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Puntland forces capture militia chief Jaamac Ismaaciil Ducaale on first encounter

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Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa sheegay in Puntland lagu soo duuley oo ay ku soo duuleen Argagixiso caalami ah oo is bahaysatey kuwaas oo ka kala yimid caalamka oo dhan.


“….Waxaa xalay ka dhacay magaalada Bosaso meel u dhaw dagaal aad u xoog badan, waa la caabiyey dhimasho badan ayaana soo gaartey, waana laga sifeeyey meelihii ay soo weerareen, waxaana laga qabtey saraakiil ka mid ahayd kuwa weerarka soo qaadey oo uu ka mid yahay Jaamac Ismaaciil Ducaale oo ahaa ninkii hadda ka hor soo weeraray magaalada Baargaal isaga oo wata ciidamo ajnabi ah….” ayuu Madaxweynuhu


Dr.Faroole ayaa sheegay in malayshiyadii dagaalka ku soo qaadey ay ka dileen 13 nin, waa sida hadalka uu u dhigay, mana jirto ilo madax banaan oo arintaas xaqiijiyey.


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I dont remember the brave Sharif Hotel troops or southern militia ever defeating or capturing an Al Shabaab operative, well Puntland was always better at such things...

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^^^Indeed, some are telling us this man was rounding up his goats when he was capture. A local boy who was just arrested by some evil doers.


Thats just nonsense.

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^^^Al Shabaab are over rated, pure propoganda, look at todays events and its clear that the Puntland security forces much neglected as they have been just crushed these men. Capturing a wanted comander..


No let up from now on, they attacked.

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Heavily armed security forces from Somalia's northern stable state of Puntland have clashed with militia loyal to a militant group near Bossaso, the region's commercial capital, Radio Garowe reports.


Reports said the militia attacked Puntland forces in Karin, some 40 km from Bossaso, leading to heavy exchange of gun fire.


Puntland President Abdirahman Mohamed Farole says the security forces killed 10 militant fighters and captured one of the commanders, appealing for the Puntland people to defend the state.


"We have repulsed them, captured and killed many of them. Jamaa Ismail Duale who is a well known militant, is among those we captured," he said.

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Dukey,all the more reasons why I believe Sharif is sleeping with the enemy.


How do you not command use of 3,000 foreign soldiers who are at your disposal to take the fighting to the enemy? A year has passed and the closest he got to engaging the enemy is BY PLAYING DRESS-UP AND grapping the microphone to talk trash when he is not begging for international aid.....or discussing when his soldiers will be ready for combat.....


Its scary thing to admit but I think SHARIF FOOLED US ALL, except dukey, you knew him to be imcompetent fool.

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Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

This is internal issue and has nothing to do Al-Shabaab.

Al Shabaab are nothing adeer, thats why I commend Faroole for taking clear and decisive action. Even the rounding up of clowns in Bosssaso weakened them and forced them to come out today, as they did.


If they had won, you would be saying, look how powerful Al Shabaab are. ;)


Puntland need to strengthen their armed forces and fully equip them, including the PIS who have shown their mettle both today and in Galkacyu..

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Dagaalka ayaa yimid ka dib markii maleeshiyada taabacsan Shiikh Attam ee la sheegay in ay ka tirsan yihiin Al-shabaab ay weerar kusoo qaadeen goob ay ku sugnaayeen Ciidamada Daraawiishta oo ku taala degaanka Karin oo qiyaastii 40-KM u jirtaa Bosaaso kuna taalla wadada laamiga.


Kadib markii Malayshiyadda Shiikh Attam ay dib ugu noqdeen halkii ay ka soo duuleen oo ku beegan dhanka Galgala ayaa waxaa duhurnimaddii isla maanta uga dabategay halkaas ciidamada Puntland waxaana dagaal aad u kharaar uu ka dhacay tog lagu magacaabo Sugure, halkaas oo ka mid ahayd saldhigyada kooxda Shiikh Attam, dagaalkaas oo istaagey gabaldhicii maanta ayaa warar aan madaxbanaaneyn sheegayaan in ciidamada Puntland ay saldhiggaas la wareegeen isla markaana ay tahay goobta lagu qabtey Taliyihii ciidankaas Jaamac Ismaaciil Ducaale, waxaana isla goobtaas laga soo qaadey shan nin oo meyd ah kuwaas oo la soo gaarsiiyey Isbitaalka Bosaso.


Mar aan isku dayney in aan booqano Isbitaalka Bosaso ayeysan noo suurta gelin waxaana dhinac kasta ka xidhay ciidamada amaanka Puntland.


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Puntland security forces killed 13 al Shabaab militants when they attacked an army post near Boosaaso on Monday. At least two soldiers died in clashes near Galgala Hills. Puntland President Abdirahman Sheikh Mohamed also said that Puntland did not need AMISOM assistance combating al Shabaab, and that all African soldiers should be deployed in the central and southern regions of the country.[16]

Gulf of Aden Security Review - July 26, 2010

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Shabaab, Puntland forces clash in northern Somalia

By Bill RoggioJuly 26, 2010


"We have repulsed them, captured and killed many of them," Puntland President Abdirahman Mohamed Farole told Garowe. "Jamaa Ismail Duale who is a well known militant, is among those we captured. I am appealing to Puntland people that they should prepare to defend the state from the invaders."


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