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Cadde oo lagu xabadeyay saldhiga Garowe

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Cadde oo lagu xabadeyay saldhiga Garowe


Madaxwaynaha DGPL ayaa maanta mar uu booqasho ku marayay saldhiga Booliiska ee magalada Garowe ayaa waxa uu la kulmay ciidamada Booliiska oo aad u caraysan.


Ciidamada Booliiska ayaa markii ay arkeen Cadde Muse oo soo galay xarunta Booliiska waxa ayay ooda ka qaadeen maxabiis ku xirnayd saldhiga iyaga oo ku muujinayay cabashadooda.


Buuq iyo muran xoog leh oo goobta ka dhashay ayaa waxa uu sababay is-rasaasayn dhexmartay ilaalada Cadde Muse iyo ciidanka Booliiksa.Is-xabadeyntaas dhexmartay kooxahaan ayaan dhimasho iyo dhaawac midna gaysan balse sababtay in Cadde Muse goobta ka baxo isaga oo ay ka muuqato caro badan.


Ciidamada DGPL ayaa maalintii shalay dhacay bangiga magaalada Galkacayo iyada oo lacagta la dhacay ay warar dambe sheegayaan in ay ka badneyd 70 Milyan ah, balse ay ahayd hal bilyan oo ah.


Xukuumada Cadde Muse ayaa qarka u saaran in kufto madaama ay ka soo bixi wayday howlihii loo igmaday isla markaana awoodi kari wayday musuq maasuq dartiis in ay bixiso mushaharaadkii shaqaalaha iyo ciidamada.


Garowe Online,Garowe





Just a coincidence? Hmmm!

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^Thats the million dollar question sxb. Just yesterday in Gaalkacyo, soldiers robbed a bank because they weren't paid their salaries. And considering today's incident, it seems Cade's corruption is catching up with him. Yesterday Gaalkacyo, today Garowe and tommorrow who knows!

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Wow, I knew before I even got on this site, the person that would most likely have posted the farooleonline article. This is what happened, the President went to the Police station and the bright guards went to see him talk, this resulted in prisoners with help from people on the outside escaping. Shots were fired and everything is fine.

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Originally posted by somalipride:

Wow, I knew before I even got on this site, the person that would most likely have posted the farooleonline article. This is what happened, the President went to the Police station and the bright guards went to see him talk, this resulted in prisoners with help from people on the outside escaping. Shots were fired and everything is fine.

The official version, huh? :D

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^Well, we living in 'planet' pluto or what?


I wouldn't even reply or refute the source he claims to get his news from as both clearly don't live on this planet!


Paragon and garooweonline get their reports from 'planet' pluto!

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