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ONLF offensive: reports dislodging Ethiopian military bases.

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miyaad maqashay waxa ka dhacay higlaley (between Dhagaxbuur and Jigjiga).


Some 400 fighters ayaa kaga soo daadagay buur aan laga filayn oo army dufays ahayd. Apparently, 30 somali pro-Tigre militias oo la fadhiisiyey meel buundo ah were expected to alert the axmaaro army if ONLF comes. ONLF does come , but not through the buundo. They just walked straight into the army garrison and rained RPGs, PKM and Ak-47 on the unsuspecting Tigre army. Complete annihilation after four hours of bloody fight. Five more hours, hubkii iyo saanadii Tigre'ga were transported with the help of the locals.

28 Somali's (ONLF and Pro-Tigre militias were killed).


Xalay Dhagaxbuur iyo jigjiga lama seexan. ZU-23 and Tanks are positioned outside the town. No more sitting in army camps.


The strategy of the coordinated attacks were to confine the Tigre army to Provincial capitals only. That way the harm they can do to communities will be minimised and their movements easily monitored.


Waa mahad Alleh

Maanta waa aayaan

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Abtigis, you seem like an intelligent person surely you should know in this day an age that we live in, nothing is gained at the barrel of a gun. A clear example is the PLO who has been fighting a longer battle then the onlf and they have failed to achieve their objectives through militant means and are required to use diplomatic means such as peace-accords to fully realize their state ambitions.


Surely you realize that Ethiopia is not even sending 1/16th of it's resources against the ONLF. The following statistics I gathered of the Ethiopian army is.


Active Personnel: 182,000 soldiers

Fit For Military Service: 15 million soldiers

Budget Expenses on Military: $450 Million


Jet Fighters:150


With all due respect what sort of statistics does your ONLF have compared to that? Maybe you take the story line of the "under-dog" will win the day, however I think your dad forgot to tell you that only happens in the movies and not real-life. smile.gif

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Sxb ha quusan, these numbers are just...numbers.Even when the British army say they've got 30 helicopters in Afghanistan, they mean only a dozen are able to fight.Imagine then obsolete USSR era equipment in the similarly hot and dusty Galbeed, but this time with much less maintenance capability.


Of course, corruption is also the norm and you have to account as well for the third of resources bogged down at the Eritrean front or the other third neccesary to hold on other ethnic groups or as a reserve (even if we assume they are motivated to fight since last time, entire Oromo and others battalions with their officers were surrendering).


I very much doubt there is more than a hundred old Russian models armored cars or a couple jet maximum, longside their spares and fuel requirements, maximum they could afford and risk there (150 jets is a joke, even Egypt don't have those numbers)...



PS: people should be taught to never be impressed by mere numbers or theoritical "resources"...

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surely you don't know the Derg army of Mengistu was 500,000 (including abiyot tibaqa and citizen militias) and were defeated by a ragtag rebels of 25,000 from Tigrai.


By the way, no one is saying we will march to Addis. We know this will go on as a peripherial issue for sometime. But our efforts will complement the efforts of 8 other liberation fronts. The regime is unpopular and has to use its army in every district of a vast country. There is no village except Tigrai where their rule will be accepted without force and hence their army is spread out.


There is a lot you need to catch up with young Cowke.

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Exactely, the Derg had billions of exceptional communist military aid and constant direct technical support as well as training, not to mention the ability to draft peasants everywhere as they wish...all that to suffer spectacular defeats against rag-tag militiamen!

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The Zack   

Cowke believes what Farole believes; Ethiopia is very strong therefore we should respect it and follow its orders. The funny thing is he keeps using the struggle of the good Palestinians and "how they fail to reach any where with their fight" as example, adeer I am sure if they were fighting with Yuhuudda without direct and indirect support of Mareykanka they would've been free for very long time. Yuhuudda is fully and I mean 100% supported by the US. Why don't you use Eritrea, Tigray, even USC as an example bal?

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka:



miyaad maqashay waxa ka dhacay higlaley (between Dhagaxbuur and Jigjiga).


Some 400 fighters ayaa kaga soo daadagay buur aan laga filayn oo army dufays ahayd. Apparently, 30 somali pro-Tigre militias oo la fadhiisiyey meel buundo ah were expected to alert the axmaaro army if ONLF comes. ONLF does come , but not through the buundo. They just walked straight into the army garrison and rained RPGs, PKM and Ak-47 on the unsuspecting Tigre army. Complete annihilation after four hours of bloody fight. Five more hours, hubkii iyo saanadii Tigre'ga were transported with the help of the locals.

28 Somali's (ONLF and Pro-Tigre militias were killed).


Xalay Dhagaxbuur iyo jigjiga lama seexan. ZU-23 and Tanks are positioned outside the town. No more sitting in army camps.


The strategy of the coordinated attacks were to confine the Tigre army to Provincial capitals only. That way the harm they can do to communities will be minimised and their movements easily monitored.


Waa mahad Alleh

Maanta waa aayaan

Thanks for the updates, Abtigiis.


Ilamaa shalay imtixaankii ayaan ku mashquulsana warar badan oo guulo xanbaarsan inay idhaafeena waan u jeeda laakiin intaan telefoonadii Jigjiga ka shanqadhinaayo keep us updated ,,,,


Guul iyo Gobanimo awoowe

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