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TFG gives way to Ahlu-Hilib wa Suufi: The New Installment

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Me, that's not my new face but I have long realized the source of Somalia's endless conflict. It's fundamental truth to extend a helping hand to a functioning status that could be easily replicated throughout Somalia. Look you will be sending a clear cut message that you reward a good work. But the fact that the virtuous conduct of Somalis outside the Capital aren't rewarded shows that the world does not care whether Somalia does stand on its feet. All eyes are on Mogadishu and its feral neighborhoods.

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Originally posted by Caamir:

. These two regions which together make up at least
2/3 of Somalia

Caamir, Lets not go further, look at your signature map and see if Puntland & Somaliland together make 2/3 of the whole republic. BTW you haven't mentioned Makhir State awoowe maxa dhacay? Dhinacee ku biirisay? :D

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^^ When you say you have 'long realised the source of Somalia's endless conflict', how long exactly do you mean? Ever since Yey left? :D


Stand up for your opinions, saaxib. Puntland first, Somalia second.

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

Stand up for your opinions, saaxib.

Another NGONGE classic.

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