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Two dead as Ethiopian troops opened fire at a passenger bus

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Aweys Osman Yusuf


Mogadishu 07, March.07 ( Sh.M.Network) Two people were killed and more than 10 were wounded on Tuesday after Ethiopian troops searching buses in Shirkole neighborhood, southeast of the capital opened fire at a passenger bus.


Insurgents and Ethiopian troops clashed in the neighborhood yesterday. 6 civilians were killed in the cross-fire.


Halima Abukar, who was slightly wounded in the gunfire, has told Shabelle on Wednesday that 14 people were heavily wounded. “14 wounded people, including me, were admitted to Medina hospital.


Two have instantly died from their wounds and there was one woman whose left foot was cut by the bullets,” she said, adding that her wound was minor and that she was doing ok.


Halima said they were stranded in the road while they were wounded. “The Ethiopians blocked the road after the incident,” she said.

The incident occurred as heavy fighting between the insurgents and Ethiopian & government troops took place in Shirkola neighborhood, which is closer to former Somali defense compound where a large number of Ethiopian troops are base.


Witnesses said the Ethiopian and government forces were searching cars and passenger buses on the road when unknown gunmen wearing masks on their faces attacked the Ethiopians.


Also on Tuesday, at least 8 mortars fired by the insurgents hit inside Mogadishu international airport, while the first contingents of the AU peacekeepers from Uganda were landing at the airport.


Three Military cargo planes from Algeria brought the heavily armed Ugandan troops in Mogadishu.


A huge ceremony intended to welcome the arrival of the first AU peacekeepers from Uganda was underway when the explosions happed, Shabelle reporter said.


Shabelle Media Network Somalia

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We will revenge each for twenty of the enemy, IA.


See what comes next, soon!


Our brothers will not sleep nor rest as long the enemy dwells in our homelands!


We got the best license to kill them in multiple styles, indeed!

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Alle-ubaahne you are indeed right but patience is what we need during this fitnah.


Its just a matter of time so may Allah make us among those who defend the weak. Unfortunately, words dont mean anything and any man can talk the talk but little actually walk the walk. Personally I dont fight for no country and I wont fight for nobody but I am command to speak the truth and stand for justice and defend those in need and Allah knows best


May Allah have mercy on those who have left us and those of us who are soon to experience the same, may He be Praised

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Taako and Duke & fellow clan members, we're waiting for your statement in behalf of the Ethio troops.

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For the sake of their own safety, these neighborhoods should start working with the police, federal troops and piecekeepers to ensure that their neighborhoods and residents are not used as sheilds by terrorist.

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^^Another confused traitor. Conduct your calculations very carefully. Heedless traitors and collaborators always run out time before they realise. Ilaahey ha u naxriisto miskiinta kudhimatay gacanta gaalada.

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