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Mohamed Dheere lands in Xamar

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Is this the final piece of a missing puzzle?


War deg deg ah: Maxamed Dheere oo goor dhow ka soo degay Garoonka Diyaaradaha Muqdisho, kadib markii loo yeeray.


Gudoomiyihii hore ee Gobolka Banaadir Maxamed Cumar Xabeeb (M/Dheere) ayaa goor dhow ka soo degay Garoonka Diyaaradaha Muqdisho, iyadoona dib ugu soo laabashada Maxamed Dheere ee Magaalada Muqdisho ay warar is khilaafsan ka soo baxayaan, xilli dagaalo ay Mucaaradka ku dhow yihiin in guud ahaan Muqdisho kula wareegaan uu ka socdo qeybo ka tirsan Magalaada.


Wararka ayaa sheegaya in Maxamed Dheere oo muddo shan bilood ka maqnaa Muqdisho tan iyo markii Ciidamada Ethiopia xabsi ku yaal Magaalada Baydhabo u taxaabeen ayaa la sheegayaa in imaanshihiisa ay ka dambeysay u yeerid ay Dowladda Federaalka u yeertay.


Maxamed Dheere oo ku caan ah abaabulida dagaal, ayaa ka mid ah Hogaamiye kooxeedyadii dalka, ee loo tirinayo inay galeen dambiyo dagaal, waxaase la ogeyn waxa xilligan ku soo beegay imaanshihiisa.


Wararka qaar ayaa sheegaya in Maxamed Dheere sababta loogu yeeray ay tahay inuu hogaamiyo Ciidamada Dowladda oo haatan laga itaal roonaanayo, inkastoo wararkaas aan si dhab ah loo cadeyn Karin.


Laakiin dad qaar oo filan waa ku noqotay soo laabashada Maxamed Dheere, maadaama isaga iyo Madaxweynaha hada xilka haaya Shariif aanay wax xiriir ah ka dhaxeyn, hadana waxaa laga yaabaa inay dani isugu keentay, waxaase arrinta aadka looga digayo ay tahay ayaa ka digaya in dagaalka uu noqdo mid waji beeleed yeesho, bacdamaa la la xusuusto in Maxamed Dheere uu qeyb ka ahaa dagaaladii sokeeye.


Wixii warar ee ku soo kordha socdaalka Maxamed Dheere kala soco Isha koowaad ee wararka xaqiiqda ah m/main/news.php?read more=2726

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Originally posted by Recovering-Romantics :

quote:Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

clapping for geedi or what ?? ,,

Right now, he is the lesser of the 2 evils. Don't you think so?
We will see that when he comes into action.

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He is the second warlord that returns to his hometown to take on the religious warlords: Dabageed returned to Beledweyne yesterday.


''Waa hogaamiyihii labaad ee ka tirsanaa hogaamiye kooxeedyadi Somalia oo dib ugu soo laabta dalka, shalay ayaa waxa magaalada B/weyne ee xarunta Gobolka Hiiraan gaaray gudoomiyihii hore ee gobolkaasi Yuusuf Axmed Hagar(Dabageed) oo isna ka mid ahaa hogaamiye kooxeedyadi hore ee Somalia.''


PS: Somalis should turn against all warlords of every color.

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^^ And you are relishing the spectre of clannist warlords trying to defend their 'hometowns' against the rampaging Shabaab 'extremists' ?


Lol. Go ahead, abti. Start making dhikri to Abdulqaadir Jaylaani to save Beled-weyne, Jowhar, and Hiraan from Xarakatul Shabaab Al-Mujahideen.


Let me know if Abdulqaadir answers you.


What you are witnessing, yaa Meeji, is the firig-firig'ta iyo rafashada of a goat that is just about to be slaughtered. The goat that is being slaughtered in Xamar today is the goat of Warlord qurun and Islaaxi puppets. Rafasho will not avail you. Mohamed Dheere will not avail you. Dabageed will not avail you. And Abdulqaadir Jaylaani will not avail you. Believe that.


Waa maqashay aan umalaynaa that Shabaab took over Buulo-berde, right ?

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Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

clapping for geedi or what ?? ,,

Waxba ma haysto ayuu lee yahay ,,, he looks in uu shaxaad doon yahay. :D

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And when is Musa-Yalaxow going to be invited in the Villa....


