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General Duke

Bossaso: New Shopping mall, so much for the wishes of chaos + security Cheif audio

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Since the demise of Attam many weak persons have claimed and even fabricated news that Bossaso was somehow effected by the troubles in the village of Galgala, which has thus far been a smooth operation by the Puntland armed forces led by the PIS. Attam Al Shabaab supporters have been rounded up, exiled and others apprehended by the security forces. There has been no demo’s or fighting in the city demonstrating his lack of support and the false claims some make of having actual influence in the city. Today there was a new shopping mall added to the city, demonstrating the fact that Bossaso is booming and the demise of the Al Shabaab agent Attam has had no ill effect on the city.

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Shirkadda Macruuf Oo Xarun Ganacsi Weyn Ka Furtay Bosaaso(Sawiro)


September 6, 20101

Share Shirkadda Ganacsiga ee Macruuf oo kamid ah shirkadaha ku yaalla magaaladda Bosaaso ayaa dhistey xarun weyn oo ganacsi kaas oo ka kooban qaybo kala duwan.


Munaasabad lagu furaayay xaruntaas ayaa fiidnimada caawa lagu qabtay Hotel Panorama ee magaalada Bosaaso,waxaana goobjoog ka ahaa ganacsato iyo masuuliyin ka tirsan Dawladda Puntland sida Wasiirka Maaliyada Faarax Cali Jaamac iyo Guddoomiyaha gobolka Bari C/xaafid Cali Yuusuf.


Maamulaha xarunta ay Shirkada hirgelisay Yuusuf Muxiyadiin oo ka hadlay munaasabada ayaa sheegay in xarunta cusub lagu magacaabo Macruuf Shopping Centre ayna ka koobantahay saddex qaybood.


Wuxuu sheegay in qaybta kowaad ay tahay meel loogu talagalay in ay caruurta ku ciyaaran ayna yaallan agab kala duwan oo ay caruurta ku ciyaaran looguna talagalay in isku maaweeliyaan.


Sidoo kale xarunta ayaa waxaa ay leedahay qayb lagu gado alaabaha kala duwan ee bagaasha iyadoo ay ku jiraan kuwa casri ah.


Maamulaha guud ee Shirkadda Macruuf Ismaacil C/salaan ayaa isna goobta ka sheegay in xaruntaan dhismaheeda ay isaga kaashadeen Shirkadaha Macruuf iyo Ugbaad lana waday mudo.



Wuxuu xusay in ay tahay horumar aad u balaaran oo lagu talaabsaday,wuxuuna ku dhiirageliyey ganacsatada in ay ka qayb qaatan.


Guddoomiyaha Rugta Ganacsiga Puntland Maxamuud Xayir Ibraahim ayaa isna soo dhoweeyey xaruntaan cusub ee la furey,wuxuuna ku tilmaamay mid horumar u ah dadka iyo dalka.


Wasiirka Maaliyada Dawladda Puntland Faarax Cali Shire oo gaba gabadii kulanka ka hadlay ayaa ugu baaqay ganacsatada in ay ka qayb qaatan arrimaha horumarinta dalka.


Wuxuu intaas ku daray in xaruntaan ay isbedel soo kordhinaysa ayna waxtar u leedahay dhalaanka soo koraaya.


Xaruntaan cusub ay hirgeliyeen Shirkadaha Macruuf iyo Ugbaad ayaa ahaa mashruuc lasoo waday mudo hal sano ah.


Horseed Media

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Duke thinks that killings in Somalia are something to smile about. He calls the Galgala killings a clean operation and the he denies the Bosasso murders ever happened.

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^^^The Galgala operation was a clean operation from security terms, no civilian was killed in the operations, no farms were torched and no civilians were harmed.


Thats unprecedented in Somali clashes which usually cost a great deal of lives.


The Bossaso incidents, killings happen in any large city, North Minneapolis which a poor section of the city a Gheto really has many deaths every year, that does not mean Minneapolis is in Chaos.

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^^^ Lol you are not at all creative, the fact of the matter is that

the Galgala operation has and will improve the security of the state of Puntland and make it easy for the admin to overcome the Al Shabaab threat. The city is booming, the Al Shabaab's agent Atam is on the run and his very message is unpopular amongst the people he claims to represent.

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