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Soomaaliya or Somali Republic ???

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^No I don't want misunderstandings later. I want you to say what you would consider evidence now. So that when I provide that evidence you will not back track.

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Since I am determining what you will consider sufficient evidence why don't I skip the boring part and say what I said is self-evident truth.

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Axdigan waxaa ku cad in dal iyo dawlad la yidhaado Somalia (Soomaaliya) ay ugu danbeysey 30/06/1960, wixii ka danbeeyey waxaa dalka la odhan jirey Jamhuuriyadda Soomaali
eed (Somali Republic) ee ma aha Somalia ama Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya.

How many times lasoo celcelinaa tan? How many times been aan laga leexan lala soo shirtagaa?


Soomaaliya, as a name, as a noun did exist and it predates colonial gumeysidoonka. That author's very paragraph, which I quoted, especially at the bolded letter, proves my point.


Soomaalida as a community waa ummadda Soomaaliyeed, not ummadda Soomaali or Soomaaleed. It is against Soomaali language structure and its foundational grammar. If the community -- Soomaalida as a jaaliyad ahaan -- is called Soomaaliyeed, then our country is Soomaaliya.


Yes, there were not a formal organized nation-state pre-colonial Soomaaliya, it does not mean inay Soomaaliya as a name jirin.


Soomaaliya, as a noun, follows the grammatical structure of Cushitic languages, including afka Oromada, whose people call their occupied land Oromiya [or Oromia]. It was not influenced any foreigner, it was a local name ugu wacaan dhulkooda by Oromada. So is Soomaaliya by Soomaalida.[Taloow amee dhahaan haddana ereyga "Soomaalida's" suffix -- waa "da" ee -- Ingiriis ayaa alifay. :D ]


Some aanan maqli karin magac Soomaaliyeed iyo dalkeena suuban Soomaaliya ayaa rabo inay confusion ka bilaabaan meel aan jirin since aqoonsigee raadinayeen meel walba kasoo xirmatay, now lasoo shirtagaan inayba magaca Soomaaliyeed jiri jirin. They are purporting the very Soomaaliya name did not exist taking advantage of very few history ku saabsan dalkeena qoran, especially in Afsoomaali. Afsoomaali qoritaankiis only a few decades kasoo wareegatay. Naceyb ayaa gaarsiiye heerkaas, inay taariiqda ka been sheegaan, though.


Most articles from 19th century, pre-colonial times, one cannot find them online. Only few are scanned into online. Nevertheless, here is a screenshot image of a Scottish paper, dating 1868, long before Talyaaniga soo cag dhigay dalkeena, mentioning the word "Somalia":




The newspaper might or might not referring to Soomaaliya, but the word exists, same as Sansibaar it mentions.


It seems all this trouble loo maraayo, it seems again is to legitimate magacaas Ingiriiska alifay ee "Soomaalilaan," because si kale uma arko. Waxaa ka dhaadhacsan if the suffix in "Soomaalilaan" Ingiriis alifay, so Soomaaliya's suffix must be mid Talyaani alifay. Unfortunately for separatists, labada magac ma isku eko. Mid waa local, dadkooda aliftay, afkoodana ku jiro. Waa Soomaaliya. Kan kalena micneyn uma baahno, for it is wax aanan qarsaneen, umana baahno xaqiiq iyo dabaraacid.


Pure rubbishka naga yareeya, baliis.

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And if it was called Soomaali Republic, as it was indeed the case in the official papers, would this minor detail satisfy separatists goosasho doonka ah? Ma magaca Soomaaliya ayaa saas u dhibaayo? What will be next? Ereyga "Soomaaliyeed" since the 'y' letter ku jirto this too la dhibsado? redface.gif

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So we agree that Soomaaliya is the bigger one that includes NFD, Somali galbeed and Djibouti ?? ,,,, and the Somali republic is what was called after 1960's union between north and south ??



Then we're talking about the same thing ,,,,,

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:



The newspaper might or might not referring to Soomaaliya, but the word exists, same as Sansibaar it mentions.

Might or not but still a better attempt than the other self-proclaimed wadani. smile.gif


No-one said you have to limit yourself to what's available online to educate me, so feel free.


They are purporting the very Soomaaliya name did not exist taking advantage of very few history ku saabsan dalkeena qoran, especially in Afsoomaali. Afsoomaali qoritaankiis only a few decades kasoo wareegatay.

Since we know of not only names of old kingdom like "Adal" but also mythical names like "araweelo", illiteracy cannot be legitimate excuse for the difficulty to find the history of the noun "Somalia", can it? Ever wondered why the people who want political unification of Somali lands call it Soomaaliweyn? Just a thought ....

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