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Ethiopia Vs Egypt Over New Nile Treaty

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Ethiopia to push new Nile treaty without Egypt, Sudan




Ethiopia said on Tuesday that it would push forward a new deal along six other riparian countries over sharing waters from the Nile River despite Sudan and Egypt’s refusal to sign the new accord.


At a press conference he held, Ethiopian government spokesman Shimelis Kemal accused Egypt of being engaged in a delaying tactic which he said stalled talks to a more comprehensive agreement, however he said that the rooms for negotiation are still open.


"It’s a deal based on international customary law, but Egypt is dragging its feet. All seven countries have rejected the previous agreement between Egypt and colonial Britain," he said.


Ethiopia and six other downstream countries in east and central Africa will be signing a cooperative frame work agreement on May 14, on a more equitable utilization of the Nile River.


The Ethiopian official stressed that although Egypt and Sudan, the two-largest consumers of Nile water, have rejected to sign the deal, other member countries will exert utmost efforts to incorporate their interest.


"The accord would leave open a controversial provision on water security in the hopes that Sudan and Egypt may be persuaded to return to the talks,” Shimeles said.


Cairo on Monday has warned Nile basin countries against inking the controversial deal that excluded Egypt.


Ethiopia, Kenya, Burundi, DR Congo, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda are the signatories for the new deal.


Egypt claims 55.5 billion cubic meters of the Nile’s annual flow under a 1959 treaty with Sudan, Ethiopia was not include on the agreement list, which is the source of about 85 percent of the river’s water, or other downstream states.


The other countries protest that past treaties are flawed, unfair and they strongly voice for rather a more equitable water-sharing agreement that would allow them to engage in a more irrigation activities and power projects.

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Egypt should be the one formulating the agreement and influencing others to sign it. Way hurdaan.

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The Zack   

Ethiopia wants to go back to the 1900 agreement on the Nile issue and Egypt doesn't. This is what Egypt said of that " if we are going back to the 1900 nile agreement, let's also go back to our 1900 border lines, let's not cherry pick on the old agreements and pacts" and Ethiopia is crying about that.

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^ Walaahi inaay fooda is gahsaan danaa noogu jiri lahayd. Imagine a war btw Ethiopia & Egypt. Result Ethiopia oo dhan waa wada firxan lahayeen oo smaller states badan aa soo bixi lahaa halkaana A&T iyo rag badan shaqo halkaa uga soo bix lahayd :D

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Ethiopia, Kenya, Burundi, Congo, Rwanda, Tanzania iyo Uganda-ba dhib in ku filan faraqa ay ku heestaan, Masarna waa ka khibrad iyo awood badantahay maanta.

Sidaas ay tahay Masar dagaal ma rabto, haddii dalalka kale oo uu niilku maro ay isku mari waayaan qeybsiga niilka(oo run ahaan ayaga oo dhan ku filan)Masar waxay adeegsan kartaa dagaal siyaasadeed iyadoo hubeyn karta kooxaha ku kacsan dowladahaas.


Ethiopia dhib waxaa ugu filan iyadoo lagu qaso ONL iyo OLF-ta.


Dabcan dagaal waa xalka ugu dambeeyo(or so i hope).

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Is that why the ONLF attacks are increasing in the recent days/weeks ?? ,,,,,,,,,,,,, could be ..... I always had the feeling of connecting between the two.

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