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Our Common Interest. Commission Report

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March 2005




About This Report

This year is of great significance for Africa. In 2005 the world will review progress on a

remarkable commitment it made in 2000. The Millennium Development Goals set out to

halve world poverty by 2015. But we are now a third of the way to that date and the rich

world is falling behind on its pledges to the poor. Nowhere is that more clear than in

Africa, where the world is furthest behind in progress to fulfil those solemn promises. If

that is to change we must act now.

But all is not gloom. For 2005 is also the year in which it is becoming clear to the outside

world that things are changing on the continent – with African governments showing a new

vision, both individually and working together through the African Union and its New

Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) programme. Africa, at last, looks set to deliver.

A year ago, the British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, brought together 17 people to form a

Commission for Africa. We were invited in our individual and personal capacities rather

than as representatives of governments or institutions. A majority of us come from Africa

and we have varied experience as political leaders, public servants and in the private sector.

The task we were set was this: to define the challenges facing Africa, and to provide clear

recommendations on how to support the changes needed to reduce poverty.

Our starting point was the recognition that Africa must drive its own development. Rich

nations should support that, because it is in our common interest to make the world a

more prosperous and secure place – though the international community will contribute

to the achievement of these objectives in different ways. But what is clear is that if Africa

does not create the right conditions for development, then any amount of outside

support will fail.

Our recommendations are based on two things. We carefully studied all the evidence

available to find out what is working and what is not. And we consulted extensively, inside

and outside Africa, with governments, civil society, the academic world and with those in

the public and private sector.

We have met individuals and groups from each region and 49 individual countries in Africa,

and from every G8 country, China, India and across Europe. We have received nearly 500

formal submissions and have made a particular effort to engage with the African diaspora.

We are enormously grateful to all these individuals and groups for their contributions.

Our report is in two parts. The first, The Argument, addresses itself to that wider

audience and succinctly sets out our call to action. The second part, The Analysis and

Evidence, lays out the substance and basis of our recommendations so these can be held

up to public scrutiny. Our Recommendations are set out between these two sections.

Our report is written for many audiences. We address ourselves to decision-makers in

Africa who must now drive forward the programme of change they have set out. We

address ourselves to the rich and powerful nations of the world, whose leaders meet as

the G8 in Gleneagles in Scotland in July 2005 where they must take a strong lead for action

of a different order. We address ourselves to the international community, which must

commit to greater and faster action on the Millennium Development Goals at the United Nations in September – and must also act boldly at the World Trade Organisation talks in

Hong Kong in December.

And we address ourselves to the people of Africa and the world as a whole. For it is they

who must demand action. It is only their insistence which will determine whether their

political leaders take strong and sustained action.

The measures we propose constitute a coherent package for Africa. They must be delivered

together. 2005 is the year to take the decisions that will show we are serious about

turning the vision of a strong and prosperous Africa into a reality.



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Getting Systems Right: Governance and Capacity-Building


Africa’s history over the last fifty years has been blighted by two areas of weakness. These

have been capacity – the ability to design and deliver policies; and accountability – how well

a state answers to its people. Improvements in both are first and foremost the responsibility

of African countries and people. But action by rich nations is essential too.

Building capacity takes time and commitment. Weak capacity is a matter of poor systems

and incentives, poor information, technical inability, untrained staff and lack of money. We

recommend that donors make a major investment to improve Africa’s capacity, starting

with its system of higher education, particularly in science and technology. They must help

to build systems and staff in national and local governments, but also in pan-African

and regional organisations, particularly the African Union and its NEPAD programme.

Donors must change their behaviour and support the national priorities of African

governments rather than allowing their own procedures and special enthusiasms to

undermine the building of a country’s own capacity.

