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Dadka reer Bosaaso ma naxayaan walaahi.

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Dah!! :D man, I can see(saw it) the date but, have you seen these pictures before?


Edit; Adiguna marka toga laga hadlaad taraafka ka hadashaa :D

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Fanis, that was an unfortunate overturned boat calamity in the Gulf of Aden. The boat capsized and these people who took the risk to go to Yemen were not able to swim to the shore. It was the victims' assumption of risk, not out of tribal enmity. I highly advise that you refrain from reading such websites like They exploit tragedies and make them seem like the outcome of tribal feuds. Shabelle is one of the media affiliated to or owned by former emasculated warlords who hope the return of anarchy and the repossession and expropriation of social properties. The thoughts of their criminality haven’t faded yet and so they plastered dead bodies on their site in desperation. Any Somali person with an ounce of blood should Nothave abused these bloated bodies for furtherance of political agenda. It is sickening and repulsive coverage.

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^It would have been better for you to declare the incident a tragedy and leave it at that. Those pictures were beamed around the world by Aljazeera, so you're wrong to say that Shabelle had instigated the reporting of the tragedy. That tragedy gives us a perfect illustration of our state as a nation. We are a stateless nation, existing only by name. We now have a "government" which despite setting up numerous consular offices in countries such as Yemen and Kenya, is still unable to provide the most basic consular assistance to its nationals.


I'm not here to defend Shabelle but i doubt that you're rhetoric towards that broadcaster is wholehearted. The same warlords you purport to link Shabelle with are the same ones crying-foul over its objective coverage. Pictures from that tragedy needed to be covered as a matter of national importance. We need to have coverage of these tragedies so that the Somali people can realise the truly dismal state of their affairs.


Perhaps, and forgive me if i'm wrong in this assumption, you were upset with Shabelle for covering the story because of the negative public relations impact it would have on the TFG. Afterall, the TFG claims to be the representatives of these nationals and yet they were no where to be seen.


Like many on this forum, you're concealing the motives behind your real stance. Who are you to advise which websites one should or should not avoid? It is Somalia that is suffering, not a clan called Somalia. The sooner we realise this the sooner we can start to tackle our most pressing concerns, chief of which is the ending of the current occupation of our homeland.

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Originally posted by BiLaaL:


I'm not here to defend Shabelle

Well, the proof say you do and are a fun of Shabele media :D . However, I wonder why most of you guys who oppose the TFG keep your ideologies under cover. I do advice you to be bold with it. And stop exploiting your ideas either with the relegion or the fake,false made stories. Boosaaso is a peace Loving city which hosts and welcomes each and every Clan of Somalis. Jareer,*********,******,*****,**********,********. They all live in piece and prosperity. They have the same rights that a Bosaso born Somali Citizen has. Quality and History speak! Im sure, the title should have been the opposite!!!


PS:- Here, is the proof that you are not only a defender but an Employee of Shabelle Media smile.gif


Author Topic: Hay'ad Sirdoon oo laga leeyahay Israel oo ka howl-gasha gudaha Somalia



Member: 3454


posted March 04, 2007 12:44 AM


The illegal invasion and occupation of our country brought with it an undreamt of chance for our enemies. This well planned and sinister campaign against our country has allowed Israel, among others, to come into the fold and try its hand at implementing some overdue plans inside Somalia.


Israel's involvement in the campaign to oust the ICU, which has been dismissed by many as a conspiracy theory, is indicative of Israel's well-documented designs for Muslim countries in Africa, especially Somalia.


Incredibly, Israel's role in Somali affairs has not attracted much attention among Somalis. I think its about time this changed. Our enemies are growing in strength and view the current situation as a golden opportunity to carry out their wicked plans inside Somali soil. If successful, they would have gathered enough intelligence to aid them in fostering more disunity and outright transgression against Somalia for centuries to come.


Hay'ad Sirdoon oo laga leeyahay Israel oo ka howl-gasha gudaha Somalia




Mogadishu 03, March.07 ( Sh.M.Network) Waxaa soo baxaya warar sheegaya in Heya’d sir doon oo laga leeyahay Israa’iil ay ka howl gasho gudaha dalka Soomaaliya.


