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General Duke

Ina Shaaweeye becomes part of Banadir admin great welcome by the people: PICS

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Originally posted by The Duke:

Stop trying to be to clever dear lad. Somalia is not a unique place in the world. Every nation has and goes through these dark periods in their history and many have come out stronger, better with more hopeful societies.

Real clever!


Yes every nation goes through some disaster. But the *clever* thing is this, reconciliation governments work by holding the tyrants accountable for their actions. The even *cleverer* bit is this, if they don't these monsters worry about the day they might face justice, so they prey further on the countries, while perpetuating their power with tyranny and the country doesn't move forward.


Duke, this is what i don't get about you. You know what these people have done and continue to do, you also understand that they are are henchmen, and enforcers to keep the people in check. Why do you give them your support?


Supporting a reconciliation or a transitional government is very different to supporting tyrants, but its 'all and all' with you. Are you worried that the house of cards will crumble when you say no one tyrant?

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Waxan maqli jiray:


Dawladi ma reer baa,

Ma dukaan nin leeyaa,

Deen ma xoolahaagaa,

Daaca qurun ma dheregbaa.


Hadda inna Shaaweeye ma dhaxal buu ku helay jagada?

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Cano-Geel. Nothing clever or new about your stance, you seem to be living in an ideal world a utopia of your own making. Somalia today has a transitional governemtn elected governemnt, those who agree with supporting the system might survive those who come against it will not fare well.


As for trials and holding people accountable, thats for a future time when the system is strong and the courts are functioning. Now its the time to secure the land.


In south africa we had a truth and reconciliation conference, it worked. In Argentina former militiary men were tried after the peaceful takeover of the people.


I am for justice, but it must be universal, either we all forgive or we try everyone.


Saxib this house[somali TFG] is not built on cards. You will find that out soon.

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Originally posted by The Duke:

I have no idea, he is young and no doubt has the energy as well as Ideas that come with youth.


Good luck to him.

loooooooool...........Do you know him? Or have you ever heard of him before today? Just say this is some kind of Dhaxal or compensation for the family forget marmarsiiyaha iyo youth iyo waxaad la wareegeysey, cause the guy doorasho kuma soo bixin.

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