bay region is in the dark. It's no secret that all out war has been averted and the big men there have discussed the way out of the current stalmate. The interesting thing is both sides of Camp "Smart Move" have talked the talk but have yet to walk the walk. The Guduud and Madoobe are still in sync with Jowhar TFG side of the equation all the while Xaabsade has a close reltions with JVA alliance. All in all Bay region is the one to watch as far as the looming showdown of Jawhar and Mogadishu is concerned.


To be continued...

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Long time, long time saaxiib. Cabdiwahaab Sheekh Mukhtaar the son of former Speaker of Somali parliament in late sixties yaa miskiin is ka dhigay haddana dad foorjeeyey. When was it 7th and 8th grade since we have parted our ways. I went off to SakhawaDiin Secondary School in Shibis you know where and we moved out of Hawlwadaag.


A/Wahab Ganeey as we used to call him is the one wearing acquo T-shirt right behind the fella with the T-shirt bearing Somali flag.


Widaay MMA xasuusteyda waa fiicneed waligeed ee ha i dhihin waa kaa dhamaatay hee :D

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He is no longer ganeey nooh. Ar muxuu necbaa ganeeynimo, though. He studied dentistry nooh, so marka first thing he did was iligiis ayuuba iska badalay.


Waa laguugu salaamaa, Baashi marax ayaa kusoo salaamaayi aan dhahaa.

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Wat a small world...Abdiwahab Sh Mukhtar is known to me.What a coincidence yaah,I can not blv I have a mutual acquaintance with 2 people I know only through the virtual world.....A cool guy but the foorjo I guess wore off with age.Last I heard of him he was somewhere in the UK....Nooh


Baashi adaa is qarxiyey sxb,was there ever a price in that post about your age :D I can now definitively guess ur age and claim the winners price.... :D

On another note Baashi miyaad carab latahay mise magaca Somaliland wey kugu adagtey.Try practising it now b4 its too late cuz the way Adeer Abdullahi is handling his presidency reminds one of a similar fate a gentleman who called himself Dr.Abdiqasim met.....

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MMA, fadlan igu salaan my former classmate.


Plz do Gediid :D You are not the only one who have enquired about my age. Many folks in SOL have been fascinated by my "youthful indescretions" :D I have always tried to give them ample opportunities to guess and get it right for once. This lil slip was not an accident saaxiib :D


As to me failing to not mention the name of the old/young emerging republic of Somaliland, that was unintentional. Kacaanka exhortations had left unerasable print in the old generations psychic. We have been around when things were the way they supposed to be and back then as many of us remembered that corner of the land had a name.

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