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President Abdullahi Yusuf meets with UNDP representative!

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Thanks Castro! That was a telling clip!


Horn, it’s a tough call adeer but that simple act would have two vitally important and positive outcomes. First, whatever influential Muslim scholars still remain in the country would be sparred from this mass arrests going on everywhere in the south, people whose political views are shaped by religion and nationalism would have a voice in our discourse, and this disgrace that befell on us would be lifted! Second, this reconciliation framework would have a chance to succeed; it would be forced to deal with political realities on the ground and address the issues of its constitutional anomalies; it would realize that no amount of foreign intervention would give it the legitimacy it so badly desires!


There is also the risk of going back to another prolonged anarchy. But it’s anarchy to me when even herds and environment are not spared from America’s wrath. Some people might think few men’s safety (i.e. old man and Geedi) constitutes or represents a new era of order and peace! It’s a temporary pose adeer! So disrupting an established order is a false premise for the argument of Ethiopia's stay till replacement troops arrive!

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First thank you for clarifying yourself.


As you can glean from my own contributions, I very much share the stance with you of protecting our religiously learned man while at the same time getting rid of all foreign interference in our land. I just cannot, however, comprehend what a withdrawal of Ethiopian forces at the moment will bring to Somalia that can be deemed positive. We are both aware that there is a very serious and apparent power vacuum brother!


My divergence with you is based on this; the Ethiopians are already here. Whatever argument that can arise about their legitimacy to be in Somalia is scratched, it is null and void because they are already here and they are also, for a large part, preventing the tantalizing power vacuum from turning into a full-fledged void and a relapse into pre-ICU anarchy. What the Somalis need to is take advantage of this opportunity that they do not fear each other based on reprisals emanating from clan prowess basis and find a way to communicate with each other so they can finally get to the root cause of the empasse and become healed by it as a nation and a state. I feel that there is nothing better to bring that about then our most mortal enemy, the Ethiopian of all people, not only in Somalia, but in the Somali Nation's capital as well.


Already some developments that could never been dreamed of have taken place. A president since 1991 is sitting in Villa Somalia, grass-roots support by way of clan elders is being garnered, old presidential hopefuls wiser because of their own disappointments are signaling readiness to move forward, dialogue is being engineered and the need for communication is being realized. With all due respect, I think this matters more than the disturbances of few youth with an understandable fear of the future! After all, this is a transitional period and the TFG is a transitional administration.


I did not want Ethiopians in Somalia (though their being in border regions seems to have been acceptable to most Somalis), I do not want them there in the future, but at the same time I realize the need for them to be here in the present.


Let us hate the occupation of our country, but instead of being irrational and stuck on the present, let us address the root cause of the quagmire and make sure it never happens again. After all, what better opportunity then when we can be united by the occupation of our longterm anti-Islam enemy and when the situation is so far removed from our hands we do not militarily fear each other?

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Originally posted by Castro:

More sincere? What makes you think I'm not?

I would respect you if I felt your passions were riled up only by an Ethiopian presence in Somalia, but alas, I do not and I think that is sad.

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What ever one might say about Hiiraale, he has outlasted his foes and is now a major player in the game, say what you will, but the man is much respected from his region and thus his role in the TFG to date.


As for the noise coming from some quarters, its understandable, since they beted on the wrong horse. Fake moral arguments aside, you beted on truck driver IndaCade, teacher Sharif and warden Xasan Dahir with their Oromo, Eritrean and foreign backers against the Colonels and their Ethiopian support. Thus no need for the cries and fake nationalisam, your side started this war, wanted this war. Some here even quoted the sage highlighting the master strategy of the clan courts..


Lets keep singing the songs of sorrow, however the game has changed for the greater good.

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I never knew America being involved in Somalia affairs could be seen as the greater good.


Tell that to Iraq, they have destabilized and destroyed a whole country just because of Saddam and non-existing WMD. They will send Somalia further back into the stone ages.


Learn how to makes utensils which are fully made of stone. You may need it one day. :D

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^ If you want to name countries why stick with Iraq, but why not mention, Egypt, Saudi Arabia [main supporters of courts], Bahrain, Yemen, UAE, Qatar [base of Iraq war].


Do you know the single largest company in the Muslim world? Its called Aramco ;)


I want to get my oil, LNG out so my people can be fed, how does So-amco, sound :D

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Rich individuals in Saudi Arabia are the main supporters of the ICU. I doubt their government royalty could say that out loud.


As for those countries you mentioned, they don’t differ from Djibouti, a weak country which is easily command by American intelligence. I see you want Somalia to be the same as those countries.


LOL, every ounce of oil you drill-out will be exported to America, Somalia is in the stone ages, and we don’t have cars that run on Oil. ;)

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^^^I thought you was smart, China, India, and the US will be the exporters and Somalia will be able to get hard cash fron LNG, Oil and other fossil fuesl, minerals including large deposits of Uranium. This will enable us to get out of the stone age in no time , through exploiting our vast resources and not drowning in the Red Sea or being servants in Dubai.


The Gulf states were very poor in the mid 1960s and now are quite rich, why should this model not work for Somalia?


Also we have other options for domestic energy, Solar power can be one renewabal form.

We can be conduit for trade, through our ports and airports we can supply all of Ethiopiaa needs [70 million population], and the Horn.

