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Khilaafka Cadde iyo Afqurac

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Khilaaf baa soo kala dhexgalay Cadde Muuse iyo Xasan Dahir Afqurac


"...Maxaa sababay in dib loo dhigo magacaabida Xukuumada Cusub ee sida wayn loogu dhag-taagayay ?


Sababta , ugu wayn ee dib ugu dhigay M/wayne Cadde Muuse ku dhawaaqida Xukuumadiisa Cusub oo uu horay u shaaciyay in uu si dhakhso ah uu uiclaaminayo , ayaa lagu sheegay khilaaf soo kala dhexgalay isaga iyo kuxigeenkiisa Xassan Daahir Af-qurac , kadib markii uu M/wayne Cadde la sheegay in uu Xassan Daahir ku eedeeyay , lunsasho , lacag dhan 74, Bilyan , oo SH.SO ah oo u dhiganta $5M.


Arrin kale:


"...Warar kale oo kuwaasi dhinac socda ayaa iyaguna ku sheegay in khilaafkani ka dhashay dhinaca Ilaalinta Baddaha, kadib markii ay soo baxeen warar sheegaya in Labada Shirkadood ee SOMCON iyo Al-Khayr lagu dhexdhexaadiyey qaab beeleed si ay uga wada hawlgalaan Ilaalinta Baddaha Puntland, aruumtan oo dhacday intii uu dalka dibada uga maqnaa Madaxweyne ku xigeenku."


Cadde realized ilmo Cali Taar had more weapons than him so, he thought, "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em." Now, ilmo Cali Taar are supposed to take their xaram share of gross misuse of public property with al-Kheyr Marines company to "safeguard" Puntland's waters (in reality, to sign deals with foreign ships to fish illegally and to dump toxic waste on Somalia's shores).


And after weeks of waiting, Cadde is once again too scared to name his Cabinet. I wonder why it took him this long, fully knowing that he was scheduled to visit his doctor in Europe again. But I'm sure his die-hard supporters here will come to his rescue, but only Allah SWT can rescue a shinking ship.


This poem describes Cadde's tenure in Puntland.


Wixii qabiil lagu dhisaa qabiil uun baa dumiya.

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