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Somalia/Pakistan, top Al-Qaeda safe havens - Western Intelligence

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I truly agree with these findings after what I saw the last two years, kidnappings, suicide bombing, release of online videos in support of the country's destablization, recruitment of children as cannon fodders.


Daily Times Monitor


LAHORE: Al Qaeda is re-emerging in strength in three different safe havens to conduct training, operational planning and recruiting – Pakistan, Somalia and Algeria – The Times quoted Western intelligence and defence sources in its recent report.


The core Qaeda headquarters in the Pakistan’s Tribal Areas “pose the gravest threat to the United Kingdom”, the report says.


But in Somalia and Algeria, the organisation is recruiting energetically and its leaders are believed to have aspirations to hit Western targets, it says.


“There has been increasing evidence of Qaeda’s network rebuilding in Pakistan. The main figures are now well entrenched in the Tribal Areas, and although American Predator and Reaper surveillance drones, armed with Hellfire missiles and precision-guided bombs, remain in the region to eliminate Al Qaeda commanders, it seems the terrorist leaders can still communicate with each other,” it says. The NATO-led International Security Assistance Force is fighting to prevent Al Qaeda from again using Pakistan as a safe haven, but the core Qaeda leaders have settled down in Pakistan and, from there, they keep in contact with their main franchises in Somalia and Algeria.


Indonesia arrests Osama associate, 8 other suspects

JAKARTA: A Singaporean who met several times with Osama bin Laden was among nine terror suspects arrested Wednesday in western Indonesia, police and a local TV station said.


A cache of powerful bombs packed with bullets was also seized in the raid. The men initially planned to attack Western tourists on Sumatra Island, but changed their minds after realizing too many Indonesian lives could be lost, TVOne quoted anti-terror police as saying. ap

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Good lad, go and propogate their propoganda, so that Somali Nomads are decimated by B52 Bombers. And then you can claim, " 350 Somalis killed, not known where 1 single terrorist amongst, but no one of them are moving ".

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I am being realistic, saxiib. Constantly claiming( or something to that effect) that Osama lives in Somalia means that there is a great possibility that Somalis could be mercilessly bombed, in the hope that 3-4 people are killed, as happened in the Jubas, early 2007. But, hey, what would you know? You are in a life-time devotion and idolization to an old warlord; one who hears his own people are being bombed on the local radio! Realism?



ps. there's no such thing as opposition in Somalia!

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loool...bal maxaa kagalay. Muslimna wuu sheeganayaa beenta gaaladana wuu soo qaadaya. Dameer waaxid.

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