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problem in somalia starts with the president

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Influential warlords have made a vow to fight the soldiers if they are deployed. Shariff Hassan Sheikh Aden is also against the idea of foreign troops coming to Somalia to patrol it. and so should you because if they come (foreign troops) it'll just be like the situaiton in iraq and who knows even worse. enough of asking other countries to help its somalis problem. The Prime Minister and President want troops in Somalia because they are scared. They both should be impeached because why are they scared to go to Somalia when Shariff Hassan Sheikhaden went there with other PM’s. the two cowards are either scared or know that they did wrong in the past.

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Originally posted by 21123181565225699337:

The Prime Minister and President want troops in Somalia because they are scared. They both should be impeached because why are they scared to go to Somalia when Shariff Hassan Sheikhaden went there with other PM’s. the two cowards are either scared or know that they did wrong in the past.

Wasn't it English poet Robert Browning, Jr., who penned the words: Ignorance is not innocence, but sin? You're so ignorant of what you're talking about that you're committing a sin simply by thinking.


If you haven't gotten the wind of my words, may I remind you that the coward you speak of, namely Somali Prime Minister Ali Ghedi, is in 'Xamar' as I type these words. Oh, oh, I know, the PM 'did wrong' in the past so he's 'scared' to go to Muqdisho. Dadkiina wali geesinimo iyo fulaynimo baad wadaan. Waxaas waa hore baa laga ilbaxay. Somalis are debating ideolgoy - you're debating who's a coward and who's a hero.

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