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SOL Projection: Shariif wins the race for the presidency

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Welcome Mr. President Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed. Great day for Somalia. Don't disappoint us. Illaahay ha kaa dhigo kii dalkiisa, dadkiisa iyo diintiisaba anfaca. Illaahay ha kuu fududeeyo shaqada culus ee ku hor taal.



I'm not even gonna watch second round. I'll come back in time for the count.

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This is just rumor but my sources just informed me that Maslax is infact having finger foods with Sharifta right now and making a deal under the table with him.


According to my sources, maslax was heard telling sheikha that he will give him 20 of his votes by directing his loyalist to jotting sheikha's name if he is guaranteed the top position.


On the other hand, Nur cade fell apart upon the news of losing by one vote and is now in confinement in the back room. They gave him sedative so he can face the music once more.


Nur cade is reluctant to speak to his supporters into switching their votes to sheikha because he wants to prove that he can beat Maslax on round two.

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The music is dope.....the lyrics too!


That kaban song takes it to another level.


It's a happy occasion maanta, 500 oo Somaali ah ayaa meel mid isku raacaya.

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^^^They have to vote all over again I guess, no one can give their votes to anyone but the Sharif should win. Or is there a suprise Maslah for President that would be ammusing to say

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I just spoke one of the leading candidates campaign chairman. he told me that nuur Cade , Galadh and Edson and Guulwade votes will go to Ina siyaad Barre. Go maslah Go

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^^^Thats interesting ya Ducaysane , can Maslax win?


Maybe Nur Cade and others need him, the Sharif will have his own group coming up no room for the oldies.

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^^^They have to vote all over again I guess, no one can give their votes to anyone but the Sharif should win. Or is there a suprise Maslah for President that would be ammusing to say

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Looks like the server is over run, I had that problem too..



Originally posted by HornAfrique:

Yaabka yaabkiis. It took me five minutes to even come upon the politics section. Is all of SOL online?

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lol Ducaysane, I wouldn't put past any of these candidates into discussing who they should put their support behind.


Chances are Gulwade's 10 will not benefit him, so he must put his support behind a leading candidate, which one of the top 3 will it be?


Edson is said to be leaning towards sheikha, thats 25 votes plus mohamud's 9 and some of the disgruntled nur cade supporter's vote and before you know it sheikha will hit a home runner.


I'm confident sheikha will gain more than enough votes to secure the presidency.

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