Though there is rumour that Hassan Dahir's subclan don't like Mohamed Dheere as the warlord they fear the most from the other subclan...

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Originally posted by Kashafa:

^^ And you are relishing the spectre of clannist warlords trying to defend their 'hometowns' against the rampaging Shabaab 'extremists' ?


Lol. Go ahead, abti. Start making dhikri to Abdulqaadir Jaylaani to save Beled-weyne, Jowhar, and Hiraan from Xarakatul Shabaab Al-Mujahideen.


Let me know if Abdulqaadir answers you.


What you are witnessing, yaa Meeji, is the
iyo rafashada of a goat that is just about to be slaughtered. The goat that is being slaughtered in Xamar today is the goat of Warlord qurun and Islaaxi puppets. Rafasho will not avail you. Mohamed Dheere will not avail you. Dabageed will not avail you. And Abdulqaadir Jaylaani will not avail you. Believe that.


Waa maqashay aan umalaynaa that Shabaab took over Buulo-berde, right ?

Kashafa, I really dont care what warlord camp wins: pseudo-clannist warlords or pseudo-islamist warlords.


The pseudo-clannist warlords have every right to fight against the pseudo-islamist warlords, and in the eyes of the ordinary civilians both warlord camps are two ears of the same donkey.


Somalia and Somalis would be better of without both warlord camps.


Insha allah, warlord era will come to an end and we will move out of the current pseudo-Islamist warlordism.

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The clan you are talking about needs no one in order to survive.


They have been the majority in the city ever since 1624, and have survived throughout the years.


Surely, not much will change about that situation even if the religious warlords take over.

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^^^Adeer you seem lost, we are talking about the sub clan of Sharif Ahmed and Mohamed Dheeere who just held a wide meeting two days ago. The conclusion was that they needed to defend their interest and Mr Dheere would best serve them in battle.


Hence his return and meeting in the Villa Somalia/

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What subclan exactly are you talking about?


The sub sub sub clan which M.dheere and Sh.Shariif belong to or the overal clan?


The overal clan is a local of Mogadishu, and have survived the dramatic changes that took place ever since 1624.

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It is ON!


Muqdisho: Maliishiyooyin beeleedyo ku biiraya dagaalada Muqdisho


Muqdisho(AllPuntland )- Siyaasiyiin, Ganacsato iyo waxgarad kale oo ka soo jeeda Beesha Mudulood ayaa shir ay ku yeesheen degmada Kaaraan waxay ku go’aansadeen in ay si cad ugu biiraan maliishiyooyin ka tirsan beeshaasi dagaalada maalmahan ka socday Muqdisho kuwaasi oo soo gaaray deegaano aan horay looga baran rabshado.


Maliishiyooyin saacadihii u danbeeyay soo galay Muqdisho oo ka yimid baadiyaha iyo kuwo taageersan Xildhibaan Muuse Suudi Yalaxow iyo Salaad Cali Jeelle ayaa si rasmi ah jiida hore ee dagaalada ka socdaan goordhow galay si ay difaac u noqdaan deegaanada ay Maliishiyooyinka Al-Shabaab doonayaan in ay soo galaan.


Ganacsatada beesha Mudulood ayaa iyaguna hubkoodii dibada soo dhigay, kuwaasi oo ku biiray dagaalada, waxaana degmooyinka Shibis, Kaaraan iyo Yaaqshiid laga dareemayaa hub aruursi aan horay looga arag deegaanadaasi.


Dagaalka oo barqanimadii maanta u soo dhowaaday Isgoyska Sanca ee degmada Kaaraan ayaa iminka wararku sheegayaan in uu ka yara durgay, uuna u dhaqaaqay dhinaca Afarta Jardiino iyo Siinaay markii ay maliishiyooyinkaasi ku soo biireen.


Xaalada ayaa iminka ka duwan sidii hore ee dagaaladu ay ku bilowdeen, waxaana socda shirar kala duwan oo waxgaradka beesha Mudulood ay ku leedahay degmada Kaaraan iyo Shibis, kuwaasi oo looga hadlayo dagaalada socda iyo sidii ay isku difaafi lahaayeen.


Cali Muxiyaddiin Cali

muxiyaddiin@hotmail. com


http://www.allpuntla ewer.asp?a=5155&z=2

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