Improving accountability is the job of African leaders. They can do that by broadening the

participation of ordinary people in government processes, in part by strengthening

institutions like parliaments, local authorities, trades unions, the justice system and

the media. Donors can help with this. They can also help build accountable budgetary

processes so that the people of Africa can see how money is raised and where it is

going. That kind of transparency can help combat corruption, which African

governments must root out. Developed nations can help in this too. Money and state

assets stolen from the people of Africa by corrupt leaders must be repatriated. Foreign

banks must be obliged by law to inform on suspicious accounts. Those who give bribes

should be dealt with too; and foreign companies involved in oil, minerals and other

extractive industries must make their payments much more open to public scrutiny.

Firms who bribe should be refused export credits.

Without progress in governance, all other reforms will have limited impact.



The Need for Peace and Security



The most extreme breakdown of governance is war. Africa has experienced more violent

conflict than any other continent in the last four decades. In recent years things have

improved in many countries, but in other places violent conflict is still the biggest single

obstacle to development. Investing in development is investing in peace.

The most effective way to tackle conflict – to save both lives and money – is to build the

capacity of African states and societies to prevent and manage conflict. That means

using aid better to tackle the causes of conflict. It means improving the management of

government incomes from natural resources and international agreements on how to

control the ‘conflict resources’ which fuel or fund hostilities. It means controlling the

trade in small arms.

African regional organisations and the UN can help prevent and resolve conflict when

tensions cannot be managed at the national level, through, for example, effective early

warning, mediation and peacekeeping. Donors can support this by providing flexible

funding to the African Union and the continent’s regional organisations; and supporting

the creation of a UN Peacebuilding Commission. The co-ordination and financing of postconflict

peacebuilding and development must be improved to prevent states emerging

from violent conflict from sliding back into it.



Leaving No-One Out: Investing in People



Poverty is more than just a lack of material things. Poor people are excluded from

decision-making and from the basic services the state ought to provide. Schools and

clinics must be available to the poorest people in Africa. This is an urgent matter of basic

human rights and social justice. But it is also sound economics: a healthy and skilled

workforce is a more productive one, fulfilling their potential with dignity. Investing for

economic growth means rebuilding African health and education systems, many of which

are now on the point of collapse. This requires major funding, but it is not only a question

of resources. It is also about delivery and results. These are powerfully strengthened when

local communities are involved in decisions that affect them.

Properly funding the international community’s commitment to Education for All will

provide all girls and boys in sub-Saharan Africa with access to basic education to equip

them with skills for contemporary Africa. Secondary, higher and vocational education,

adult learning, and teacher training should also be supported within a balanced overall

education system. Donors need to pay what is needed to deliver their promises –

including the cost of removing primary school fees.

The elimination of preventable diseases in Africa depends above all on rebuilding systems

to deliver public health services in order to tackle diseases such as TB and malaria

effectively. This will involve major investment in staff, training, the development of new

medicines, better sexual and reproductive health services and the removal of fees paid by

patients, until countries can afford it. Funding for water supply and sanitation should be

immediately increased, reversing years of decline.

Top priority must be given to scaling up the services needed to deal with the catastrophe

of HIV and AIDS which is killing more people in Africa than anywhere else in the world.

But this must be done through existing systems, rather than parallel new ones.

Governments should also be supported to protect orphans and vulnerable children and

other groups who would otherwise be left out of the growth story. Almost half of the

extra aid we are recommending should be spent on health, education and HIV and AIDS.


Going for Growth and Poverty Reduction


Africa is poor, ultimately, because its economy has not grown. The public and private

sectors need to work together to create a climate which unleashes the entrepreneurship

of the peoples of Africa, generates employment and encourages individuals and firms,

domestic and foreign, to invest. Changes in governance are needed to make the

investment climate stronger. The developed world must support the African Union’s

NEPAD programme to build public/private partnerships in order to create a stronger

climate for growth, investment and jobs.

