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Daqa'iqu'l-akhbar fi Dhikri'l-jannati wa'n-nar

By imam 'Amb ar-Rahim ibn Ahmed Al-Qadi, pp 125-6


There are 7 gardens:


***The first is the Abode of Majesty, and is of white pearl.***

***The second is the Abode of Peace and is of red ruby.***

***The third is the Abode of Shelter, and is of green chrysolite.***

***The fourth is the Garden of Immortality, and is of red and yellow coral.***

***The fifth is the Garden of Bliss, and is of white silver.***

***The sixth is the Garden of Firdaws, and it is of white pearl.***

***The eighth is the Abode of Rest, and it is of red gold, and it is the dome of all gardens, and it is raised over all other gardens. It has two gates, and the two leaves are of gold and silver. Between each of the two leaves is what is between the heavens and earth.

It is built of gold and silver bricks. Its mud is musk and its earth is amber and its straw is saffron.


Its castles are of pearl and its rooms are of ruby.

Its doors are of jewels, and it are rivers.


There is the River of Mercy which flows in all the gardens, and its pebbles are of pearls, with a white whiter than snow and sweeter than honey.


In it is the River of Kawther (Abundance) and it is the river of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAWS). Its trees are pearls and rubies.


In it is the River of Kafur (Camphor), and the River of Tasnim (Water coming from above) and the River of Salsabil (Easy to swallow) and the River of ar-Rahiq al-Maktum (Sealed Nectar).


Beyond that are special rivers whose number, flavour and texture is only known by Allah.

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A Description of Heaven



The Doors of Heaven


Hadith implies that the heaven has eight doors: Whoever performed a perfect ablution and recited shahadah then all the eight doors of the heaven are thrust open for himأ¢â‚¬â€œhe may enter from whichever door he likes. (Sahih Muslim).


The Prophet of Allah (SAW) has also told us:


When Ramadhan comes round, the doors of the skies are opened. Another tradition has it that the doors of the Heaven are opened and those of the Fire are closed (Sahih Bukhari).





Width of the Doors of Heaven


The Prophet of Allah (SAW) said:


By Him in whose hands my soul is, the distance between the two gate posts of paradise is like the distance between Makkah and Himyar or between Makkah and Basra (Bukhari).





Keys of Heaven


Indeed swords are the keys of heaven. (Ibn Abi Sheeba, Kitabul Jihad)





The Width of Heaven


Be you foremost (in seeking) forgiveness from your Lord, and a garden of Bliss the width of whereof is as the width of heaven and earth. (Al-Hadid: 21)


The Prophet of Allah (SAW) has described the width of heaven thus: Harithأ¢â‚¬â„¢s (RA) mother came to the Prophet (SAW), Harith had been martyred during the battle of Badr. She said: "O Prophet of Allah! You know how much I loved him. If his reward is heaven, than I will not cry but if not than you see what I will do before you." The Prophet of Allah (SAW) said: "Is that just one heaven? There are very many heavens and your son is in the best of them, Al-Firdous Al-Aala." (Sahih Bukhari)





The Width of Hundred Grades of Heaven and Sublimity of Firdaus


The Prophet of Allah (SAW) said:


Indeed, there are hundred grades of the Heaven and the distance between the two grades is as great as between the heaven and earth. Allah has prepared these grades for those who perform Jihad in the way of Allah. (Bukhari)


The Prophet of Allah (SAW) said of Firdous:


When you pray ask for Firdous, for it is in the middle of heaven and is higher in grade than the heaven and above Firdous is Allahأ¢â‚¬â„¢s throne, moreover the canals of heaven flow from Firdous. (Bukhari)





Land and Weather of Heaven


The Prophet of Allah (SAW) said:


"And then I was showed in the heaven, I saw there were camps made of pearls and the soil was of musk." (Bukhari)


The Qurأ¢â‚¬â„¢an says of the dwellers of the heaven: They will see there neither the sunأ¢â‚¬â„¢s (excessive heat) nor the moonأ¢â‚¬â„¢s excessive cold.





Trees in Heaven


The Prophet of Allah (SAW) said:


Indeed, there is a tree in heaven so big that if a person keeps riding on a brisk Madhamar (a specially bred horse) for a hundred years even then he would not reach the end of that tree. (Bukhari)





Each Tree is of Gold


Abu Huraira (RA) reported that the Prophet of Allah (SAW) said:


There is no tree in the heaven that does not have a trunk of gold. (Muslim)





A Tree That Will Manufacture Robes


There is a tree in the heaven, which will manufacture robes for the dwellers of the heaven. That tree is called Tuba.


