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TFG gives way to Ahlu-Hilib wa Suufi: The New Installment

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Adeer lets not go around in circles I will embrace Al Shabaab and any other group if they want to be a part of the peace process.

If you support Al Shabaab or was it al Kebaab then tell everyone why you support them, I told you why I oppose them.

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Adeer I support the state of Puntland that has brought peace to its people and uses common sense.

I don’t much care for Al Shabaab but I have higher values for their positions than the clan clowns who for 17 years have been changing shirts. Ones political position must be passed on common sense and an ideal. You went from supporting Al Shabaab to calling for their genocide? That’s a big leap and based on nothing but clan emotional outbursts.


No running around in circles, saxib. The TFG I supported is gone we are left with the same nonsense as before. The problem is the landscape has changed saxib, this is not 2004..

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Good for you saxiib support Puntland, if you don’t care about Al Shabaab then don’t talk about the south our families live there and we know peace is the only solution.


I was an Al Shabaab supporter until they became the obstacle to peace and stability, not based on clan interest like you mate


TFG is still here adeer your key players are gone from Yey to Buube, it still has the support of the people and the international community.

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^^^lool. Adeer my family live in Mogadishu and have done so throughout the war. Thus you have no point.


Obstacle to peace you say what peace?

One needs to make peace with his enemies, Nur Cade & Sharif Ahmed are friends and not enemies, they do not have any power no military muscle. Thus what peace can they bring?


Its a joke adeer and you are clueless about what you talk about.


This process will bring more blood shed, it is based on *********.

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TFG is still here

Theiry Saaxib, the TFG is finished, logically, politically and legally its finished for the following reasons:


1. The President resigned, and thus the PM and the government will disolve as well, because the resigned President appointed Nuur Ade and approved.


2. Adan Maboode will step in and within 30 days another President must be elected. Aden Madobe warned and hinted the posibility of not having enough MPs to elect a new leader, and he can not delay or postpone it because he will need the signature of the attorney general (who's in Galkcayo with those resigned) and 2/3 of the parliamentarians approval. Now, if that was possible then a qourem can open and the election of a new president would take place making it unnecessary to delay or extend Adan Madoobe's time.


3. You have had about 150+ MPs in Baido before Yusuf's resignation, it is only two days since, and now more than 100+ MPs have been reported to have left Baidoa, about 30-40 landed in Galkacyo alone and resigned from their posts (complaining about the way the speaker behaved in the last parliament sessions), others have run for the safety of their lifes.


4. The 550 MPs peace deal is a complicated issue and will most likely never materialise, because who's going to pick who and based on what, what formula will be used for the TFG side or the ARS side. What is the difference between Nur Ade and Sheikh Sharif now, many are confusing one for the other as these men have had exactly similar views for the past few weeks, and hence this led many Somali clans to the question, how can these two men of the same sub-clan with exactly similar views lead a peace deal for the whole of Somalia, why can't they be one-side since logically they are one but with different shirts, one as TFG the other as the opposition leader and signing deals with one another, isn't that too fake. However, Yusuf's deafening resignation and his last speech had made the stage clear for both Nur and Sharif, and also put many Somali's concers and suspcious about the men wide in the open, if Yey was the problem he's no longer on stage, all Somali eyes are on these two cousins, any move or step they take will be monitored very closely and will also alarm the most unsuspecting audience.


5. Ethiopia is leaving, Alshabaab are gearing for the taking of the capital, what's is ready for the both of men to cobmat the crazy youth, and how will they fight with them, as TFG (is Sharif part of the TFG now) or ARS (Perhaps Nur is part of this group) or possibly as a clan because this will have to take place even before an election or a creation of a joint-government, time won't let it since Ethiopia is leaving early January and no UN forces will arrive in the near future. Isn't this the reason for the clan initiative by the name of Ahlu-Sunna to combat Alshabaab, and where do you think this almost disasterious move will lead in longer run knowing the sensitivity of Somalis...


Saaxib, the situation in Mogadishu today and generaly the South is deeply troubling and very complicated, from what I see the posibility of making any new government will need a new beggining, a whole new shir, new parliamanterians and new everything, lets hope and pray for a better future Insha'alah.


PS: My last point which I forgot to add. If Nur Ade and Sheikh Shariif's joint effort for the peace is solely related to Mogadishu and generaly their clan inhabited areas and not for Somalia, then that's a noble idea a great move which I and many Somalis will welcome and aid in their endeavors to do that, but they should say so and make it public. Tame Mogadishu, return law and order of its saroundings, then the whole nation can sit together and create an all inclusive government to finally end the Somali civil strive.

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GD You have been here for all these years yet still as dumbfounded as the day you walked in, remember Yey brought Nur Cade to the game, thus my camp (ARS) made peace with the man your leader brought.

Al Shabaab are as much of an obstacle as the Yey camp are in the peace process between courts and TFG.

Calling the clan card every time the game turns sour is making you sound desperate saxiib, the Djibouti agreement is supported by South Galkacyo downwards.

I make no predictions but the posture and the united front from the south is the best I have seen in years.

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Originally posted by Thierry.:


The Multi-clan Muslim Youth were and still to a certain degree are the backbone to the resistance against the Ethiopian forces for if they vanished today the Tigris would walk right back in. They are as important in the war as Khawarij were in Ali (ra) army, but when the fight ended he marched against for what reason other than to eradicate them.