Growth will also require a massive investment in infrastructure to break down the

internal barriers that hold Africa back. Donors should fund a doubling of spending on

infrastructure – from rural roads and small-scale irrigation to regional highways,

railways, larger power projects and Information & Communications Technology (ICT). That

investment must include both rural development and slum upgrading without which the

poor people in Africa will not be able to participate in growth. And policies for growth

must actively include – and take care not to exclude – the poorest groups. There should

be particular emphasis on agriculture and on helping small enterprises, with a particular

focus on women and young people. For growth to be sustainable, safeguarding the

environment and addressing the risks of climate change should be integral to donor

and government programmes. This programme for growth takes over a third of the total

additional resources we propose.


More Trade and Fairer Trade


Africa faces two major constraints on trade. It does not produce enough goods, of the

right quality or price, to enable it to break into world markets. And it faces indefensible

trade barriers which, directly or indirectly, tax its goods as they enter the markets of

developed countries.

To improve its capacity to trade Africa needs to make changes internally. It must

improve its transport infrastructure to make goods cheaper to move. It must reduce and

simplify the tariff systems between one African country and another. It must reform

excessive bureaucracy, cumbersome customs procedures, and corruption by public

servants, wherever these exist. It must make it easier to set up businesses. It must

improve economic integration within the continent’s regional economic communities.

Donors can help fund these changes.

But the rich nations must also dismantle the barriers they have erected against African

goods, particularly in agriculture. These barriers hurt citizens in both rich and poor

countries. They must abolish trade-distorting subsidies to their agriculture and

agribusiness which give them an unfair advantage over poor African farmers. They must

lower tariffs and other non-tariff barriers to African products, including stopping the

bureaucratic application of rules of origin which excludes African goods from preferences

to which they are entitled. And they must show this ambition by completing the current

Doha Round of world trade talks in a way which does not demand reciprocal concessions

from poor African nations. Careful attention must be given to ensure that the poorest

people are helped to take advantage of the new opportunities and to cope with the

impacts of a more open system of world trade. Africa must be provided with the funds

that can help it adjust to the new opportunities of a changed world trading regime.


Where Will the Money Come From: Resources


o support the changes that have begun in Africa, we call for an additional US$25 billion

per year in aid, to be implemented by 2010. Donor countries should commit immediately

to provide their fair share of this. Subject to a review of progress then, there would be a

second stage, with a further US$25 billion a year to be implemented by 2015. Ensuring

the money is well-spent will depend on two factors. First, good governance in Africa must

continue to advance. But, second, donors must significantly improve the quality of aid and

how it is delivered: that means more grants, more predictable and untied aid, and donor

processes that are less burdensome on the already stretched administrations of African

countries. It must also be better harmonised with the aid of other donors and better in line

with the priorities, procedures and systems of African governments. Above all, it must be

given in ways that make governments answerable primarily to their own people.

These changes are needed not just from individual donor nations but also from

multilateral institutions – both African and global. The African Development Bank needs

to be strengthened and the role of the Economic Commission for Africa enhanced. The

IMF and World Bank need to give higher priority to Africa’s development. They also need

to become more accountable both to their shareholders and to their clients, and to give

Africa a stronger voice in their decision-making.

Rich nations should commit to a timetable for giving 0.7 per cent of their annual income in

aid. To provide the critical mass of aid which is needed now, the aid should be front-loaded

through the immediate implementation of the International Finance Facility. Practical

proposals should be developed for innovative financing methods such as international levies

on aviation, which can help secure funding for the medium and longer term. For poor countries in sub-Saharan Africa which need it, the objective must be 100 per cent

debt cancellation as soon as possible. This must be part of a financing package for these

countries – including those excluded from current debt schemes – to achieve the MDGs,

as promised in Monterrey and Kananaskis.





Bold comprehensive action on a scale needed to meet the challenges can only be done

through a new kind of partnership. In the past contractual and conditional approaches

were tried, and failed. What we are suggesting is a new kind of development, based on

mutual respect and solidarity, and rooted in a sound analysis of what actually works.

This can speed up progress, building on recent positive developments in Africa, towards a

just world of which Africa is an integral part.







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