Our fishiries industry, livestock, could also play a significant role in transforming the national landscape.


Trade and foreign investment is the future, but we need a government and a change of mind set. Wars and the gun is the past, business is the future. insha Allah


PS: Dont compare the republic to Djibouti, which is smaller all but two or three of our eighteen regional states.

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these people have no alternative to the T.F.G, we realise that the T.F.G is made up of traitors and blithering ****** but as I have asked over and over again what is the alternative?


In a matter of weeks the goverment has done things that makes any self respecting somali believe he will never see things more shocking in his life, in the words of Xiin our cup overfloweth with humiliation and yet what suprises me is how people approach the question, the humiliation happened along time ago in waaqoyi when somalis bombed other innocent somalis and in the streets of Xamar in 1991, finally the camps at utange where was my cup overfloweth in the first place, wthiopians in xamar are just details 16 years of war on the other hand, fraticidal and sucidal war is the reality that makes somalia look so invitingly like a cunny on the map of the world.


The humiliation occured in 2004 when some of us in S.O.L kept on repeating, and insisting that nothing good would come out of a conclave of warlords, that only a midget would be elected from a parliament of dwarves, that that midget was abdullahi yusuf is again mere details, instead of rejecting the entire processes in toto, we saw emotion run high and people support addow, yusuf or someother mendacious individual.


But I ask and here I should use Horns caveat the sincere brothers and sisters of S.O.L for one moment to think about this disspasionately, sans emotions because I can assure you that here on the ground their is a surfeit of passion to make up for any shortfall, what is the alternative?


Castro started well enough by stating how an insurgency would develop, although he did faile to stress what I have been reapeting over and over again, namely that any insurgency would occur because of clan based refusal to hand over weapons rather than any other unifying ethos and hunting down ethiopians like hunting down marines will be but a momentary side show.


Castro started well enough but at that moment when all the intellect that went into thinking up such witticisms as door knob and seeing the hitherto unnoticed semantic connection between taako and taano, this intellect refused to continue the line of reasoning it had chosen, instead it chose to say that some other movement would arise, perhaps in a burst of psychedelic lights it would arise like a pheonix from the desert? Maybe this moevement would be made up of half-men and half-machines dedicated to the service of the ordinary people?


I see clearly the movement that would arise, and it would be the most resilient one that has managed to survive so much upheaval, it has come under diffrent names from Barre to Adideed to Yusuf, but ascribing this movement to individuals in the final analysis the individuals who personify it, is like the futility of cutting down a 100 year old oak tree with a razor blade, namely wrong.


The movement that will materialise, is the survival of the meanest and most vile, no other.


That is why I agree with Horn in the final analysis we have the choice of treating the symptoms or the root cause, most of you will choose to ignore this post so as to cling to your certainties and allow your selves to rack up posts with even more asnine comments on other posters sexual orientations, riding the high horse that will allow you to look down upon others with diffrent opinions which inevitably is the perspective somalis take with anyone who disagrees with them.


But some of us see the grays and the not so blacks in the proffered arguments, some of us see the opportunities in the situation even if we have to get into the septic tank that is this goverment to get to it, some of us while recognizing this goverment for what it is indeed before many of the cyber jihadists even joined this forum, well some of us disagree with this plotless and planless resistance that some advocate.

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Originally posted by LIQAYE:

well some of us disagree with this plotless and planless resistance that some advocate.

The most wise is the old soul, brother Liqaye!

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Events of the past few months have identified not only the hypocrites but also those true to their word, country and religion. Castro they attack you because not only are you part of the latter group but because you have exposed their hypocrisy.

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^ You got it all wrong atheer. They attack me for my good looks. :D


I would respect you if I felt your passions were riled up only by an Ethiopian presence in Somalia, but alas, I do not and I think that is sad.

It's up to you what you think. Your respect is neither here or there and I couldn't care less what you believe, feel or suspect. Your miserable record speaks for itself.


refused to continue the line of reasoning it had chosen, instead it chose to say that some other movement would arise, perhaps in a burst of psychedelic lights it would arise like a pheonix from the desert? Maybe this moevement would be made up of half-men and half-machines dedicated to the service of the ordinary people?

The inability to articulate a coherent way forward and realizing the utter failure of this puppet regime are not mutually exclusive. My entire (ill-constructed) argument is that this wicked regime is not the way forward but the exact opposite.

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Castro, I think many will admit you have done a brilliant job dismantling these puppet cheerleaders. If they have such unshakeable faith in those that wish to take Somalia to hell in a handbasket then I think it is high time they booked their tickets back to the motherland.

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Johnny B   

LIQAYE, though one of the most admirable TFG new chearleaders is selling nothing more than a moral parasite doctorine, wanting us to live the life of a borrowed ethics.


His line of reasoning is flawy, as it is based on a murky conclusion , namely ," there is no alternative, ", says who (yaa) Liqaye?


Since when have we run out of alternatives to inflict us with this stinking accupation and presuade ourselves to accept it?


Since when have you dried the wells of hope for our proud nation?, Atheer " what is the alternative?" and "Can we surrender?" have never ben the same.


the latter is never an option , it is always there for the weak .


The problem with the TFG supporters is they lack the ability to get out of the clan lineage and see who is running our(including theirs) affairs, an impossible task for an emotionally sour chearleader.

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