It is a very simple choice for the young brothers to either be part of the solution or be part of the problem.

Brother, you have good intentions, but I would advise you to weigh your words carefully. The world of Somali politics and dirty clan politics can not be compared to ALI and his war against the khawarij.

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Thank you for your concern brother and I will definetly pay heed and never would I in vain compare the blessed companions to any Muslims in our times. However in their actions and interpretation of the Quran and Sunnah we have a clear guidance to follow (the way of the Salaf).

The young men of Al Shabaab even before our enemy has left the land have attacked other Muslims, in 2006 they disobeyed the leaders and rushed into a war when preparation where taking place. Now this disobedience and extremism is nothing new in Islam and the Companions (ra) have dealt with in the past, we should study and learn their methodology in dealing with such Fitna.


What I hate the most in the world is Anarchy and lack of discipline, if they come on board with the majority of their Somali Muslim brothers they can become a formidable Garrison in the Somali armed forces one that can be feared across Africa, however if they refuse and choose to fight and kill other Muslims then we have no choice but to defend our selves.

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The minute Ethiopia leaves, al shabaabs momentum will start to die down! It’s that simple, really!


I believe Ethiopia will withdraw, at least from Xamar! When that happens, alshabaab will have to negotiate, and tfg and Jabbuuti side shall accommodate them accordingly.

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Originally posted by .
Guutada 14aad:

There is no reason to be cheerful about the advent of this new group and in many ways it is sad that the people of Somalia have to endure more years of blood-bath, but one thing is certain. In weeks to come, the supposed inter-islamist fued will come out clear, when the leaders of the side best known for.
their fancy hair-styles, non-vegetarian food consumption, and crescendo of melodious music in the company of women
parade in the capitals of East Africa with IGAD and whoever replaces that monster Frayzer.

Guutada, I found this description very nostalgic. I used to be one of them.Timoweynta

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Emperor has raised some credible questions similar to what ICG echoed in its recent report on Somalia. It has been a wrong-headed policy direction by the International community to allow this part of Somalia that is in the Crisis Stage have legitimacy and jurisdiction over the parts that are officially recognized to be in the Recovery Stage such as Somaliland and Puntland. These two regions which together make up at least 2/3 of Somalia have been severely affected by the south and its endless violence and quagmire. Until the south restores some measurable degree of peace and order, then we can sanction the call for a national reconciliation with fairly conceived plan and formula for power sharing system that treats these three parts as equal partners with the right influence and power to shape the future of Somalia.

For years, it has been putting the wheels before the horse or letting the choas part decide for the recovering parts.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

They are the ones who defeated the TFG and Ethiopia and they will defeat the little weaklings who are now thinking big.

lol...oo adiga goormaad Al-shabaab ku biirtay amase aqoonsatay? Remember you and asxaabtaada used to call them fanatics...when did that change...? Nice move...or this is Cadawgayga cadawgiisu waa saaxiibkay...Al-shabaab waa dhallinyaro Soomaaliyeed, waxay wanaag iyo xumaan faleenna taariikhda ayaa qoraysa. Haddii mabda'oodu ahaa Itoobiya ayaan la dagaallamaynaa I think there is a date to wait for now and once that happens there shouldn't be no loss of Somali lives and what happened in the past should be a lesson for all of us...Duke haddii aad naf ka dhiganeysid adeer baa la ceyriyee ha isla qaraxdo caqli maahan...orod SHIMBIRAALE ugu tag haddii ummadda Soomaaliyeed iyo mustaqbalkeeda uu shakhsi iyo koox kaala qiimo badan yihiin...!

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Originally posted by Caamir:

Somaliland and Puntland. These two regions which together make up at least 2/3 of Somalia have been severely affected by the south and its endless violence and quagmire. Until the south restores some measurable degree of peace and order, then we can sanction the call for a national reconciliation with fairly conceived plan and formula for power sharing system that treats these three parts as equal partners with the right influence and power to shape the future of Somalia.

Originally posted by Thierry.:

Every tool has a purpose Al Shabaab one was to rid the nation of Ethiopia they now have an option of joining national forces or be eradicated.

Originally posted by General Duke:

Theirry adeer: Nur Cade & Sharif Ahmed are your clan man up and admit that nothing has changed other than shifting of personalities. Yesterday you was raving mad about Al Shabaab, what changed? Oh is it the fact that their leaders and warriors are no longer beholden to your groups in Guriceel?


Goodane, Shangool, Abu mansuur, Xasan Turki all seem to be from various clans and areas. Nur Cade, Sharif Ahmed, Ahmed Abdisalaan, AbdiShakur are all from the same sub-clan.


Give it a break. And it was Al Shabaab who fought while Sharif Ahmed was rescued by the Americans and put into a hotel.

These 3 quotes illustrate the realignment that started after AY was pushed into a corner. The only thing missing is our secessionist friends to come out in support of Shariif / Cade alliance.


Waali baa meeshan ka socota, sababta oo ah dadkani waxa ay dhahayaan kamaba fiirsanayaan.


Caamir: One third :D


Thiery: Sharpening the knives already?


Duke: Rather shabab then sharif?

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