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Clinton wins key Democratic vote - Pennsylvania

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Rush and the hate radio are always in for voter suppression, fraud and manipulation. Hate radio is where a message of narrowness and mean-spirited are conveyed. I read it somewhere that the “Operation chaos” is urging the Republicans to vote for Hillary so that they can prolong the democratic election and cause more chaos. This is a battle that is proceeding far out the public eye. The roller-costar cycle of hate radio spreading rumors and fear about Obama will continue until they get Hillary as the nominee- you know they always want an easy target where the polical wheelers can resort back to the vicious uncivil politics of the 90’s

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Hillary won a state that was tailor made for her (more Older folks, working class, catholics). She had the well-liked Governor and the organization of 100 mayors from across the state behind her. Her family is from Penn State and she was seen as the "hometown girl". After all the advantage, she beat “troubled” Obama by roughly the same margin she did in Ohio State which has more African American percentage than Penn State. That is really not an improvement for Hillary considering all the troubles Obama went through with his pastor plus other distractions. Hillary has survived to live another day. She did what she was supposed to do which is to win Penn State. The margin is not a blow-out by any means.


Everything else is a Clinton/Republican spin.


PS: Republicans were cheering and celebrating the Obama loss last night. They really want Hillary to become the nominee. You know why.

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Originally posted by STOIC:

Heh Ngonge, I don’t think Hillary is genuine either-she is a glib. Indeed, so skilled of A POLITICIAN she is even after a loosing streak of primaries and drying up of funds, she is still able to shake the Obama camp. But, Saxiib there is no way to separate the wheat from the chafe here. The same sense of self-assured politics won’t be found in Clinton camp either. I don’t expect Hillary to redefine the American politics by bringing a momentum and face the real issues without resorting to campaign tactics of not so subtlety! We can marvel at how Obama personality has got him where he is today, but it would be unfair to deny his political skills of bringing a new breed of voters out from the closet. Every day as we get closer to the decision day sure we came to see new weakness that emerges from Obama camp. Hillary can wiggle and waffle at every little hope she gets, but it would not shake the Obama momentum as she wants him to disappear in the thin air. Dismiss him all you want, but look out for Obama to make a swath in the upcoming primaries.

I'm not denying the skill, saaxib. Neither do I hate the man. It's just that I've seen the same fake message with Tony Blair and it would be foolish to fall for the same ruse twice. It's obvious that Obama is not what he claims to be. He's just a politician like all the others yet tries to dress himself in some sort of virtues, new man garb. If you support him for his politics, his ideology and plans for the future then good for you, saaxib. But if you support him because he's black or the drivel about change (with no real policies on how this change it going to be brought), I would say think again. Even worse, if you support him because he says he does not like to play the game of 'old politics', I'd suggest you watch and listen to his speeches of the last fortnight. He's an unkown quantity. He speaks well and gives (the young) hope but every passing day reveals a new stinky trait, link or association.


Mrs Clinton is not any better to be honest. But since she's not putting any airs and graces on, most sensible people are likely to follow the adage of 'better the devil you know'.

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^lol, North iska daaya.


Koora aa sifiican utilmaamay shalay.


His pessimistic attitude and one liner isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

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^What are you on about, we are yet to get to the Presidential contest stage, people are discussing here if he can be the nominee for the democrat since we clearly saw the return of the mamy, the iron lady is defiant and isn't going to conceade any time soon.


Obama can and will defeat Ms Clinton easily if he starts to act a little bit rough and taugh, throw more clean jokes and pretend to get on well with people on all levels, old and young, rich and poor and those of all colors like he claims in his speeches, he needs to show short clips of that as well. Like NG said, it's all about image, after all their policies are almost similar. For what I see, the problem with guy is that he comes across as a young geeky Professor which is the image that mostly annoys or alarms voters.

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Its turning into a good " race". Obama waxa lagu dhuftay the race card and the pastor issue didn't help at all. In any case, both them are Zionists and they clearly lie to the public when they say there will be a change of direction in the war.

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Emp and LG


Do you disagree with my prediction?


ps one liners that are to the point is better than having much to say without saying nothing ;)

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this is silly, Obama is basically guaranteed the democratic nomination no matter what hill and bill do. they can throw the race card all they want. they can drink all the bear in the world to pretend they with working people. she can pretend she was beer guzzling red nick hunter, but thank God its not in the hands of those racist rednecks in western pennsylvania (The Philadelphia area with nearly 30% of voters did its part for obama). If Obama does beat here in the rest of the states which he is leading as of now, it will be up to the super delegates. There two reasons why this bodes will for Obama: one the trend has been that super delegates have gravitated toward him in droves lately and the democrats would be crazy to overturn obama. If only twenty percent of blacks switch sides and join th red states then its over for the democrats so not picking Obama is a sure way to lose in november. Also, the 9 point loss in pa is nothing, few months ago she was projected to win my more then thirty. All in all, the lady is a fighter but its to little to late.

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