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Macalin Nuur

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This thread may not fit in this section, nonetheless aan ku qoro qeybtaan.


It is about Macalin Nuur. Yaa xasuusto Macalin Nuur? Ar maxaa laga dambeeye. A famous well-regarded man a whole section Soomaalida ka dambeyn jirtay, qadarin jireen.


He also generously donated his large swath of land to Muqdisho and Banaadir residents -- anyone who died in Muqdisho pre-war was freely buried in that public Xabaalaha Macalin Nuur, named after him, which was located close to Afgooye.


Anyway, I remembered him because I had seen his picture on yesterday's Aaden Cadde's funeral where he was present to pay his respects to Aaden Cadde.


Seeing his image took me back as a very young boy in Xamar, back in 1989 or around. Macalin Nuur arrived one night to a wedding at our xaafad. He was wearing those bright, white go', same as he always does, including in following pictures. He was also shining, to us kids then at least.


Anyway, ciyaalka -- and some adults -- started going after him, and kissing his hands, one after another. I too of course kissed his hand.


When I saw the following pictures from yesterday's funeral, it reminded me that hand-kissing night. People are still kissing his hands as a sign of reverence.





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What did the ICU think of Sheekh Nuur?


I am guessing he was sidelined due to "ideological incompatibility" as was common in ICU practice when dealing with Somalia's "traditional" culamaa.

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