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SANAAG: Dhahar gives a heros welcome to Gen Ilkajiir :PICS

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Lol@xiin. Kismaayo xiin baa leh ninku ku qabsadane dagaal buu rabaa.


Mayee, maxamud Cali shire yaa ugu danbeeyey wax reer maakhir u kaca. Ilko Jiir I think is next. xoogaa bay sugayeen. qolada Duke ilaahay gees ha ka mariyo.

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Originally posted by Ducaysane:

Adeer, you are missing the point. I am not questioning that he is a decorated soldier. I am sure he will be good leader if people choose him to be their leader. But fact remains that he was a Colonel when Siyad Barre Government collapsed. Why do you guys think I am not Puntlander

its probably because you spend more time in troll corner then you don the bolitikz section posting articles that praise PL.If you post 10 articles about PL admins proposal to send a man from the tool into space, you might get membership to the Solers PL appreciation society.


che, adigu waxa tahay enemy of the state! :D

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

cyber truth: Ducaysane is no plander and so is Bishaaro.

Ma qof baa yiri way tahay? Cidi-na waayee day iima galin iyo tin baarkeed. Alxamdulillaah, Ab-ka ab, waxaan ahay iska dhal. icon_razz.gif

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GenIlka Jiir like his fellow Ceergaabaawi Gen Boodhe of North Coralina (Ninkii qoryahaya Arteiligiga ah saarey baabuurta ciidanka) are one of the 'younger' Gen of the former Somali army. They were both made Gen 1986.


I wish him a good luck as he seemed a tremendous improvement from the incumbent PP.

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I dont think the title he had held in the prevous regime matters,,,, what really do matters and need to be discussed is what are his plans and vision that he is gonna bring to p/land.


i blve Ilko has one of the few that can bring the security and the stability p/land needs incl returning SOL to the main land

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Sophist, thanks for the Info.


Most of us are fully cognizant of the simple tactics the secessionists and anarchists employ against Puntland in their tireless effort to sow division and mistrust, but that is too big for their intellectual britches.



A very noticeable point I like about the General's platform which perforce carries a subliminal message in its raimant and direction, that people of Puntland loathe violence and disorder. Somalis in Puntland are orderly and peaceable and it's documented to be such throughout Somalia's history even in pre-colonial times. :D



It is indeed a sad commentary on the educated sons and daughters of its soil that Puntland has deteriorated to a situation bordering on anarchy.Gen. IlkaJiir



Ps. Prior to the General's coming of Bosaso, some even have exposed their Ignorance about Puntland's terrotories and how its communities overlap to the extent that you can't distinguish one from the other. :D

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Originally posted by Nephthys:

quote:Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

cyber truth: Ducaysane is no plander and so is Bishaaro.

Ma qof baa yiri way tahay? Cidi-na waayee day iima galin iyo tin baarkeed. Alxamdulillaah, Ab-ka ab, waxaan ahay iska dhal.
Nephthys, Sanaag is where your ancestors came from before they migrated to the south just like Xiin's ancestors did. You maybe too young and innocent to notice it. :D

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