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Qaddiyadda Foosha Xun ee Qabyaaladda = Ugly Objective of Clanism

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Sayid care to translate that into english,bruv?

I don't care!!! if the book was in Af-Soomaali, you should have at least copied the title in Soomaali. if the book is in english-why would i translate it into Soomaali, since no one here actually boast/brags about not speaking/understanding english like they do with the Af soomaali :mad:

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^^^No not reading minds, rather reading WHAT he wrote, rather than WHAT you thought he wrote. The Book is already in english and he has read it, JB wants it. BG wants the poems in somali. :D


I can't do till next week, after my deadline.

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ma ila aragten this self proclaimed Sayid is a quite a seef la bood-judgemental fellow.


dhul, who said somali ma aqano. u assumed I did when I asked for a translation, doesn't mean i cant crack what the poet is attempting to say, though I still wuld like to see the poem translated in english, it would help alot of people and I want to see how good some people are.


Ibtisam, I second that, please do translate the poem. if u get it right gacan ban ku tagey.


JB, the book belongs to the libraRY and its overdue cuz i can be bothered to go to UNI and return, but ill post the definition of a tribalist and the name of the book, so u can buy yourself or perhaps search online. Do they deliver bookz to hargeysa?

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Wanba qirta - now will you do it? what's more i am more than happy to acknowledge i can't translate for sh - if you'll translate the hundren documents i have here in fron of me.



I would really like someone to translate this poem and i'll pay them



Terms and condition apply

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Hehehe ,,,, :D @ Sayid



Geeljire, I don't think i can buy books online as there is no credit card facility here. I'll look for another options IA

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JB - eat your heart out!! - what do you make of my translation below?


please note this is a literal tranlation:


The people I am talking to have neither the moral fibre nor faith.


As if they had grazing land for brain, which requires dredging (mud extraction)


They descent on the previously ring fenced yard


If they were to face one direction and protect their interests


As a group of people (united by brotherhood) & adhere to self (kept) agreement


They would have not been any less than anyone else. only they are cutting the hobble rope from underneath each other.


You have been hammering each others’ heads for all eternity.


When you disembowelled each other, it caused the floods to enter.


Your offspring’s (your prosperity) scattered about and baked (by you lot)


And you eat their fresh meat as your midday meal


O Somalis, (don't you know) the straight path is covered


Only the one who wants God’s favour can find it


The man who sulks and disperse (out of fear) the constitution and divine revelations, only occurs the wrath of God (religion)


There is no shelter in being clannish, only shattering shedders.


Enjoy-espcially those who are somali challenged

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literal tranlation:


The people I am talking to have neither the moral fibre nor faith.


As if they had grazing land for brain, which requires dredging (mud extraction)


They descent on the previously ring fenced yard


If they were to face one direction and protect their interests


As a group of people (united by brotherhood) & adhere to self (kept) agreement


They would have not been any less than anyone else. only they are cutting the hobble rope from underneath each other.


You have been hammering each others’ heads for all eternity.


When you disembowelled each other, it caused the floods to enter.


Your offspring’s (your prosperity) scattered about and baked (by you lot)


And you eat their fresh meat as your midday meal


O Somalis, (don't you know) the straight path is covered


Only the one who wants God’s favour can find it


The man who sulks and disperse (out of fear) the constitution and divine revelations, only occurs the wrath of God (religion)


There is no shelter in being clannish, only shattering shedders.

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heh qabyaalad & Somalinimo go hand in hand. Islan maalin hore meel tacsiyad la iigaga soo daray oon ride soo siiyay baa igu tiri, "eedo cidahanaga laguma arko oo ma dagana building-kan, waxaa meesha ka buuxa Baajuun iyo qolyo kaloon la garananayn!" :mad: . Waxaa ka sii daran, buildinka waa la yaqaan oo Somaali badan, badan baa degan. Laakin ayada qabiilkeedaa u sareeya, kuwa kaloo dhan wax jiro maaha waa cagta hoosteeda. Subhanalaah.


Qoloda islaanta ma garanayn markii hore, laakin markay hadalkaas tiri waanba iska fahmay! :D .. the Dukes come in many forms and shapes.. icon_razz.gif

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