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Sanaag Somalia: Troops on the prow :PICS

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Ciidamada Puntland oo wiigan ka waday holgalo jiida hore ee gobolka Sanaag ciidamadatan oo watay gawaari aad ufara badan oo xanbaarsan hubka noocyadiisa kala duwan ayaa dhoola tus ku dhexmarayey magaalada badhan iyo xerada ciidanka ciidankan oo tiradoodu kor u dhaaftay 500 askari.

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Magaalooyinkaas oo kala ahaa Yube Carmale Damala Xagare Ceelbuh Xingalool iyo Soonhiisa halkaa oo lugu diiwaan galinayey ciidamo cusub oo horleh maalmahan wuxuu kula shiray dhamaan degmooyinkaas iyo tulooyinka gobolka Sanaag Odayaasha, Nabadoonada iyo Waxgaradka Taliyuhu wuxu kaloo sheegay in guud ahaan ciidamada gobolka ku jiraan diyaar garow maalmahan

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Taliye Cashuur wuxuu kaloo sheegay in baryahan lasheegayey in ciidamo ka tirsan maamulka Riyaale ay yimaadeen Gobolka Sanaag, taliyuhu wuxuu sheegay inaanay ahayn ciidamo shisheeye balse ay yihiin ciidamo udhashay deegaanka Warasangali kuwaas oo lacag loo soo dhigo xawaladaha markaa lamo orankaro wax maamul ah oo Riyaale leeyahay ayaa kataliy a ama jooga goobolka Col Cashuur oo yidhi waxa cadayn u ah taas socdaaladan aanu ku marayno gobolka :D

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I applaud Col. Cashuur and the brave men he's leading. They'll inshallaah defend the region from any aggressors who are hell-bent to see the inhabitants of that region out in the cold and to interrupt their peaceful existence and lives only for an expansionits and nostalgic pipedream that they think is somehow attainable although we know it is not.


The brave troopers of that region will not be surprised this time around, let's see how really brave the seccessionts are.

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Aslong as they are flying under the Somali Flag, who can complain!!!


I find it interesting though last month when Somaliland encrouched on their territory it was the Puntland Admin that addressed the situation, and the leader of Maakhir was no where to be seen or more shockingly even heard from.

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^There was no Somaliland 'encroachment' into Maakhir. It was a made up story. If there was such as thing, why didn't you hear of it since then?


PS: For Maakhir president to have spoken would have only made such reports seem genuine, which they were not. The silence was calculated my dear friend.

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I guess everyone has a way of doing things. But many were suprised that there was no statement put out, even if it was something as simple as stating [as you claim] that nothing occurred and there was no move made by them. By Puntland responding it made them look incharge of the situation and the region. Silence is never good when it concerns security.

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^What you heard from Puntland was simply a plea to show itself to be in charge. Their's were simply words; words they didn't do much when Laas Caano was being over run.

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Now i know ,,,,,,,,,,,, :D:D

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Puntland & Makhir are the same thing. Even this commander states he has a problem because Puntland did not pay the salaries. How can he not be part of Puntland then? Read the article lads.


As for secessionists no likes you

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Don't you think this will turn into a silence very soon ?? .... I believe this is for the good of Somaliland adeer .... if you can't see now you'll see soon.


Maakhir is not bugland ... that tri-angle have its own problems now. :D

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