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Dadka reer Bosaaso ma naxayaan walaahi.

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

waxaan ku qoslayaa kunkan idaacadood ee mid walba reerku ka waageertay ,,,,, walee waa aduunyo aakhiru samaan

Some people just can't comprehend that one could support a certain news outlet purely out of principle. Kaalay wax walbo oo lago hadlo ama qof walbo oo hadlo, maqasabaa in qabiil meesha lasoo galiyo?

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That is our problem and that is why we have all these chaos ,,,,,


but to be honest, 99% of those media in Mogadishu are clearly owned and/or funded by Qabiils ,,,, no one can denay that ,,, and there was debate on this issue sometime in 2006 ,,,, you can even see how they post the news ,,,, a warlord against another ,,,,,,

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^I have to admit that i'm alittle innocent when it comes to this trend. I speak out for a cause out of principle and all of a sudden i'm accused of supporting a certain clan. I do hear the rumours about which clan is aligned with what but i don't pay much attention to all things tribal. My contention lies in how we can overcome the million problems facing our country and indeed all Somalis.


PS- One final time, i don't believe in tribalism. This may seem suprising to some but i was not brought up in a household which believes in one. I was taught where my roots lie but never in a way to think anything bad of other clans. I thank Allah for that.

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I can understand your pain bro ,,,, once you speak you're immediately accused of qabiil coz you are from a certain qabiil of course ,,,, no one is from Mars ,,, but we have a really sick mentality ,,,,,,



Ilaahay dadkeena ha soo hadeeyo ,,,,,

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Bilaal, weydii kan deeggaanka qabiilkeyga inaan goostaa rabo because of qabyaalad or supporting in Soomaaliya la kala gooyo because of qabiil, sababta uu su'aashaas kuu weydiinaayo adiga.


That same person should never have any reason whatsoever to object waxee dadka kale taageeraan oo qabyaalad ku saabsan maxaa yeelay asaga ayaaba ugu horeeyo in the front seat when it comes supporting qabyaalad.



Those images are an unfortunate, laakiin ma'aha in la wada eedeeyo Reer Boosaaso. Dadka xaga degan waxba ma galabsan, only callous manaxyaal aan habayaratee u naxariisan dadkooda ka cararaayo dhibaatada and blindly ignored by the corrupt so-called leaders up there, in a classic maxaa-iga-galay style.


And attacking the secondary messenger, in this case warbaahinta Shabeelle, instead of attacking the perpetrators of these crimes and those who shelter them, will never lessen those horrific pictures and victims' ordeal. Their plight is periodically covered by the international media, one of the most recognizable that already exposed this: Aljasiira, BBC, New York Times, Independent, to name a few.


Dadkaas ku naf beelay xaaladaas Eebbe ha u wada naxariisto.

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looooooooool@ Odayga reerka ugu wayn. MMA waar sxboow wiilka hanaga ban garyn. Teeda kale dee niyohow markaad qof u jawaabaysid. Calaamada Moderator-ka iskasoo dhig. Hadii kale waanu kaa baqaynaa :D .




Bilaal, sxb and my brother. That is all about debating. I got your point, which is that you are not a man of a minority tribe. But, does n't like practicing Qabiil ideology. That's the essence of your post, if not wrong. Anyhow, We are all equall with one relegion/Muslim/Sunni and one Race. There is nothing majority and minority. I got it saaxiib. And, I rested my case !!!!

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Haye, labadiina wali ma isdababursanoysiin?


Sugba, inkastoo thread maanjab ah uu yahay, su'aal aan idin weydiiyee: Seedi maa isku tihiin, labadiina? Laba gabdhood maa isla qabtiin mise hal aa idin isla qabto? 1053.gif1053.gif


Ogaada, wax isweydiis ma darno, wax isweydaarsi ayaa xun. 068.gif

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Waar niyow suáal fiicanidaa ,,,, :D:D



labada isu seediga ah way kala cararaan oo kala dhuuntaan ee isma daba socdaan dee according to the somali culture ,,,,

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looooooooool@ MM, saaxiib mayee JB is my Group4 Security guard. He is also my driver. He is a good,trustworth man. This was his CV, that drew my attantion to recruit him. Here is a clip!


Jacayl Bro Qawdhan Quwaax


Tel 00252588655




To hijack the SOL debating thread to contribute the best of my confusion puzzle skills, to baby sit children,change their nappies and take care of them




2003-2005 Hargaisa Presidiantial Place


(1) Worked for President Rayaale

(2) Took care of his children

(3) played certain skills of (cleaning his suits) Acting as a Doobile, and Ironing bed sheets

(4)And mmmm many :D


That's why I recruited him dee loool That is just a clip. But, he has a wonderfull CV

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loooooooooooooooooooool@CV :D:D:D



I told you my CV is secret and now you are putting it in front of everybody ??


Time to call Rayaale ,,,,, expect to be jailed for secret super guard la faafiyay :D

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Originally posted by Hunguri:

Bilaal, sxb and my brother. That is all about debating. I got your point, which is that you are not a man of a minority tribe. But, does n't like practicing Qabiil ideology. That's the essence of your post, if not wrong. Anyhow, We are all equall with one relegion/Muslim/Sunni and one Race. There is nothing majority and minority. I got it saaxiib. And, I rested my case !!!! [/QB]

Mahadsanid walaal. Actually, i happen to come from a minority tribe. But as you correctly put it, we are Muslims and Somalis, our clan should come last and even then should be exercised with caution, according to Allah's criteria not our own.


O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female,
and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other).
Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things). (Al-Hujuraat, 13)

MMA, aniga dadka eedeeynayo reer Boosaaso ama warbaahinta Shabeelle midna kuma jiri. Fikradeeyda waxeey aheed in aan wax kasheeygo dadka bada kudhamaaday iyo waxyaalaha ku kalifay ineey naftooda qatar galiyaan. Kuligeen ilaahay hanoo wada dambi dhaafo, xikmad aan kufahano qabiilka xumaantiisana kuligeen hanawada siiyo.

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Bilaal, ma i fahmin aan u maleynaa. Adiga aa Shabeelle wax ka sheegtay ma dhihin.


Teeda kalena wax la yiraahdo minority 'clan' ma jirto, ee maryooleey runta u sheeg.


Soomaaliya kuwa hubka heysto ayaa ka 'minority' eh than peace-loving ones.


Kuwaas ismooday inay 'majority' yihiin waa iska jaahil, mooday hubkooda inay u tahay Eebbe, oo masaakiin aan waxba galabsan ku bililiqeysto, ku laayo, ku ciribtiro, deegaankooda ka qabsaday. Don't believe the hype of 'minority clans;' haddee minority jirtana kan kugu dhahaayo waxaas asagaa ah.


Unarmed clans, yes, but not minority, duqa. Ee ha iska dhigin minority ayaa tahay. And they are too civilized to choose being armed, oo waa iskala weynyihiin waxaas. Waxmagarada ayaa hubka dadka kale ku laayo, ku dhibo.

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