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What will Togane say about this?

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If Togane was right in his hateful poem that didn't recognize the many aspects of life, I wonder what's his take on this inspiring story by Hiiraan Online?


And since Togane himself probably can't answer this question, its open to the supporters of his spiteful poem to answer.

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Sxb, thats very powerfull images! ;) The positive things happening in our capital; home to 2.6 million citizens. Only the sick will say otherwise.

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^^^ You must love Xamar so much to say it is in a wonderful state?


You must love Xamar and its 2.6 million people to ignore that its national port and air port is closed. That those who live are the lucky, fortunate few who have the money or the relatives in the Diasopora.


I feel sorry for all the Somali in general and the ones in Mogadishu in particular. For Mogadishu is the very symbol of Somalia, if it was wonderful today then you do not know what wonderful is..

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