Warbaahinta Israa’iil ayaa daboolka ka rogtay maanta in ergo Israa’iil ah ay si qarsoodi ah uga howl gasho dalka Soomaaliya iyadoo sida la sheegay gabaad ka dhiganeysa in ay kaalmeyneyso dadka Soomaaliyeed ee soo bara kacay.


Idaacadda guud ee Israa’iil ayaa sheegtay in ergadaasi oo lagu magacabo Isra-Aid ay howshooda si qarsoodi ah uga billaabeen dalka Soomaaliya iyagoo sheeganaya in ay garab siinayaan qaxootiga Soomaaliyeed.


Idaacadda Israa’iil waxa ay intaasi ku dartay in xubnaha ergadaasi sir doonka ah ee ka socota Israa’iil ay ka howl galeen labada daafood ee soohdinta u dhexeysa Kenya iyo Soomaaliya waxaana ay sheegeen in ay wax u qabteen qaxootiga soomaaliyeed ee deegaannadaasi ku sugan.


Idaacaddu waxa ay ku doodday in ergadaasi ay todobaadkii laga soo gudbay u qeybisay carruurta dadka soo barakacay dhar ay ku qoran yihiin waxyaabo liddi ku ah diinta Islaamka..


Idaacaddu waxa ay sheegtay in kooxdaasi ay dib ugu laaban doonaan Israa’iil bartamaha isbuuca inagu soo foodda leh.


Idaacadda guud ee Israa’iil waxa ay sheegtay in xubnaha ergadaasi ay sidoo kale sameyn doonaan olole ballaaran oo xayeysiin ay ugu sameyneyso siyaasadaha israa’iil iyo diinta Yuhuudda si ay lacago iyo dad iskaa wax u qabso ku shaqeeya ay ku helaan.


Dowladda israa’iil ayaa waxa ay caado ka dhigatay sida ay qoreen qaar ka tirsan wargeysyada carabta in dalalka Islaamka u dirto rag sirdoon ah oo ku gabanaya howlaha bini aadanimo ee loo qabto dadka ku sugan goobaha ay dagaallada iyo abaabruhu ka dhacaan.


Kaalinta Israel ay ku leedahay dagaalka Soomaaliya



O you who believe! Seek help in patience and As-Salat -Quran(2:153)


Warning to AU forces - "You and those who had invaded our country are equal before our eyes" - Popular Resistance Movement in the Land of the Two Migrations


[ March 12, 2007, 02:01 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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loool@ JB. Saaxiib mid mid ayaa loosoo daadanayaa. Waaryaa dee adiga waanigii ku idhi. Waad i xukkuntaa :D . Ma wax kalaa iigu kaa hadhsan smile.gif ????

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Originally posted by Hunguri:

Well, the proof say you do and are a fun of Shabele media.

Read my post more carefully. I've made it clear in earlier posts that i find many things on Shabelle with which i do not agree. This hasn't affected my image of Shabelle because i do not carry the tribal package that others seem to. I'm not interested in tribal feuds nor am i a tribalist. Miskiin waxaan ahay kadhashay qabiil aad u dad yar, lakiin dhibaatada maanta taalo Soomali oo dhan ayeey wada heesataa. I was never brought up to believe in tribalism. I debate from a purely non-partisan, impartial angle; aimed at achieving the best for all Somalis. Afterall, a peaceful, well-governed Somalia is good for all Somalis irrespective of clan affiliations.;f=9;t=009552#000003


Originally posted by Hunguri:

Boosaaso is a peace Loving city which hosts and welcomes each and every Clan of Somalis. Jareer,********,******,*****,********,********. They all live in piece and prosperity. They have the same rights that a Bosaso born Somali Citizen has. Quality and History speak! Im sure, the title should have been the opposite!!!

I have nothing against Boosaaso or the people who live there. Remember i did not start this thread, therefore did not write the title.


Originally posted by Hunguri:

PS:- Here, is the proof that you are not only a defender but an Employee of Shabelle Media

An employee of Shabelle? Thats a very bad attempt at exaggeration, saxib.



I also wrote this in a discussion on Shabelle.


Follow the link, i expressed my views on Shabelle in detail there.


BTW - I didn't know that copying and pasting a story from a news outlet makes one endsore the editorial views of the outlet. I'll repeat, i don't agree with everything Shabelle posts on its website but i do commend them on covering the most important issues, even it that displeases some.


[ March 12, 2007, 02:03 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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