A hadith has these words about this tree.


Tuba is a tree in the heaven, which spreads out as much as a distance that can be covered in a hundred years. Robes for the dwellers of the heaven will sprout from its buds.





How to Plant Trees in Heaven


The Prophet of Allah (SAW) said:


In the night of Isra when I met Ibrahim (AS) he said: O Muhammad (SAW) tell your people that the heaven has pure soil and sweet water but the land is bare. If they want to plant trees in the heaven, they should say Subhan Allah Al-Hamdulillah and Allah Akbar.





Quranic Names of Heaven


Jannatأ¢â‚¬â€œThis name has been used most commonly in the Qurأ¢â‚¬â„¢an and Hadith. (Al-Baqarah: 35, Al-e-Imran: 133, 142, Al-Maidah: 72)


Dar-us-Salamأ¢â‚¬â€œThis means the Home of Peace (Yunus: 25)


Jannat-ul-Khuldأ¢â‚¬â€œThe Eternal Gardens. (Al-Furqan: 15)


Darul-Maqamahأ¢â‚¬â€œThe Home (Fatir: 35)


Jannat-e-Adanأ¢â‚¬â€œGardens of Everlasting Bliss (Tauba: 72, Ar-Rad: 23)


Darul-Hywanأ¢â‚¬â€œBut verily the Home in the Hereafterأ¢â‚¬â€œthat is life indeed, if they but knew. (Al-Ankabut: 64)


Jannat-un-Naeemأ¢â‚¬â€œThe Gardens of Delight. (Al-Maida: 65 Yunus: 9 Al-Haj: 56)


Al-Maqam-al-Ameenأ¢â‚¬â€œThe House of Security (Ad-Dukhan: 51)


Jannat-ul-Mawaأ¢â‚¬â€œGarden of Abode (An-Najm: 15)


Maqad-as-Sidqأ¢â‚¬â€œAssembly of Truth (Al-Qawr: 55)


Qadam-as-Sidq-Assembly ofTruth (Al-Qawr:55).


Firdousأ¢â‚¬â€œThe Highest Gardens of the Heaven (Al-Kahaf: 107, Al-Muminoon: 11)





Scent of Heaven


According to Ahadith, the scent of the Heaven can be smelled from a distance of 70 years. (Sahih Al-Jame As-sagheer)





Mansions in Heaven


The Prophet of Allah (SAW) said:


Indeed, there will be a mansion made of pearls for a believer. It will be spread over an area of 60 miles, and in it will be the household of a believer who will visit them but they will not be able to see each other. (Bukhari)





No Sleep in Heaven


The Prophet of Allah (SAW) said:


Sleep is the sister of death and the dwellers of the heaven will not sleep (Silsalatul Ahadith)





The Bazaar of Heaven


It is reported on the authority of Anas bin Malik (RA): The Prophet of Allah (SAW) said:


Indeed, there is a bazaar in the heaven where the dwellers of the Heaven will come on every Friday. The northerly wind will spray scent on them and this will enhance their beauty. And when they will return to their homes, their households will say "By Allah, your beauty has enhanced." "So has yours," they will return the compliment. (Muslim)


In short, they will be overwhelmed by Allahأ¢â‚¬â„¢s favours.


And when you look, it is there you will see a bliss and a realm magnificent. (Ad-Dahr: 20)





Gibraeelأ¢â‚¬â„¢s (AS) Impression of Heaven


The Prophet of Allah (SAW) said:


When Allah Almighty created the heaven and the hell, He asked Jibraeel to go and take a look at what He has prepared for believers in the Heaven. Jibraeel went and had a look at what was there in the Heaven, and then he came back and expressed himself thus: By your dignity! Whoever will hear of this Heaven will certainly strive for it. Then it was said that the road to the heaven is littered with hardships, and Jibraeel was asked to take another look at the Heaven. He came back and said, "By your dignity I am afraid that nobody will be able to enter it. (Tirmizee)


This means that the heaven is such a magnificent place that whoever knew of it would certainly strive for it, but when Allah Almighty ordained that the Heaven lies in facing trials and tribulations, Gibraeel (AS) thought that nobody might be able to enter it.

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