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Kismayo: YEY's nepotism scandal

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*************please don't post clan names on the forum again***********


[ May 17, 2007, 12:24 AM: Message edited by: Admin ]

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^^^ Don't worry, atheer. The reconciliation conference will take care of all of this. Anyone who is not of Yey's clan and has the nuts to show up with grievances (of nepotism, exclusion, occupation, etc...) will be quickly and quietly rendered to Ethiopia (then later to the CIA) as an "unlawful combatant". He or she will never be heard from again. And good riddance too.


How else can those who are left behind in the conference reconcile when you have whiners, losers, insurgents, terrorists, defeated lots and members of ignoble clans wanting a piece of the country for themselves. Do they not know that uncle Yey prostituted himself to the Ethiopians for 40 years? How dare they want to share the loot when they've not sacrificed anything? You try living in an Ethiopian gulag for 7 years making Injeera for a 6' 8" Ethiopian dude serving a life sentence. I still cringe at the thought. And they want to reconcile and share with us? Not while atheero is alive. :D

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war ileen inagaa wax aragnay mawaxaad rabat in reer gedo lasiiyo, Duqa magaalada and so on. Maclika nolol run ah ku nooloow Qiyaariga maskaxdaada ka saar.

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Abdullahi Yusuf malaha waxuu is yidhi wakhtigana waa 1964, ciidankana waa ka beeleedkaadu ee saad rabtid yeel? :D




Believe it or not Zenewi is looking for new friends. Abdulahi Yusuf was the only one of Somalia's former strongman who not only went to seek arms from him but was also willing to sell himself for political gain. Zenewi has all of all of former Somalia under his hands, some by force and others by proxy, and most of the former strongman are now more then ever opportunistic because they realize getting cozy with Zenewi entails political power. Zenewi is laying his aces down and you will hear soon his new favorite arise from amidst the competing hordes.


I am more then sure his next favorite will come from among the key holders of Mogadishu. Because the capital outweighs all in political weight, whomever is most likely to advance his policy of imperialism in the capital will be the final one to be granted a seat besides his own.


Abdulahi Yusuf is like his government; transitional in nature!


Zenewi is already showing signs of discarding Yusuf when he refused to militarily support Yusuf's clannish ambitions in Kismaayo. He understands Yusuf is a polarizing figure and in this critical time of, so to say, laying his aces down he does not want to polarize the one whom he will choose to solidify his victory over Somalia.


Mark my words, the climax to this saga has been reached and things will be exponentially decreasing for some...

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This is an edited version of Allamagan's post.


The administration Abdullahi Yusuf named for Kismaayo that forced the charade to be ended.


Of Puntland origins:


Ibrahim M Yusuf-Duqa Kismaayo

Max’ed N Gacmodheere)- K/X 2aad

Aden C Max’uud- Xog.D/Hoose

Axmed M Xasan-Ag. W.M

Ciise Max’ed Cali-Ag. W.Caafimadka

Cabdi Askar Mire-K/X W.Canshuuraha

Cabdi M Max’uud-Agaasime W. Samafalka

C/R Cabdi Yacquub-Khasnajiga D/Hoose

Axmed Geele Diiriye-Ag.K/X Fayadhawrka

Max’uud Cariif Caddow-Ag. K/X Gadidka

Xuseen Salaad Haaruun-Ag. K/X Kormerka

Khadar Axmed Cali-Xaafiiska Kormeerka

Aden *******-Hawlaha Guud


All others:


Cabdi Barre Cabdi-Ag. Arr. Bul "reer Gedo"

Faarax X Gardhuub-Ag.K/X Samafalka "reer Gedo"

C/R C. Ibraahim-Ag. W.Canshuuraha "reer Afmadow/Dhoobley"

A. Xasan Bundiid-W. Dhulka "reer Afmadow/Dhoobley"

Yusuf Sh. Cumar-Ag. W. Kormeerka "reer Jilib/Xaramka"

Max’ed Cilmi-Ag. W. Gaadidka "reer Fia Afmadow"

Cabdi Jaamac Cali-Xis.D/Hoose "reer Galdogob"

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^Allamagan, Dadkaan aad meesha ku soo qortay ee Puntland Kayimi Magaalada ayay u dhasheen.


Ragiinaan Geeljiraha ah (from Galguduud & Gedo)ee Maska cuno wax idiinyaale maleh ee maasha ka kuda. icon_razz.gif

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^^ you aint got the joke, Xafidow!


Jimcaalow, am already being generous with that numbers! xaasid ma ahi :D . Since you are ciyaal Kismayo how many of these men above in the list do you really know that they are from the city? 2 or 3? lets be honest brother!

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